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Everything posted by macroboy

  1. cmb23= right on both points. The idea we shouldn't say what we want on an internet board because a player might be reading is weak. If you are a player reading this go do your homework!!! and block better in the run game! and call your mother once in a while, she misses you! and quit losing your reciever in coverage! and that hotty giving you the eye in your first class is dangerous, watch out!! and cut down on the penalties! and tackle better! and stay out of trouble! and GBR!!!!
  2. wow oldman, wow. Speechless. Wouldn't getting rid of college players be a pretty classless thing to do? This is college ball, you don't just "fire" people. You teach them, coach them, mentor them. Education and growth, college. Get it? We were a 7-5 team in august and we still are a 7-5 team. (that could be 6-6 and maybe 8-4). I'm baffled by the all or nothing analysis that the huskerboard experts provide. After watching KU- ISU this weekend I thought "hmmmm ISU will be tougher than I thought".....and then I thought "hmmmm we might have a shot at KU"....and then I thought "changing what I think of either team based on 1 game is probably kind of foolish.
  3. 2 things I liked "Damn yeah I'm embarassed! I'm not used to losing!" "I've never quit anything in my life!!" Is a coaches PC after an ass kicking supposed to give you goose bumps?
  4. Yeah, I'm baffled by the O as well. I'm trying to stay away from calling for coaches heads but Watson and Cotton aren't what I consider strengths on our staff right now.
  5. You realize you mention their punter not seeing the feild and then blame the offense. Our 10th ranked offense put up all of 6 points against this team last year as well. Last year;s O had lots of garbage time #'s. There are lots of problems but we knew that going in. Didn't we?
  6. I agree with the fork in the road but I do think that this year's team has better leadership. Part of this is the coaching staff. Ganz and Swift calling people out will be supported and resolved by the staff, or by the unity council, or by the players themselves, and it could (should) bring about positive change. After last night's performance players need to be holding each other accountable.
  7. If Chase was a Husker we'd love him. I think it is possible for OU- MU to be #1 v #2 in the B12 Champ game.
  8. I gotta say, after reading the negativity on these boards that I'm a little baffled. Can I ask- Who did some of you think we are? We are a team that went 5-7 last year and quit in a bunch of games. A team with a new staff, lacking depth. I've been saying MU was gonna hang 60 on us for weeks. Is it what I wanted to happen? NO Was it easy to watch? NO Am I disappointed? YES- I do start drinking the kool-aid at some point around Thursday. Some of the overwhelming negativity, the calling for jobs, the doom and gloom projections. WTF?? We are a 7-5, maybe 6-6 (and maybe 8-4?!) football team. Although the Callahan quit started to resurface a little last night, I like watching this team better than last years team. I'm frustrated too but what did some of you think was gonna happen last night? We have some good victories and some really big a$$ kickings coming this year. It's painful but I think it was obvious going into the season. Chillax and cheer for your team!! Its in the middle of a coaching and culture change. I still lthink this season will be way more fun than last year.
  9. Our offense is disappointing, especially the line but its early to be calling for coaching changes. At least wait til after the season.
  10. Did anybody see him come off the field yelling at coaches in the 2nd half. I think we were in a 3rd and forever and ran a play designed to get very little. I understand the frustration but at some point, when your getting your a$$es kicked. Why not go for broke? I think the Joe Ganz we saw last year is Joe Ganz. Making things happen with his feet, hitting good throws....and then a pick that leaves you scratching your head. I also agree that when playing Mizzou, an offense feels like it has to score everytime they have the ball. Especially with our D. Our O-line sucks!
  11. Agreed. Although I too am frustrated with Cotton and Watson (or at least I'm frustrated with the performance of their players).
  12. I got a little of this going on. The problem for me is that I let these things effect me too much. When we get beat I get kind of pissy, even when I think we were gonna get beat going in. I've had to realize that this stuff really has nothing to do with my life. When the corn loses I still have the same job, bills, family, joys, stresses, and even better- they'll play again next week. Last week I was upset and emotionally drained by the VaTech game and then I got on here and started reading the Husker on husker warfare and somehow I realized I wasn't really that upset and I was going to be OK.
  13. yep. They really are 2 different things.
  14. OU Oregon doesn't even belong in that list. That DID cost OU the game. BYU Washington anyone? I was just getting ready to say the same thing. BYU- Washington was a screwgy!!
  15. I have to agree 100% with you on that. Reminded me of last years USC game.... (and we all know how that turned out)... I told one of my buddies the minute I saw it that we were screwed. Yes- looked ridiculous No- had nothing to do with the game.
  16. The pendulum swings....from kool-aid drinking Big 12 champs.........to wrist cutting 2 more wins........... Yes, we'll win more than 2 more games.
  17. watching husker fans rip into each other after a loss. Good night all!
  18. I too think we will drop one we should win but I think Bo will get an upset win in his first year. I'm staying with 7-5. I do think this team will get better every week.
  19. Agreed. What stings is that we played pretty poorly, but fought our way back in. Our D made the play they needed to get us the ball back and a very close call took it away. We played a really bad first half but we fought our way back in. I'm disappointed but I'm proud of the effort. I do believe this team will get better each week and I couldn't say that last year. I also have to say that if I was coach I probably would've been flagged there as well.
  20. I gotta agree with most all of this. Asante is killing us. Our O-line is weak!! WTF?!! I do think I have moved to the Helu camp as a runner. I still think Lucky will play on Sundays as a 3rd down back but he just doesn't seem to get it going. Our secondary is really bad but I really like our D-line. I can't help but feel that if Cody Glenn had 3 or 4 years as an LB he would be really special. People are gonna get on Bo for the penalty but if I were coach I'd have been up that officials @$$ and then some. Last years team would've folded like a cheap tent. I'm disappointed, but I am proud of the effort and physical play of the defense.
  21. Asante completely missed that block on the punt!! So far we've played pretty bad and we're only donw 12-10 GBR!!! BTW- Georgia in their black unis are taken a serious beating. Maybe that will kill the talk around here for a while!
  22. I think we should have a black uniform. Sorry, all uniform threads must eventually die with the suggestion of a black jersey.
  23. I was just thinking the other night about how sweet it would be to see the SEC and Big 12 in a bracket tourney!
  24. Do you really think that athletes get the same treatment as the rest of us? My in laws are cops and they talk all the time about acquitals where they are very certain that the person was guilty. I guess I'm not sure what your point is here. I guess you have to put me in the group of people that think AC was guilty and got away with it. As far as his being pput back on the team, it is inconsistent with what happened to the D-lineman. TO is a legend but he is human. I'm sure he cares deeply about his players and it could have distorted his judgment. I think the chance to win an NC with Lawrence Phillips did as well. There is a good chance I would have made the same decision but I don't know that I think it was the right one. Ethical and Illegal are different so the whole "We followed blah , blah, blah NCAA code of conduct" stuff doesn't do much for me. This is the kind of stuff we love to condemn other programs (like Colorado) for.
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