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Everything posted by Lorewarn

  1. Then....what's the problem? BNBR's whole point was that this is a big problem and the Democrats need to fix it. So the only solution is to never run ads targeted towards or featuring minorities? Seems like another point of evidence that this is a Republican responsibility and not a Democratic one. Here's what the last day and a half of conversation in this thread seems like: Democrats: We have this policy which will really help <insert minority> who is struggling GOP: Look at these guys, white people! They don't care about you, only the brown and the black folks! Dems: White folks this will help you too. GOP: Look at these wellfare queens they're propping up, while you good red-blooded rural Americans are struggling. You're invisible to these coastal elites. Dems: They're lying. This is a good policy designed to help all sorts of less fortunate people. GOP: They want open borders and socialism and whites to be the minority Born N Bled Red: The fault here lies at the feet of the Democrats.
  2. For the record, I am also in the camp of having never seen any of these ads. The most I ever saw were the same 4-5 repeating in Georgia during the run-off election, all but one Republican fearmongering and the last being about how Warnock is a good member of the community. Other than that, I can't recall seeing any political ads outside of TLP twitter. Maybe that's why I'm so disconnected from the rural white voter - they still watch cable, and cable news at that
  3. There's nothing inherently wrong with rationalizing.
  4. Jon Stewart once again being the hero we need but don't deserve. He was recently shooting the s#!t with some of his (I believe) writing team on his podcast, and they started joking about the Harry Potter films and how the goblins that run the bank have more than zero resemblance to Jews. Here's that link: Then, ALL of the media jumped on to the, "Jon Stewart accuses J.K. Rowling of Anti-Semitism" narrative. But Jon wasn't having it, and issued a very strong rebuttal here:
  5. Just so we're all clear, "Flurona" isn't a real thing. This is wildly, incomprehensibly irresponsible of a news organization. It's two separate illnesses.
  6. Honest question - how much of the above would, at least in part, benefit from Biden's Build Back Better plan? Someone (I think you) brought up the New Deal under FDR a few pages back, which I thought was an interesting parallel. There can never be a modern version of the New Deal if people don't have the ears to hear. I'm from one of the many 10-20,000 population range towns in Nebraska. I have, my whole life, and even still when I come back to visit, witnessed plenty of examples of folks shooting the s#!t and referring to black folks and hispanic folks by racial slurs, and in the same sitting bought a beer for someone of that ethnic/racial identity who walked in to the establishment later on. It's a strange dynamic - the racism is very abstract and usually/hopefully fairly innocuous, but to pretend it's not there to some degree in almost everyone is a bit naive imo.
  7. Shouldn't the right-wing response to rural folks having a hard time being poor and not having access to good food be that those rural people should just move to the city?
  8. 100% serious everyone who is vaccinated, healthy and not part of an at-risk group should all be having chickenpox parties right now breathing on each other to all get it at once. Omicron is much less severe/lethal, insanely contagious and also has incredibly strong antibodies. We could burn this virus out in two weeks.
  9. Depending on how you perceive it, coming from a rougher less advantageous context is absolutely a benefit, or a privilege, that helps you to have an internal motivation to want it bad enough and more than the entitled superstar who expects success to be his by default.
  10. You might be right, but he didn't mention or make point of any of that. Would have done him well to combat the extremely obvious perception of him believing he was privileged with benefits the other students didn't have in a very straightforward reading of what he wrote. What you read isn't what he said. Unless you mean to imply that he is hinting that his classmates didn't take advantage of a good Christian upbringing, which... isn't anywhere in his op ed. Y'all are trying way too hard to make this a bootstraps story when his own narrative suggests otherwise.
  11. The person who might say that would be wrong, as that's not what the kid is saying. He says he has been "inoculated", which is passive language not active. He says he was provided a foundation, which is a focus on something given to him rather than something he's doing. He then says his peers aren't on such solid ground, ie, they haven't been given the same beneficial place to start from that he has. This is entirely the definition and language of privilege. You can sub out all the variables while keeping the spirit and it would convincingly read as a left-wing white guilt piece.
  12. His entire narrative rests on the idea that he is specially equipped to see the truth and to resist the temptations of woke culture because of the advantages given to him by his upbringing. Privilege seems like a dictionary definition perfect word to use for that.
  13. I'm not happy about the de facto NFL minor league state of college football, but if it's going to be this way it only makes sense that the players are able to look out for themselves and anyone holding that against them is a clown. I love the idea of amateur athletics, sacrificing for the team, being a part of something greater, etc. But it wasn't the players who ruined that notion - it was the NCAA, the athletic departments/schools, the media who dictates the landscape and the coaches. The players finally had enough when all of the other parties started seeking the almighty dollar above all else. You have Herbstreit and Desmond Howard whining about how players these days are entitled and don't care enough with opting out of the bowl games, while these guys are millionaires paid by ESPN, one of the sole agents responsible for the cheapening of the value and importance of these bowl games with their playoff masturbation marketing year round. Then you've got coaches like Dabo making over $8,000,000 per year while whining about how there's no focus on academics anymore. The spirit of college football is on its way to being ruined if it's not already there, but it was easy to see coming. I've always thought the real solutions to keeping it "pure" and healthy were to take money away, not to add more, but that's just not a feasible scenario in our country.
  14. You should dismiss anybody in the entire world who's whole point rests on how they alone can see clearly when all of their peers and everyone they compare themselves to are misguided fools. Especially when they then fail to see the irony in ascribing their unique wisdom that all the rest of the dummies don't have to having humility.
  15. I'd like to see one single example of someone saying this.
  16. That kid's op-ed is hilarious because his whole foundational argument is that he's better off than everyone else in his class because of being privileged.
  17. "I'm not saying what I said, but yeah to be frank I am for a third time saying what I said." That about sum it up?
  18. That's not accurate, the original post was concerning this retweet of that tweet:
  19. All I said was it doesn't help. Shameless, explicit (and condescending) pandering, not to issues or principles but to the brand of a cult of personality, used to be considered shameless and condescending before Trump shifted the Overton window. I think that's lame and Trump-influenced and Trump-esque across the board, certainly not exclusive to DeSantis but absolutely includes him.
  20. Last two nights have been some of the worst fevers I can remember. First night was freezing, tossing and turning and trying to stay warm. Last night was the opposite where no matter what I did I kept sweating and burning up - had to replace my bedding three times in the middle of the night because it was soaked in sweat yuck
  21. I didn't need to, @Huskinator announced it for me!
  22. Shooting guns is undeniably very, very fun. It's hard to argue against that.
  23. Well, I finally got the covid. On day 3 with a pretty rough fever, although so far today it seems to be much better than the last two. I was a few weeks away from recommended time to get the booster and got caught in a bad timing bad luck window over the holidays.
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