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Everything posted by default_28

  1. Can we please stop putting Nebraska as an option in these polls? It’s upsetting LP1.
  2. Tommie Frazier Zdeno Chara Clint Dempsey Lance Armstrong Shawn Michaels The prominent player on my three passionate fandoms when I became a fan of them (Nebraska football, Ottawa Senators, Fulham). Lance got me into cycling and I still watch it religiously. And HBK because I enjoy a good Royal Rumble.
  3. Former walkons Chris Walker, AJ Forbes and Garrett Hustedt are headed to the FCS championship with Montana. Walker and Forbes are starters on the o-line and Hustedt plays a lot on the d-line. They decided to drop down a couple levels in competition and are now dominating. There’s a lot of FCS caliber talent in Nebraska.
  4. Also, the Pinto punishment and the Dadonov punishment are quite harsh. To get hit with two over the top sanctions in one week sucks. I dislike Gary Bettman very much. That is all.
  5. As a Sens fan, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a season like this one. The amount of absolute ridiculousness surrounding this team is crazy. From new ownership to Pinto to losing a first round pick to firing the GM, it’s one thing after another. I hope the drama is over and the boys can just play hockey for a while.
  6. They do look improved, but they have no depth. Once the injuries start happening, they’ll struggle.
  7. I’ve always heard that dinner was the highest calorie meal of the day. In the city most people had that in the evening when they could all eat together after working outside the home. In rural areas the family ate all meals together and farm work being very taxing, they had the big meal in the middle of the day. Now says it doesn’t really matter but the habit of calling the noon meal dinner is still common in rural areas.
  8. Good for him, as a TE, Iowa is good place to go if you want to get to the NFL.
  9. I didn’t see this posted anywhere yet, but sorry if I missed it. Former Husker and Hall of Famer Bob Brown passed away at 81.
  10. Hockey is the ultimate ‘I hate that guy, unless he’s on my team then I live that guy’ sport. Every team has a goon or at least a heel of some sort. But you hate them on the other team. example: I’m a Sens fan so I like Brady Tkachuk. He’s the captain and he doesn’t let other teams push the Sens around. But I can’t stand Brendan Gallagher, Michael Bunting, Brad Marchand, Corey Perry and to a lesser degree Matthew Tkachuk. Does Brady play differently than the other guys on the list? He’s actually talented unlike Gallagher, but otherwise, no, he’s the same type of player. He crosses the line sometimes but mostly plays right up to the line. however, if any of those guys ended up in Ottawa, I’d probably root for them if they helped the team.
  11. Reasons he will fail: 1. I cheer for the Nebraska Cornhuskers, and for some reason I’m not allowed to have nice things. All the teams I cheer for have been bad for a long time. Sorry everyone, this is all my fault.
  12. Any recommendations for a Husker podcast? I’m not interested in interviews, more news and analysis.
  13. I was under the impression that any football player that received a scholarship, whether it was a “track” scholarship or an academic scholarship or whatever, still counted towards the 85. Is that not the case any more?
  14. Brett McMurphy is reporting that the B1G is likely to drop the P5 scheduling requirement. I don’t know if this will effect any of the P5 games that are already on the schedule for the next 10 years but something to keep an eye on.
  15. Aves can’t overcome the injuries and get sent packing by the Kraken. Lightning, Avalanche, Bruins are all out so it should be pretty wide open. The Vegas-Edmonton series should be a good one.
  16. His preoccupation with Nebraska was a strange theme in the documentary for sure. If there was any rival coach I would think he’d have respected, I’d think that Osborne would be it. Instead he came across jealous and insecure.
  17. At least he wears socks. I can’t get behind people that wear shoes without socks.
  18. A lot of good series right now. I hope that several go seven games.
  19. They seem like a team that can flip a switch at any point.
  20. Wasn’t Matt Leinart famously only taking one class (ball room dancing) his last year at USC?
  21. Sorry @GSG that your Pens wet the bed. I will be cheering for any team playing the Bruins in the playoffs unless the Leafs face them in the second round. I don’t really like any of the Eastern conference options as a neutral. Will be cheering for the Kraken in the west as they haven’t been around long enough for me to gain a distaste for them.
  22. Those Notre Dame jerseys are pretty cool. Have they worn those before? I haven’t seen them before.
  23. As someone who lives in Montana, I’m Rooting for this guy. Hope he gets an offer.
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