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Everything posted by RedDenver


    1. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      Well, if you're going to injure your groin, I suppose that is the best way to do it. :thumbs

  2. Driving a 2005 Accord. Want to replace with a Tesla but will probably replace with a Nissan Leaf someday.
  3. But you're complaining about the guy not getting charged with an abortion charge, which isn't at all the same as what you're wanting in this post.
  4. So your point is that committing other crimes like assault somehow means abortion should be illegal? Or are you somehow thinking that making abortion illegal will be a deterrent to assaults and murders?
  5. I linked to the car manufacturers going from 3+ million cars in 1941 to basically none (139 over the next 3 years). You said we can't change that fast, but I've just shown an example that we did indeed change that fast, so it's not only possible but it's already been done. Now whether we should or will do that for climate change is a different issue, but we can do it if we so choose. As for your questions, they don't really matter for whether we institute a Green New Deal. Plus you're conflating things we do currently with things that we've done in the past, but I'll give you my personal answers: Do you drive a car? Yes, but I also walk or ride a bike when I can. Plus I try to live close to where I work (I was actually working from home for several years) and generally try to reduce transportation. Although I do fly about once or twice a year when there isn't a practical alternative. And I've worked out that swapping my current Honda Accord for an electric vehicle won't save as much in greenhouse gases as waiting for the Accord to die. Do you recycle EVERYTHING that can be recycled? Yes, but I much prefer to reuse. For example, we get milk in glass containers that can be washed and reused, and we save other glass containers for our own reuse rather than recycling them. Do you leave lights on? No, but it's a constant battle to get the kids to turn them off. The next two questions don't matter as it's not what we've done but what we're doing now and what we'll do in the future that matters. We can't change the past. Ever smoke? Ever use aquanet (I did, I had some sweet feathered looks back in the day)
  6. But it's easier to change a ICE car plant to an electric car plant than convert a tuna canning factory to a bullet making factory. And you might want to read about the war production for WW2:
  7. Change can be fast or slow. The entire US economy changed to war production in the first few months of 1942. It's about whether we have the will to make a change that fast or not.
  8. First, the only thing that got dropped was the "abortion" charge, not any murder charge. But it still doesn't make any sense as the law still requires a legal practitioner to perform the abortion and that the abortion can only be done to protect a patient's life or health. So this is still against the law in NY. Not to mention the guy is still being charged with murder of the woman.
  9. AOC did an interview with NPR about the GND: https://www.npr.org/2019/02/07/691997301/rep-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-releases-green-new-deal-outline (EDIT: I can't figure out how to link the audio interview directly, but you can directly play it from the linked webpage.)
  10. Sorry, I didn't mean to attack you - I thought those were the words coming from the article.
  11. Middle and poor classes haven't had a real wage increase in decades. Couple that with rising healthcare costs, student loan debt, and the effects of the Great Recession, and it may not take a recession for people to start embracing big government again. (Or maybe government-for-the-people is a more friendly term.)
  12. Also, if Trump and/or the Repubs run on anti-socialism, it'll be interesting to see if it actually works as they've been crying wolf on socialism for many years now. Spending 8+ years decrying Obama as a socialist (he's not at all) may have eroded the effectiveness of that attack.
  13. What? Those aren't mutually exclusive. They aren't even the same kinds of things.
  14. Has a D1 coach ever been fired between Signing Day and the start of spring practice?
  15. Now that's a great setup for a "Hold my beer" moment.
  16. Impossible Beef is quite frankly amazing! Tastes just like a real hamburger. But it only works for ground beef and not other beef like steaks or ribs.
  17. We have paid extra on our mortgage. At first it was working fine, but then Wells Fargo bought out our mortgage and tried that same nonsense about paying future interest. We got an attorney and they agree to apply it to our principle because that's what was included in the mortgage docs we had signed. But the only reason it worked out for us is because we could afford to pay for an attorney. F$%^ Wells Fargo.
  18. Yep, snopes already debunked this one: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/1998-trump-people-quote/
  19. I've mentioned this in another thread, but where is the fertilizer for agriculture going to come from? It currently comes from natural gas. If we really want a green economy, we're going to have to mimic the natural eco system and find ways to make our inputs and our outputs match up. The most obvious way is to use the animals we're raising for meat to also produce the fertilizer as they have been doing for millennia. There were an estimated 60-80 million buffalo in North America before we killed them off, so it seems like we should be able to have a similar number of cows and be sustainable.
  20. I haven't said anyone should be forced into a worker coop. I agree that we should try out worker coops and see how they work.
  21. I think a work place that is run by democratic means is more ethical than one run by an owner or group of owners. Not because the owners are necessarily unethical or bad in any way, but because it allows self-determination and a means to address issues in the workplace. If we really value democracy, then why wouldn't we have it where adults spend most of their waking lives?
  22. I've responded in the abortion thread.
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