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Status Updates posted by HuskerNBigD

  1. At least if we're going to suck, Riley needs to own it. He sounds so patsy in his post game, have some sort of fire man.

    1. NoLongerN


      Ya, as much as the previous coach's anger and tone could bother me ... you've got to show some frustration. Very vanilla for losing and the way we are losing.

  2. As a Rangers fan, never thought I could hate a team more than STL. Toronto just topped em.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HuskerNBigD


      Nothing like throwing beer cans and hitting babies, guess they're just following in their mayor's footsteps.

    3. MLB 51

      MLB 51

      Haha I forgot about that. I was really hoping the Rangers would close them out. I hate Toronto.

    4. StPaulHusker


      Just out of curiosity, as a Rangers fan why do you hate STL so much?

  3. I think it should be mandatory that we play "let me clear my throat" at every game. I think the blue hairs were getting into it.

    1. ZRod


      YES!!! This x1000! They did for awhole season to start the 4th quarter 2011 I think, and then just stopped... Students love it!

    2. Landlord


      They ruined it in 2011 by changing the BPM and having the band do the intro - just do it right, at normal speed, and people will start getting turnt.

  4. Does someone want to start a, "Let us Pray" thread? I don't think the proper one is proper enough.

    1. Redux


      It's easier to get mad that not everyone thinks it sounds same.

  5. Fighting Larry Browns in a lot of trouble...

    1. Mavric


      Cheating Larry Browns, you mean?

    2. ColoradoHusk


      Has LB ever not cheated at a college?

  6. Alex Lewis is a piece of steaming dog crap

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 4skers89


      What he did was definitely busche league and is NOT what Nebraska football is about.

    3. Lux


      Shut your whore mouth

    4. HuskerNBigD


      ^ take off the blinders, my man.

  7. Now that's just horrible play calling!!!!

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