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Everything posted by GSG

  1. Yeah I wasn't really sold on the "flagrant" tag, but I think the main point was that these all happened in one game and the kid wasn't pulled aside by the refs and given a warning or anything. The video was on Yahoo and I just thought I'd share it with y'all. The kid says he just wants to be like his favorite player: Andrew Bynum
  2. Rivals says that both of the Dematha kids that went to Iowa last year were recruited by Darrell Wilson
  3. B-b-b-but they have Boy-Z State now!!!
  4. A co-worker of mine is a Stealers fan. He suggested that they put a microphone on Tebow and James Harrison so the fans could hear Harrison "put the fear of God in him."
  5. Just had a co-worker tell me that a guy in town here that has "insider connections" told him that Pelini's seat is extremely hot right now. It's not the on-field product, it's his interactions with the boosters and the press supposedly.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Excel


      ...its the only thing

    3. knapplc


      Tell him it's better to be pissed off than pissed on.

    4. Conga3


      You don't work with a USC graduate from Wisconsin do you? They tend to like to start trouble round here...

  6. not necessarily true, we have some guys leaving the team, i believe i have heard 3 guys, so we can go after a few more then we thought. This could be a result of missing on diggs but we are still in on Mcneill. Although this is a little depressing im hoping they saw something in this kid that they think can be developed over a few years in the system. Safe to say if we offer he jumps all over it, with basically no offer list. I trust Bo and Co in their evaluation of talent. I really hope they dont feel the need to fill the class, i would rather give the scholly to a senior walk on. Who's leaving?
  7. Does this kid still have an offer? He's not super fast, but he seems elusive. Maybe someone we could use in a situational aspect (if he puts on some weight), kind of like Oklahoma uses Bell? (FYI, I'm really bored today, so take it easy on my wandering mind )
  8. I just got a text saying that Michelle Beadle is pregnant. It's mine.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hoosker
    3. GSG


      Let's just say that I'm pretty good at climbing trees and opening windows. Plus I have a good supply of "Forget-Me-Nows"

    4. Excel


      That's it GSG, we're through, this is the last straw.

  9. For some reason, the music on the Deadspin version really cracks me up: http://deadspin.com/5872523/yep-it-looks-like-a-wisconsin-assistant-coach-ate-a-booger-at-the-rose-bowl
  10. And they mystery of why you can't find a girlfriend continues. I tried watching some "chick flicks" while I was on vacation, in hopes of gaining some understanding of women. The only thing I learned is that women are all insane.
  11. Everything would be fine if we back to not letting the women drive But seriously, some of my friends text and drive and I have to chew their asses all time. If it's something that important, I'm sure the person will call and for that, there are some pretty cheap headset options out there if you think you ABSOLUTELY have to be on the phone while driving.
  12. Hey A-Hole that is my game day dedication. For the record nothing but Wang Chung Tonight. The whole game long. Go back through the "What are you listening to right now?" thread. I posted it first!!
  13. It's only 11 here. I'm definitely winning the Mountain Time Zone Divison
  14. Gingerman: vanilla vodka, Frangelico, Butter shots, ginger beer and a dash of cinnamon. It's girly, but it's mostly booze. It's leftovers from drinks I made while we had family over for Christmas
  15. SEC is 1-1 Miss St won, Vandy lost
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