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Guy Chamberlin

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Everything posted by Guy Chamberlin

  1. I mean, not to be a snarky doom and gloom kinda poster, but doesn't this mean the bar for Frost was historically low, making it much easier to meet or exceed expectations? As I understand it, the trajectory for Nebraska has already been adjusted in a direction that's not up, due to his fourth team being really young and the schedule being really tough.
  2. Well maybe if someone had paid them enough money, they would have given the the conclusions they needed!
  3. Hadn't read that before. Thanks. Looks like the study is most notable for being inconclusive. It cannot conclude that new gun laws would lower gun fatalities, or that the defensive use of guns outweighs the accidental deaths and suicides from having guns in the home. So it did not give gun control advocates the uhm....smoking gun they wanted. But it did not disprove the concerns either, while confirming it was a legitimate public health issue. The one thing everyone in the study agreed on is that the subject deserves more study. The fact that it failed to fulfill a political role is a pretty good endorsement for the independence of the research authors.
  4. I think most people who are demanding some way to slow or ban the purchase of certain weapons are talking about mental illness issue at the same time. It's like walking and chewing gum -- I'm almost certain we can do both. The telling problem is that when Obama wanted to conduct a study on gun deaths -- modeled after an earlier study on automotive deaths -- the NRA and its congresspeople prevented its funding. Nobody was talking about banning cars, or under the illusion car fatalities could be ended, just that working out solutions with the cooperation of automakers, road builders and others could save thousands of American lives each year. And by gosh, they did. Bet you don't even remember your freedoms being infringed. Could have been the same with guns. But guns are now a zero sum game. It's not about freedom and protection, and it quit being about hunting ages ago. It's a fetish, a paranoid fantasy, and a political litmus test. Remember the huge run on guns and ammunition when Obama was elected? Good times.
  5. And imagine if the people who think they're analyzing the facts actually read the articles in question and understood what per capita means.
  6. According to Key & Peele, DiCaprio Bootle is a lock to make the NFL.
  7. When "Chicago" comes up, it's usually not a path you want to go down.
  8. There were pretty self-evident super-spreader events in the earliest days of the pandemic, traced to full stadium soccer games in Italy and Mexico, Mardi Gras in New Orleans, the CES Show in Las Vegas and a medical conference in Boston. A well-vaccinated population will get us back on track pretty soon, but the cautions up to this point aren't unfounded. I mean, we do have 550,000 dead people, even if some of us only know 2 of them personally. The Spring Game is a great place to work out a lot of kinks, and fans in the stands would be one of them.
  9. Osborne's numbers would take a bit of a hit if you include bowl games, especially in that upper tier.
  10. I don't recall us having a better quarterback who was pushed out of the way in order to start Taylor Martinez, Tommy Armstrong, or Adrian Martinez as freshmen, or the younger quarterback who deserved to take their place in subsequent seasons. I do remember us bringing in a more veteran hand to steady the ship while grooming the younger QBs, but we never talk about the Tanner Lee and Sam Keller years. In the classic mold, Luke McCaffrey got two years as an understudy and many of us wanted him to push Adrian out. Now we're relieved our future isn't in Luke's hands. I think you want a stable of quarterbacks who are constantly pushing each other, but it's not so crowded that they know they'll never stand a chance. The new reality is that one of those guys in the stable is going to bolt if they're not starting, and I don't see that changing.
  11. Wonder why he excluded bowl games, which would come at the end of the season and are designed to create the best possible match-ups. They're also the games that create the only final rankings that matter.
  12. You won't know at first. You'll just be going about your life, assuming you live in the greatest democracy in the world. Then perhaps you'll find the church basement you've voted in for years has been shut down. And the next closest location is actually pretty far away. And you don't have a car, because I've taken it away to prove my point. And because yours isn't the only polling location shut down in white Republican strongholds, the line to vote takes hours. You're not used to this level of disrespect, so you and your neighbors start acting out, yelling at the cops and singing old Maroon 5 songs in protest. Some of you get arrested. Some get tired of this s#!t and go home. But none of you are under any illusion that you weren't singled out as white Republican voters and hassled by the Democrats who control your state in the hopes you won't vote. You might finally get up to the registrar and present your ID, but it's not the RIGHT ID. This year we required a more voter-specific ID in order to combat fraud. A letter was sent to your house that clearly spelled that out, although it looked like junk mail, and in fact was vaguely worded. That was me. But being you, you persevered and got your ballot in. Good for you. But a bunch of us think your newly elected President Dan Crenshaw is a danger to our self-interests, and despite our losing the popular vote, the electoral college, and 62 challenges of voter fraud, me and my lady friend Alexandria Ocasio Cortez have activated all our friends in the Democratically controlled states and the proud patriots of Antifa to simply negate the results. I'm not saying we suppressed you because you were white, it's because you're in the enemy party. Being white just made you easy to track.
  13. I guess I'll trust his numbers, but he has Bob Devaney down for only two Tier One victories in his Husker career, and it's a stone cold fact Devaney had three in 1971 alone.
  14. Fair enough. I will find out where you live and try to make that as difficult as possible.
  15. It actually does help to realize that there are other blueblood programs with supposedly all the advantages we don't have, who fall into mediocrity or worse and take a while to climb out. Alabama, Clemson, and Oklahoma had long stints of irrelevance sandwiched between greatness. Ohio State is the only program I can think of that never got down for long in my lifetime. And if we're getting statistical about it, Nebraska's stretch from 2002 until 2017 wasn't that bad as troughs go. The last four seasons really are the first time we've hit bottom. Even the law of physics says we get better soon.
  16. So please join us in fighting against voter suppression wherever you find it, be it Fulton County or the many other examples provided.
  17. No you don't. So is "Fulton County" the new "Chicago!" when you want to avoid the more pertinent and evidence based argument?
  18. Look closer. The discussion is actually how much "you" have wrong on the subject. And you only have you to blame for that.
  19. I'm all for the scrutiny given Neera Tanden, and her withdrawal suggests neither BIden nor fellow Dems were going to the mat on behalf of her gender and ethnic inclusion. Looks like Gupta has earned some scrutiny as well. Maybe it will force her out, or perhaps spur some action to support livable wagers in other countries, but the damage is to Gupta, not the movement to raise the minimum wage. Still, you gotta admit it's adorable that a rightwing judicial lobbying group is clutching its pearls about someone's father making a fortune by applying their own pro-business values. Hypocrisy is funny that way.
  20. So now it's the people suppressing their own vote. Lovely. Seriously. You're not reading any of these links, are you. But sorta to your point, I think we need to congratulate the people who did in fact research the voting options, advised people of the barriers being put in their way, and helped people to turn out in record numbers to reclaim the Presidency and Senate. People still have some power. For now. And that's what clearly pisses off your team. Not (necessarily) racially related but relevant: 17 GOP controlled states sought to over-turn the 2020 election results based on zero evidence, and two have initiated a process where the state legislature can override its own voters. So maybe voter suppression is a moot point if you're in a position to ignore the voters and evidence regardless. These are your people. What they're doing may technically be legal, given a manipulation of the law, but I can't think of an argument where it's not horribly un-ethical and un-American at the core.
  21. No s#!t. That's why everyone is connecting the dots for you. It's why I provided links. It's why others show you stories with simple words and big pictures. You can have as many cross references as you like. But you don't like. So this is over.
  22. So the answer is no. There is no amount of evidence that will convince you voter suppression is an active and multi-faceted strategy across the GOP, even if a Republican electoral strategist explains it to your face. Funny how the folks bemoaning cancel culture and grievance politics don't seem to mind shutting down polling sites in Black, Latino, and college heavy precincts.
  23. Why is this so hard for you? Other than your profound desire not to believe it?
  24. Didn't the statement from Bill Moos directly confirm that "our administration did explore the possibility?" and give its reasoning? Pretty odd for anyone to claim a rogue operation when the AD just said it wasn't. The statement is fuzzy on when the Administration stopped exploring the possibility: before or after the leak. It's already blowing over after less than a week. But that's definitely a ding to future credibility.
  25. So if any or all of us flood this thread with myriad examples, including the aforementioned admissions by Republicans that voter suppression is a huge part of their strategy, will you quit pretending that this is about how easy it is to get an ID? My guess is "no" since we've already been around that block a few times, but let's try again: https://news.berkeley.edu/2020/09/29/stacking-the-deck-how-the-gop-works-to-suppress-minority-voting/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/02/texas-polling-sites-closures-voting https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-locations/southern-u-s-states-have-closed-1200-polling-places-in-recent-years-rights-group-idUSKCN1VV09J You can keep telling yourself this isn't wrong and un-American, but it is. Weird that you think "this might be different in California" It is, but not in the way you think.
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