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Everything posted by funhusker

  1. This isn’t in response to @DevoHusker but just wanted to point out that some folks are going to “virtue signal” with a write in vote (hopefully I used that term correctly. As it stands today, The next POTUS will either be Biden, Trump, or RFKJ.
  2. Good to see that my last statement wasn't all true.
  3. Republicans don’t want “smaller government”. They want just the right size of government needed to give them control of it. They’d be happy with a king if it were on their side.
  4. Well, the answer to question 2 is answered by the fact that you give American voters way too much credit in question 1. Americans are extremely dumb, and most of the dumb ones are proud of it.
  5. I think most agree with you. And most agree the best way to go about that is to leave those "coin flip" situation to the people involved: the family and the doctor. It's okay to say "pro-choice". It would make this all so much easier to handle if we stopped electing "pro-life" candidates that won't allow any grey area of "choice".
  6. I think I’d rather be a prostitute though, if I’m giving up my morality. Sex sounds more fun.
  7. So you believe there should be some room for choice when necessary?
  8. How exclusionary!!!! He doesn't even say anything about the other religions that don't celebrate Easter. How horrible is this guy?@!???
  9. There is a very wise quote about “not arguing with idiots…” There is zero reason to seemingly legitimize her reputation as a valid source of information.
  10. The county has increased the value of my home 150% over the past 10 years. I’d sell it today if I could afford another house!
  11. Evidence that we are returning to normal from 2020 chaos?
  12. Agree 100% It’s why I have zero problems with Biden, or any POTUS, declaring a day to recognize people’s contributions who have been seen as “unequal” by many people in our society . Isn’t it crazy that the folks who started this social media uproar are also generally the same people that claim transsexuals are abominations and that they often deserve ridicule? Spend time with your family and thank your lucky stars that they are welcomed enough walking down the street that normal folks don’t feel the need to point out their importance to haters.
  13. Easter: the day that American Christians forget that their faith is based on an innocent Palestinian killed by the local govt to keep the locals “in line”.
  14. It’s dumb! I’m only saying this out loud because this is an anonymous poster board. I tell people at work I go about once a month. if the place was open year round, it would go out of business. People only like it (put up with it) because it’s only open for like 5 months.
  15. This is blasphemy, but Dairy Chef is not worth waiting in line for 45 freaking minutes! The food sucks.
  16. No kidding! My wife thinks I’m an a$$ because all I want for Fathers Day is just to be left alone….
  17. This is something I can get behind. Gotta give the man credit when credit is due. Good on you Gov Desantis and Florida. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/25/tech/florida-social-media-law-age/index.html
  18. The average temps in Omaha of March are 51/29. With the exception of the several days or so, it's actually been above average. The last few days seem so cold because it was in the 70's two weeks ago!
  19. The “red flag center” is designed to actually help states enforce their own red flag laws. God forbid we try to actually make govt more effective and give communities the resources they need. “Through the Center and its newly launched website, states, local governments, law enforcement, prosecutors, attorneys, judges, clinicians, victim service providers, and behavioral health and other social service providers will have direct access to critical information that will enhance their ability to reduce firearm homicides and suicides. The website will be maintained and updated to include newly developed resources for the field created through the Center, in partnership with BJA. The website also provides a platform for the Center to highlight emerging and promising practices in successful ERPO implementation and connect states and localities to innovative strategies to reduce gun violence and save lives. As of this month, 21 states and the District of Columbia have enacted ERPO laws. Successful and effective ERPO implementation requires a comprehensive and holistic approach that incorporates a wide range of stakeholders. The Center is designed to provide resources consistent with that need.” https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-launches-national-extreme-risk-protection-order-resource-center
  20. I remember when people use to say gun violence was because of mental health.
  21. “Every suicidal person should be allowed to possess guns…” That sounds ridiculous because it is.
  22. Now the question we all want to ask: what kind of mixed emotions is @teachercd feeling? This is like "ham-a$$" and those damn "*ussian commies" duking it out...
  23. I think Dec/Jan is going to be ugly no matter who wins… There are going to be sizable groups of people on either side that will take the results as an attack on the fabric of the United States. Im not worried of Trump taking over. But it disgusts me to even consider the country I love electing such a trash human to such a distinguished position. It grossed me out in 2016, and even more so now!
  24. A simple “thanks” is good enough…
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