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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Election interference like this or do Biden Bro’s only believe in prosecuting a certain political point of view. BTW….if you are so stupid that you get fooled into thinking you can vote by text, you really may not deserve your franchise
  2. And iPads and iPhones and Starbucks and PS5’s and Cars, and medicine, and houses and……
  3. But hey, it’s throwing Granny off the cliff ads if you talk about it
  4. Been reading about on that bill and it seems pretty scary on what some point unintended consequences of it may be. I’m not really looking for a digital version of the patriot act to be put into law just to get rid of TikTok.
  5. Did your neighbor wave back?
  6. She fits right in with The Lincoln Project.
  7. Democrat media personalities are trying really really really hard to make something thats true to be not true.
  8. rob Walgreens CVS or Walmart no worries, just don’t make certain memes or it’s possible 10yrs for you in Joe’s America.
  9. Welp, I guess she is now in the find out stage. congratulations to her on now understanding the law of unintended consequences.
  10. Thoughts and prayers go out to those in harms way from the storms today. Lots of families in danger from natures wrath.
  11. I would prefer science to maintain integrity also which is to say it’s crazy that men can all of a sudden be considered women and we have to accept that because they say so. Or vise versa based on the point you observed above. Males are males and females are females which we have just agreed is so, because of sciences integrity. If people want to call themselves something else then cool, it just doesn’t actually make it so, and society shouldn’t have to break norms (like gender based sports, bathrooms, etc) to satisfy them.
  12. Are you saying it based on "prove his innocence"? Yep
  13. I think the hard part of doing it with expenses is you just incentivize people to buy stuff on credit instead of paying cash so they could get the SS income that way if otherwise they didn’t qualify. Just something to think about.
  14. I’ve thought some about this also, though I definitely wouldn’t use your parents situation as an example imo. I don’t think that’s a high enough income to not give them the benefit they have paid decades into the system for. I do see some rational for means testing at the $20k a month level or higher. Really spitballing that number or how it would even work but your main point really is valid. Does a Bill Gates or even a person worth $20 million need to collect SS.
  15. One thing not mentioned in this is how do you grow the investment potential of the money that is already in the system and waiting to be paid out. The return on investment of the money being taken in is less than desired. Doing some changes you talk about could be fine or great, but at the same time let’s grow the value of the money already being put in while we’re at it.
  16. This tweet give you a quick glimpse at how the crazy left views the judicial system in this country
  17. Eh, just grab him when he transfers after freshmen season.
  18. I think you are confused with the future of the Democrat party 2018 FL Gov candidate who lost
  19. Honestly I think politicians are truly thinking about how these hearings and how they handle witnesses look for future campaigns and viral clips, then they get on whatever their chosen cable news program is. To play devils advocate a bit though, most of the witness’s in these hearings now a days don’t say squat and just try to poke around the edges with their answers, or “ don’t recall, to the best of my memory, can’t answer it’s an ongoing investigation, too classified” or just have so long winded answers that say nothing to take up the time limit of the questioner. This especially happens with Government witness’s. would love to get honest questions and people actually answer those questions.
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