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Everything posted by knapplc

  1. According to Sagarin's latest standings, we're playing the eighth-toughest schedule this year. We're also ranked 133rd. So it goes.
  2. We have a completely unproven manager in Erstad. I don't care how great he was in the majors, he's never coached anywhere at any level. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm not expecting anything from this team.
  3. Yep. Mostly Barf was just tossing out names. Very little research or thought went into the "candidates" portion, it seems. But it's what happens when you have a coach on the outs. You speculate who's going to replace him.
  4. Another of these Daniel Davie sunshine-pumper threads. Great.
  5. Of course I see these AFTER Valentine's Day is over. I would totally have gotten one of these if I knew they existed.
  6. Todd does seem to be pretty much irrelevant to the show. Tyler dominates conversation, asks the better questions, and overall drives the conversation better. I had totally forgotten about Donny Dodge. When did he leave the show? I didn't listen to them for about ten years, and only started up again recently because of Evans.
  7. Yes, it is. And it's not going unnoticed, for the record.
  8. The most glaring example of Republican obstructionism is their unprecedented number of filibusters against Obama's judicial appointees. Through the first two years of Obama's presidency he lagged far behind both Bush II and Clinton in appointments - not because he wasn't making any appointments, and not because there weren't any appointments to make, but because the Republican party simply blocked the appointments. At one point they had blocked nearly half, and I don't know where we sit today. Obama is being painted by the Republicans as some radical president, but the reality is that his views are largely moderate, and even Reagan-esque. It's just that the GOP has skewed so crazily to the right, and the Tea Party has tipped it even farther, that anything left of their position seems, to them, radically liberal. So they block it. Over and over and over and over.
  9. I knew that Foppa lived in New Zealand, but I did not know that bshirt lived in China. Bizarre. I should resurrect the proximity thread and see where that puts you two.
  10. Only about 24 hours left in the final polls of the 2012 Starting Lineup.

  11. Which part, zoogs? Don't ask that question (whatever your question is) thinking that I have a good grasp of statistics. I don't. If I'm wrong in any part of that statement it will be terribly unshocking.
  12. The answer is, "The Dems have no agenda." Isn't it? What the heck have they done the last several years?
  13. Probably never, because you don't need a prescription to buy them now. Or are you going with the "the insurance company will thus pick up a portion of the cost" angle on that question?
  14. That poll had a +/- margin of error of 3%, meaning (I believe) that the question was statistically worthless, since one would expect a totally random response to garner 50% of the answers. Isn't that correct?
  15. To all of you, from the Huskers. They love you.
  16. I've been listening to TNT lately, mostly because they rarely go to commercial, and I can typically listen to a segment all the way on my drive to work. I hate commercials, so this is a big deal for me. My opinion, T&T are just OK. The best thing about their show is Craig Evans. I'd listen to him talk about the news all morning and they could just can T&T. I really hate their Husker-bashing, although I don't remember hearing them do it for a while now. Maybe I just don't listen closely enough to what they say. As far as music goes, both stations are half crap. I bounce around between 92.3, 92.9, 93.8, 104.1, 101.9, 107.3, 105.3 and 104.5 trying to find something that's worth listening to. Between commercials and the garbage they usually play on all of these stations, it's tough. Many time I just turn off the radio.
  17. Little-known fact - Shawn Watson moonlights as the Stormtrooper on the left.
  18. Q: What is funnier than Loius vs. Rick?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. knapplc
    3. GSG


      Is it SFW?

    4. knapplc


      Yes. But I can't read it at work. Laughing too loudly disrupts things.

  19. I think this has everything to do with TO liking Doc. I also think Bo's buyout has nothing to do with rumors of TO and Bo not getting along.
  20. I made my wife a heart chain out of construction paper and staples. I'm cooking dinner tonight - ravioli, salad, wine and brie. All this is because of this Adriana Lima commercial, which I consider to be a binding contract on behalf of all women for men:
  21. It's a dreary old issue, one that I'm not happy to dredge up again. Hence my tone. My apologies - it wasn't necessary to display my reticence like that.
  22. Sorry about that. I just realized that you couldn't vote if you didn't give a card, so I changed the middle poll. You can delete your vote and do it again if you want.
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