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Status Replies posted by HANC

  1. Now accepting name suggestions for my unborn twin boys

    1. HANC


      LOL....some of the young ones on board will need a tv lesson with the Darryl and Darryl reference.  Classic

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  2. Now accepting name suggestions for my unborn twin boys

    1. HANC


      How about going with the all time greatest cinema masterpiece theme and name them Harry and Lloyd.  Best tandem ever.  Don't know you personally, but I would sign up to be Godparent.

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  3. Tommie Fraziahhhh seems a little salty on the Frost hire....

    1. HANC


      Great player.  Maybe All-Time great and was snubbed Heisman trophy.  Biggest joke yet.  BUT, he isn't a great person.  Wasn't a great teammate.  Was a horrible coach, whom most of his players didn't like, and it is too bad because if he was likable, he would have the opportunity to be very busy in the public eye on radio,tv, etc like most Husker greats.  Shut up Tommie !

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. Burfict just got LTFO! Pretty sure he was knocked out cold. Gonna get carted off on board. Hope for life he is fine, but you gotta think with his history people are just looking to do this to him. 

    1. HANC


      I am a coach, so there is ZERO way that happens on my HS team.  With that said, this is the NFL, were a TON of crap happens that wouldn't fly on most HS teams.  They get paid millions of $$$$ to put on a "show" while they play the game.  Burfict is probably the most dirty player in the recent past, and even had "baited" LB into a personal foul early.  It is like punching the neighborhood bully in the mouth and then telling him to stay off our block.  In any other circumstance, I agree, but after everything Brufict has done, with the EMOTION of this rivalry, not upset at JuJu ( we are not on a first name basis, still just confused by his last name).

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Burfict just got LTFO! Pretty sure he was knocked out cold. Gonna get carted off on board. Hope for life he is fine, but you gotta think with his history people are just looking to do this to him. 

    1. HANC


      I am a Steelers fan, so I dislike the entire AFC North, but Burfict is a punk beyond punks.  He is a DYNAMITE player !  I honestly hope that he isn't hurt for any amount of time !  Let's get that clear, that this is just a game!  With that said, I am glad that he got rocked.  I also don't mind that the rookie stood over him a second.  JuJu didn't realize he needs a cart, or he wouldn't have done that.  But, not knowing he needed a cart, it was nice to see a rookie WR level him and then talk a bit to let him know that intimidation isn't a factor in this rivalry.  Glad he was ok, but hope we rock him again (injury free) next time.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Is anyone else "torn" about NU BB? At one point, I am ready to get a fresh start, seeing same old results last 4 years. In the next breath, I see a very young team that battles and battles, so I think give Tim another year. When I think that, I feel as if I am setting myself up to feel the same thing next year. Friggin Groundhog Day all over.

    1. HANC


      I am only torn at the thought of 1 more year. If next year isn't different, then GONE. I am torn between even if he should get another year?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  7. Is anyone else "torn" about NU BB? At one point, I am ready to get a fresh start, seeing same old results last 4 years. In the next breath, I see a very young team that battles and battles, so I think give Tim another year. When I think that, I feel as if I am setting myself up to feel the same thing next year. Friggin Groundhog Day all over.

    1. HANC


      Wow, you guys aren't helping, bc I agree with each reply. If and only if, you make a change, then you better open up the pocketbook and get big time name with pedigree. Quit trying to be a "stepping stone" program with so-called up and comers. For instance, if Holberg is fired from Bulls, open pocketbook. (not unrealistic, some reporters have discussed the idea). Still torn !

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  8. How Baylor continues to have a football program is mind-boggling.

    1. HANC


      Ha. Leaving them in the Big 12 is a Death Penalty.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  9. How Baylor continues to have a football program is mind-boggling.

    1. HANC


      If a program EVER deserved the so-called "death penalty", it would be this program right now. Sexual misconducts exceeding 50+ in new report , now prostitution stings. Complete lack of institutional control !! They need to get hit hard !

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. If you were a big time booster and inclined to "help the program" how would you go about your cheating?

    1. HANC


      I would somehow over recruit 5* players with some fishing actions, have the #1 recruiting class 7 years in a row, be ranked #1 95% of the time......wait.....crap, someone already stole my idea

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. B+

    1. HANC


      That is very fair ! I thought the staff closed well on Daniels, Blades, and kept Thomas. Needed to add one more WR and missed on that difference maker OL.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Who is left... Blades, Onyemaobi, Calvin? Can we get 2 out of 3 ? Any others I forgot or any surprises?

    1. HANC


      I will take it. If we land 1 of the CB, this class will be pretty darn good

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Bama at it again. "Rivals250 DE Jarez Parks planned to announce his commitment at his high school on National Signing Day, but through tears, said he will be waiting until later in the day because Alabama may not have enough scholarships." (Source:Yahoo)

    1. HANC


      Get him on the phone. It is spelled LINCOLN

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Not a bad day gang.

    1. HANC


      I am happy with Daniels and Thomas. This was area of huge need. Now, I am not satisfied. We need Blades, and would 'like" to have Calvin too

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. Not a bad day gang.

    1. HANC


      I am happy with Daniels and Thomas. This was area of huge need. Now, I am not satisfied. We need Blades, and would 'like" to have Calvin too

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  16. Word is we won't finish in top 25 recruiting. Sigh

    1. HANC


      With Thomas, we should stick in top 25, especially if we add Blades.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  17. Word is we won't finish in top 25 recruiting. Sigh

    1. HANC


      Word from who? That would mean no Calvin, Thomas and no new surprises. Which may be the case. Lose those 2 and even if you get Blades, probably 25-30? Oh well..take what you have and BUILD A TEAM. Called coaching

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  18. Electric smoker, yea or nay?

    1. HANC


      Wood pellet grill. Yes, grill and smoke and "happy medium" which can cook whole chicken in 2 hrs which turns out better than smoke IMO. NO, it is not as quick as gas grill. Takes about 10 to warm up, and cooks traditional steak in about 15-20 minutes. No open flame to worry about flare ups though !

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  19. Electric smoker, yea or nay?

    1. HANC


      Trigger !!! A little pricey at first, but you will get your monies worth. I have had mine for 8 years and use it year round. Grill, smoke, etc...ready to get a new one.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  20. Lock: Tim Miles' team will continue to surprise us.

    1. HANC


      Does losing actually surprise anyone anymore? His teams live the same song and dance every year for the past 3-4. Upset 2, lose a few close, win a few close, finish .500 or below...home at tourney time

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. We need to start a thread where people post about the last time they were not totally offended by something they saw, heard or read.

    1. HANC


      It offends me when people want to start new threads about being offended. ha

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  22. Do you think any of the defensive recruits might be let go with the switch to the 3-4?

    1. HANC


      Absolutely. I just think he is pretty good guy and would hate to lose him. I didn't say he was leaving, nor predicted it, just made a statement.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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