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Everything posted by RedDenver

  1. It makes a certain amount of sense except that there should be a sunset or time limit clause IMO. Something like you can only carry it forward for 10 years.
  2. Somebody can correct me, but I think the Green New Deal addresses all of these plus climate change.
  3. off the top of my head: climate change, deregulating banking before the Great Recession, and enacting ineffective banking regulation afterwards On the politics side, under her leadership the Dems lost over 1000 seats across the country and saw the worst state of the party in 100 years.
  4. Watch Bernie on the Fox News townhall. IMO he's going to be much, much better going against the right than any of the "centrist" candidates like Pete or Beto.
  5. Maybe Pelosi has been around long enough that we can say her ideas and politics aren't working. And if the Dems split then the Repubs will have the Presidency for the foreseeable future because of the 270 electors required.
  6. No matter which Dem makes it into office, we'll have tons of acrimony - just look at the Obama years. This idea that one of these candidates is going to magically bring the Repubs into the land of reasonable discourse is just nonsense. Pete, Beto, Biden, etc. who keep saying flowery stuff about unity and continue to have no policy plans are just going to give us more of the same hope without change that we've had for decades. On a side note, I've been coming to the realization that it doesn't matter all that much who the President is. What we really need is a complete overhaul of Congress, especially the Senate. I don't know how realistic it is for the Dems to take control of both houses, but I'd MUCH rather have control of Congress and let Trump remain in office.
  7. Hannity doesn't do news or journalism, he does opinion and editorials. In fact, Hannity has even said he's not a journalist: 'I'm not a journalist!': Hannity defends himself from claims he's a Trump trumpeter Plus Hannity is hardly a non-partisan, non-biased source: Hannity joins Trump on stage despite claiming he wouldn’t But if you trust Hannity, it explains why you've been repeating the Trump rhetoric.
  8. Can you point out a piece of fake evidence?
  9. The report does indeed speak for itself and that isn't what it says. But I appreciate your honesty in acknowledging you don't want to have a logical or factual discussion.
  10. I did, I am, and I will. Care to venture into the land of logic and facts and discuss the report?
  11. Your inability to comment on the facts is noted.
  12. I'm surprised Kathleen Kennedy is still in charge of Star Wars. While I mostly agree with you, TLJ still has some internal inconsistencies like the theme of no good and no evil throughout the movie that's suddenly abandoned at the end. Wisecrack does a good job of explaining what I mean:
  13. +1 for working haberdasher into a football discussion
  14. TLJ failed because it was completely out of place as episode 8 in a 9 episode arch about the Skywalkers. Rian Johnson and Disney Co. wrote an interesting story that didn't fit at all with the characters that had been established over 7 previous movies and decades of pop culture. Plus ridiculous gaffes like Leia Poppins and pointless fetch quests don't help.
  15. I'm laughing at the giant middle finger JJ would be extending towards Rian Johnson and TLJ.
  16. Actually, Republicans did contribute to the ACA. Set the health care record straight: Republicans helped craft Obamacare
  17. I doubt he's still running by the end of the summer let alone when the primaries happen months later. There's not really a point as the RNC has gone all-in on Trump and aren't even going to hold primaries in some states.
  18. I notice Joe keeps avoiding talking about the campaign promises Trump has reneged on after he earlier claim Trump hadn't reneged on a single one.
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