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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. @Nebfanatic Is Tito's super popular all over? Is it now the vodka of choice?
  2. This weird idea that if you don't have kids you are miserable... I don't get it at all.
  3. This is why when I signed my last teaching/coaching contract in March I made sure it was only for 399,999 dollars. Didn't want to get f#&%ed over with the taxes.
  4. Iowa has basically had 25 crappy seasons but for some reason Husker fans keep thinking Iowa has good seasons. They don't. Their entire season depended on if they played 3 teams... Wisconsin BLOWS. They are reverting back, in FB and BB, to what they were 30 years ago
  5. Sure seems like it...hopefully the idiot hardcore D's that forced JB to quit can hold it together for a few months...but I am sure they will turn on her once she is elected.
  6. I think she gets a HUGE boost at the start and it tapers off but it will be enough. I think, just from hearing her today, that she seems way more confident, way more free, like she is not looking over her shoulder, that is a powerful feeling. Now, what needs to happen is that "Joe was totally fine 5 weeks ago but now his brain is bad" D's need to put their dongs back in their shorts and GET UNIFIED right now, period. They got what they wanted, they forced the president with the MOST VOTES ever to quit, now they need to shut the f#&% up and get together.
  7. Had they treated Joe like they are currently treating Harris he would have won in even bigger fashion... With that said, Harris sounded and acted awesome today from the 30ish minutes I was able to see (still weird that Joe was on the phone and not actually there). The Trump betting line has fallen like crazy in the last 12 hours. Harris is already gaining crazy momentum.
  8. Joe was only on the phone today while Harris came out to talk? What??? That is weird.
  9. This is pretty spot on. pretending like he wasn’t forced out is just something some say to make them feel better.
  10. Well of course because that is where you are in life. If you had never had kids you would be on the beach and you would not be like "Man, I wish I was driving to Gary, Indiana this weekend for some little league games! Right now, those trips are the most important thing in your life because you are a good Dad!
  11. The happiest people I know are people that either 1. Do not have kids because they never wanted kids. Those people can be 50 years old and they look 35, they are tan in the winter, they go on vacations to places people with kids have never heard of, they eat foods that do not start with "Dino" or end in "Aroos", their house is always clean even they they never actually clean and their garage is not filled with s#!t. 2. The second happiest group of people are people that have kids but those kids are grown up and out of their house. And SOMETIMES then think how much fun having little kids around the house was until they watch a grandkid for about 4 hours. 3. The least happy people I know have kids ages 0-15. But they are also the most honest because they talk with their friends that have kids 0-15 and they all b!^@h about how much it sucks. If your kids are out of this stage you tend to only remember the good things. I had no idea that Harris was childless but it makes me like and respect her even more because it shows how smart she is... https://www.theonion.com/childbirth-to-be-area-womans-least-painful-interaction-1819568406
  12. April 11th I gave you doods GL at 51 dollars... It just went over 90. I would post all my losers but the site doesn't have enough RAM
  13. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/politifactwisconsin/2024/07/11/the-deadline-has-not-passed-in-wisconsin-to-replace-biden-on-ballot/74363946007/ Wisconsin, Georgia and Nevada issues? Hopefully this is a simple fix.
  14. Sounds like the AAU. "Sorry NU, you are out, not all your campuses are connected and physically touching and under one president"
  15. Good lord, what a bunch of losers. I know we throw around the word loser, a lot, but those people are losers.
  16. Not sure if it is a great comparison but I am hoping he is like a Mo Purify. Big dude, can run a little, can body dudes up and make catches.
  17. Pretty much nails it! Again, I like him more and more. But this is EXACTLY what the D's can't have right now, they need to, at the very least, pretend to be united.
  18. I think they mostly meant "resign" as in, leave office. Right now we are in this weird spot where JB has been told he can't run again because of his mind but apparently he can still be President. What the people that claim to be in his corner have done to him is gross. Hopefully they are going to do a much better job with Harris and not turn on her.
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