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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. So, you are him? Like, I think there has to be a verdict...from a trial...right? Look, don't get me wrong, I think OJ killed his wife and that waiter...and I think the jury got it wrong...but in the end he was technically found not guilty.
  2. Oh, you you already convicted him? As someone that posts a ton of stuff about doing the right thing and believing in doing the right thing it is a bit hypocritical so have already found him guilty when the actual process has not played out. Now...I fully believe in being a hypocrite, so I am fine with it but you are not fine with that, are you? But, like Cindy Lauper said...I see your true colors...and girls just wanna have fun.
  3. I freely admit that I watch Fox all the time, I love Family Guy. I did not even know that Fox ran news s#!t except for the local news.
  4. I never thought he would even want a second term. I was surprised that he wanted to run again.
  5. What happens if he doesn't get kicked out of office? I mean, your best guesses, what happens?
  6. It surprises me...I never even heard of it. Also, a bunch of white guys in camo carrying guns in the streets also surprises me.
  7. Look at Brendan go...making something that has nothing to do with race all about race. There is a name for that but I can't remember what it is...
  8. Oh man...if he is actually clinically ill, won't a lot of people have to apologize for attacking a sick person? Hahaha
  9. Maybe check the Daily Skin thread? You can also checked out www.C$%kedandLoaded.com
  10. Size...get used to it...He is not going to start getting 6'10 guys...
  11. Ahhhh, I did not know that! I guess I wasn't looking hard enough!
  12. Hahah! This won't make his Harvard teaching buddies very happy!
  13. I think their plan was to actually overthrow the government. So, I guess they hate MAGA? Either way, execute them and move on. Problem solved.
  14. Who remembers the "Big Johnson" T-shirts?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. teachercd


      I feel like the Big Johnson shirts would cause some major meltdowns today.

    3. Red Five
    4. The Dude

      The Dude

      My high school's dress code policy mentioned them specifically.   Along with Coed Naked.  Although nobody would have still been wearing them anyway by the time I was in high school.


      Make 7 . . . Up Yours shirts flew under the radar for a good long while though.

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