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Everything posted by admo

  1. buy herself a cigar and hire Monica Lewinsky with the idea that she could.......
  2. I thought it was VOODOO. I like it.
  3. He threw his elbow in Ginobli's face, and he got busted for having a stupid momment. His comments are the sounds of a sour sport. This game does not owe him anything. Jackson's premier comment is debatable.
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I swear I saw the speed limit from York to Lincoln showing 75mph. I thought that was pretty impressive when I drove out to Omaha last year.
  5. Yah man, I totally agree with what that. Nicely said.
  6. I saw the highlights on ESPN as well. Scott Van Pelt (ESPN - who is hilarious) said afterwards in a very concerned tone "yet another close and heartbraking loss for the Huskers against a Longhorn team". Or something to that effect.
  7. Yah man, me too. *Bump* BNR-We're still thinking about you brother.
  8. Happy Birthday!!! Hope it's a good one!!!
  9. Huskers' represent! Good job Blackshirts!!!
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Get a big a$$ steak man, a T-bone, ribeye, sirloin, baked potato, salad, and plenty of beer and celebrate with the friends and women you love! Enjoy your day!
  11. TX Rangers!!! Great stadium, cold beer, the weather is hot... and so are the women. It's actually a cool place to take a date for 3 or 4 innings (night games). But if you want to actually watch the whole game, take your buddies during dollar hot dog night. Someone will always get sick!
  12. "Hey Hogan, here comes Rowdy Roddy Piper and Jesse the Body Ventura. Let's get them in the ring one more time and....
  13. I remeber the Big Mac... when he hit 70 homeruns and beat Sosa out for the record. Oh wait, wrong Big Mac. The Big Mac burger was a joke. It might have been huge in the 80's, but the two patties together equal the size of an average burger at Jack-in-Box, Whataburger, etc., etc.. Or so it seems.
  14. Holycow! Damn bro, you find anything out yet? Prayers to you are your fam. Hope you are with her right now and getting her back home safe!!!
  15. Nothing much to look into. Considering he hasn't thrown a pass as a Husker. The list has him as the 8th QB mentioned, and third in conference. So the media that covered him before (hopefully) have some expectations of him to succeed this year. Hope he does. We shall see.
  16. Interesting article. I'm not going to look to much into it.
  17. Right on! Enjoy your R&R brotha Rob!!! And as a Texas based Husker - thanks!
  18. I stopped following the recruiting process after the Marlon Lucky class. I dont even take a peak. That way, when I hear (or read a post) about someone who will be good when they get the chance... I know it's not based on what they are doing on the "Husker" field, but what the scouts think of them for what they did in HS. Yah man, I missed the thrill and the hype and excitement of the recruiting process at first, then eventually got over it. I like not knowing the expectations of the JC transfers and HS recruits. Totally takes out the bias flava.
  19. Welcome to the board! Leon has the speed and the potential to do well there. I hope he does well. You have a good back!
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