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nillie welson

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Everything posted by nillie welson

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Iowa is the most pathetic state in the Union. Their leading export is METH. Iowa State, have fun contracting all your sports teams... nobody wants you. Go become UNO's rival in D2 wrestling...until UNO moves up a division and leaves your pathetic school behind.
  2. I can, but that's besides the point. People aren't making this out to be life or death, they're making it out to be possible missed playing time or other punishment that is detrimental to the team. You take that, and you also take him representing the team and the university, and it is no laughing matter, regardless of how common it is. This Mod lives in a glass house... watch out! Location: Vatican City? People need to get a life. He wasn't driving. He's going to run stairs and be forced to do extra lifting. The End. He's twenty and he got caught pissing outside. This isn't an Andy Christensen-like event. He pee'd outside. It's hilarious how bent out of shape people get over an ARBITRARY drinking age. You can fight for your country and vote for the prez, but you can't drink alcohol... hmm sounds a little strange. I don't fret over stuff that isn't important. Like this. Last year, the driving under the influence was a serious offense. This is a "just be smarter" talk from BO to Niles. Nothing more, nothing less.
  3. Who cares? I don't. He wasn't driving (then I would care) so make him run some stairs (lots of them) and move on.
  4. wait why are we talking about the patch on the uniform of a video game Same reason we're asking somebody to post the entire Athlon preview. It's the offseason and its only May Zing!
  5. I would have voted for you, but it was blatantly obvious that you are the candidate. A little honesty goes a long way, sorry for your hardship. Hmm... not sure what to make of the reply, BUT a human in need is brethren indeed. May good graces come their way.
  6. Agreed. And from the stories I've heard about his Lincoln trouble, there may have been many of us that "with some drink in the system" would have over reacted and stuck up for a friend. We're talking about a missy charge of disorderly conduct. You can get that charge by yelling outside late at night and not stopping when asked to be quiet... And it was described as a scuffle. I bet he'll get a very stern warning (and rightfully so) and some Community Service type work from Roger. So many negative nancy's...A K A Al Franken's.
  7. As a life-long Husker fan and Lions fan (hard to admit I know) - I think this is cool as penguin sh!t.... GO SUH, GBR, and finally my lions have something to hang a hat on!!!
  8. Not trying to dredge up the past, but I remember the last year of the Cosgrove regime and thinking to myself that Dillard appeared to be the only passionate player on the field...couple that with his resurrection last year and I'm a HUGE Phil fan. GO PHIL!! Best of luck and go knock a Cowboy's head off!!!!
  9. Don't simply presume that I know nothing about Ernie Chambers. I know quite a bit about him; I would be surprised if anyone in this thread knows more. I'm speaking from a position of knowledge, and I am not wrong in my assessment. that's a thought ending cliche, just to claim you know more about chambers than anyone else, and then say that you are right by the authority you have bestowed upon yourself. i did not claim any authority on your knowledge of chambers. what i was responding to was your claim that he is racist. he is not racist and i would be surprised if anyone knew more about race relations than me. i am speaking from a position of knowledge, and i am not wrong in my assessment. also, i never simply presume, that is why i don't presume chambers is a racist. OK, let's put it this way. Of the two of us, one of us has a badge and works in the discrimination field. If that's not you, then you're beginning to get the point. Oh, here comes the power trip...
  10. I think the exact opposite - Callahan is still up there and we know Lucky is good receiver out of the backfield... not saying he will make it but he has a shot because of the history there. Also, GO LUCKY and DO IT!!!
  11. Take it as a compliment... I doubt that comment is made if you know who is the coach. GO BO!!
  12. I know this is a childish, irrational emotion, but --- I hate the BIG 10!!!!!! Man I hope I don't have to start watching Big 10 teams for our conference schedule... Minnesota. Iowa. Michigan State. Boredom University.
  13. Why would you be offended? Seriously, in addition to Ernie Chambers being an idiot, this COMMENT (not you personally) is sort of out of left-field... We really need to toughen up as a country if this is offensive material - stupid and pointless, yes. Agree on the comments about Ernie - he's an intelligent man with a very stupid filter on his mouth... Oh nevermind...this comment came from the "Intelligent Design" state... it all makes sense now.
  14. Why would you be offended? Seriously, in addition to Ernie Chambers being an idiot, this COMMENT (not you personally) is sort of out of left-field... We really need to toughen up as a country if this is offensive material - stupid and pointless, yes. Agree on the comments about Ernie - he's an intelligent man with a very stupid filter on his mouth...
  15. Spread - to open to a fuller extent. The spread is a concept of putting people on "islands", meaning use the whole field and get playmakers in one-on-one situations more frequently. You can run from the spread AND you can pass from the spread. Spread - an adjective to describe formations... in my opinion. Roast away...
  16. Is there a huskerboard tailgate lot - if not we'll need to whip something up on the fly!
  17. Martinez or Green. Reasons being Martinez is from a big state with lots of competition. The coaches seem to think he's catching on pretty quick. Green because otherwise a whole lot of us in this state will have to eat our crow (myself included from his recruiting days)... Still wouldn't surprise me that much to see Lee have a really solid year for two reasons: 1. should be healthy 2. ganz was really high on lee prior to last season. Not saying that ganz is a pro scout, but he did see day-to-day so maybe more weight should be given to the injury than I/we have given it. In all truth, I just want someone to be ready... doesn't sound like much but then last year happened! And - see all of you at the spring game this weekend!!! HOORAY!!! GO BIG RED!!!! GO BIG RED!!! Come pregame with Nillie and the Fam before the game!!
  18. Charlie Weis? Man, if Charlie Weiss became our OC I would really have a hard time rooting for our offense... no front butt's in Nebraska please!
  19. Not favoritism! Sometimes, good players get buried. That's the nature of the game. If Callahan really played favorites, BJax wouldn't have gotten his shot as a junior. We had a four-back stable that year and Jackson emerged to take charge because he proved his worth, even though he was coming back from some injuries and being mostly invisible to Husker fans. Now we want to go back and claim Callahan played favorites with Lucky? How? Lucky had his shot that year, and couldn't hang onto it and Callahan went with Jackson instead. Cory Ross (right before BJax if I remember) was pretty darn good, too. I think Jackson and Helu are pretty different styles. I love watching Helu but I would hardly mind a back like Jackson either. I think I'll go with Helu just because he's more recent in memory. Listen to player interviews about the Callahan era and how people got to see the field... from their mouths (or mouthes?.
  20. Cory Ross is probably the best back before B-Jax. Good point, I absent-mindedly forgot about lil old Bowling Ball himself!
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