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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. True...if I ever coach college ball I can only pray that you are my AD! You do stick to your guns! I admire that!
  2. I am a bit shocked they are going to score in the mid 20's this first half.
  3. Maybe Coach Miles can lock himself out of the locker room.
  4. These announcers are great...Danny D is very very good. But, I think he rubs a lot of people the wrong way cause he is brutally honest and sometimes brutally wrong about what he thought he saw.
  5. About 10 years...it was Matta or Weber for the Illini job...UGGGGGGG!!!!
  6. I kind of posted this in one of the BBALL threads, but, after 3 seasons who looked "better" Bo or Miles? I guess we have to assume that Miles will finish right at .500 this year.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Minnesota_husker


      Very different situations they went in to. No question in my mind the Huskers are better off with Miles than Bo. Miles has changed the whole dynamic of the Huskers and had an almost empty cupboard..

    3. mrandyk


      Bo, but only because the NCAA Tourney bid is pretty much forgotten at this point. Season 2 for Miles tops the 2000s for football.

    4. teachercd


      Was it Bo's 3rd season when they beat Zona?

  7. Also, you are 100% wrong on this. These are perfect examples of the opposite actually. These are things a coach cannot control. He can try but these things are on the players. A coach can bench a player who is not bringing these things to the game, and I think Miles is trying everything he can before he ends somebody's playing time. I know we like to think a coach is responsible for everything, but those things you listed can't possibly be on Miles. These are pretty much grown men you're talking about. Nobody controls your effort, attitude, or tenacity throughout your everyday life, nobody but you. Why would you expect a coach to control those things from five, six, or seven 19-22 year old kids? The effort is on those young men, Miles is clearly doing what he can to show them they need to step up. Hence, the topic of the thread. Did you blame Bo when we put forth a terrible effort or looked uninterested? It's not a dichotomy - it doesn't have to be - an is definitely not - 100% on the players or 100% on the coaches. Everyone needs to do better and can try different things. To state otherwise is not accepting reality. Bo had 7 years; Miles has had 2 1/2 years. At the beginning, I supported Bo 100% and it was time for him to move on. Both walked into a mess. Is Miles the answer? I do not know, but I am just saying Miles needs time to build and the future looks promising. You kind of bring up something that could be interesting...after 3 full seasons (which I know Miles has not yet had) who looked "better" Bo or Tim
  8. Online Applications suck...Can't we just send in a resume anymore? Stupid HR!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ColoradoHusk


      the worst is when you upload your resume and then have to make 1000 corrections to their online application because it doesn't transfer the data correctly

    3. teachercd


      Minny: YES! HR people are so lame and worthless! I am sure it takes sooooo much effort to shoot out an email!

    4. darkhorse85


      I just upload a sweet pic of my dong. Still waiting on a call back.

  9. Online Applications...soooooo annoying!

  10. Some want to blame the coach for everything...others feel like nothing is the coaches fault. Yep...It is the "Same as it ever was" (Who can name the band?) just like the first few years when Bo started...
  11. It could be the loss of that asst. coach. I don't know
  12. I 100% get what you are saying...but isn't "I think if we start hitting shots" the same as "If we start completing more passes" isn't "We take too many threes" the same as "We go deep too many times"
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. jsneb83


      Omaha, Lincoln, and Overland Park for me.

    3. Street Novelist

      Street Novelist

      Jesus, it picked Oakland for me. Does this website have a tracking device? How the hell could they have determined that just by abstract questions?

    4. ZRod


      It's not abstract. If you read the clip below it's from samples all over the nation. Basically it's taking your dialect and giving you a general area of where that is spoken.

  13. The object of the game is to score. If you make all your shots, you'll win. So, in that sense, yes. But you act like there isn't anything else that can be tried or the coaches can do to help get better shots that will go in the hoop more. We've been 300+ in the nation in assists every year Miles has been here. We were #178, #147 and #71 the three years before he got here. Colorado State was #74, #59 and #138 the three years before Miles got there. They were #161, #212, #255, #256 and #262 while he was the coach. They've been #139, #158 and #41 since he left. It's more than fair to question how good he is at coming up with an offense that gets his guys in a position to get good shots. Good lord...are you Magnum PI? I know why people are arguing about it...I just don't know WHY they are arguing about it! It is so clear that there is a pattern.
  14. What about on defense? How many did they give up a game last year compared to this year? That might tell more?
  15. This is the bossest post that has ever been posted! #Boss Basically...as the stats show almost everything is the same and almost the entire team is the same... Soooooooo...What happened? The other coaches in the league have adjusted and schemed...
  16. I was surprised that he kind of complained about this as well. It's not hard to figure out that almost any team is going to draw more fouls - and, thus, more free throws - than our team that stands around the outside and bombs threes. In that same regard, a packed-in zone defense is going to foul far less than an aggressive man-to-man. It is not rocket science. You have to find a way to beat the zone then. It's not rocket science that people get fouled less often shooting jumpers as opposed to driving to the rim. Exactly... You can't build your offense around jump-shooting if you have crappy shooters...that is coaching 101
  17. This is what excites me! Most of us want to believe that the turnovers were a product of the coaching staff...with a new, better, more experienced staff those turnover issues should be gone...which means more wins. Same with flags...most of us feel that was on the staff...with a new, better, more experienced staff those flags should decline...which means more wins! I see a very good season...11 wins!
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