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zoogs last won the day on July 29 2017

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  1. What is Aleppo?

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    2. HuskerInLostWages


      Gary Johnson This morning, I began my day by setting aside any doubt that I’m human. Yes, I understand the dynamics of the Syrian conflict -- I talk about them every day. But hit with “What about Aleppo?”, I immediately was thinking about an acronym, not the Syrian conflict. I blanked. It happens, and it will happen again during the course of this campaign.


      Can I name every city in Syria? No. Should I have identified Aleppo? Yes. Do I understand its significance?...

    3. HuskerInLostWages




      As Governor, there were many things I didn’t know off the top of my head. But I succeeded by surrounding myself with the right people, getting to the bottom of important issues, and making principled decisions. It worked. That is what a President must do.


      That would begin, clearly, with daily security briefings that, to me, will be fundamental to the job of being President.

    4. zoogs


      Yes, he gave as sweet an apology as he could have under the circumstances, but in every follow-up has only continued to reveal his lack of depth on a topic for which he should have been completely prepared.


      It's fine for a layman. It's fine for an ex-governor rock climber. It's fine for a casual political commentator. But it's not a mere brain fart or a simple gaffe. It's a revealing one.


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