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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. You can call it socialist, communist, Marxist, zaoist, fascist, really whatever the heck you want to. Matters to me none (hint…..it’s not socialist) what you can’t call it is hypocritical unless you don’t understand the functions of the federal government which seems possible. There are things the Fed Gov is tasked with.,,,like emergency response, and other things thr Fed Gov has no damn business being involved with on State issues and that is what she is talking about. I was thinking you already understood this.
  2. It’s the same schtick we heard from the Left for 4 years during the Trump admin. Almost verbatim. Filidorski must have missed those.
  3. Posting in a Biden’s America thread is distracting from the four Republican threads
  4. Ummmm, I’m literally asking for due diligence and investigation INSTEAD OF IMMEDIATELY ARRESTING THE GUY WHO WAS INNOCENT. But it is interesting to see the “let everyone go” crowd, the “prisons are too populated so reduce sentences for these criminals” crowd, the “it’s just property” crowd, advocate for arresting innocent people. Strange, but interesting no the less.
  5. Don’t charge him with attempted murder then
  6. Oh I don’t know, arrest the man who committed the crime and not the one defending himself
  7. No, we’d hope to not have him charged with attempted murder and cuffed to a hospital bed.
  8. Ohhhh…..seems a bit different than the fiction Joe spun at the time. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/03/chinese-spy-balloon-gathered-intelligence-from-sensitive-us-military-sites-despite-us-efforts-to-block-it.html?__source=sharebar|twitter&par=sharebar
  9. It’s not, but appreciate the effort.
  10. They are probably thinking they were morons for rioting at the Capital if they got arrested for it.
  11. Emergency services is one of the pillars of what Federal Government is to provide for an individual state
  12. I can think of a way 10 yrs of it would have been funded at the rate stated above.
  13. Judge Luttig: Yes, it’s not my role to call for the indictment and prosecution of the former president — and I’ve studiously not done that. Yet later on……… and that he’s not prosecuted for January 6th, I will believe that that's a great disservice to democracy and to the rule of law in America that is kinda funny, no?? He’s not calling for prosecution yet says if a prosecution didn’t occur then it’s a great disservice.
  14. There is literally an entire thread of people saying anything and not waiting till trial on Trump “legal issues.” Why is this the one people can’t say anything about?
  15. It’s also a high school for another thing
  16. I often wonder if all the desperate people that are saying talking about Soros funding a takeover of the DA offices across the country is anti-Semitic, have they ever used the term Koch backed, Koch funded, Koch puppet,etc…….
  17. It actually would help the problem
  18. Election interference like this or do Biden Bro’s only believe in prosecuting a certain political point of view. BTW….if you are so stupid that you get fooled into thinking you can vote by text, you really may not deserve your franchise
  19. And iPads and iPhones and Starbucks and PS5’s and Cars, and medicine, and houses and……
  20. But hey, it’s throwing Granny off the cliff ads if you talk about it
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