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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. Yes! My god yes, I have been saying that over and over. Thank you for stating it in such a simple way that no one could argue with it (I don't think) It is sad that people continue to have a lack of understanding that not everything fits in a little box. Maybe it does in Norway, I am not sure, I have not been. Did they give you an old paint scraper?? Ha
  2. I can verify this as true. I worked at a no-gum school and it was a problem. I have also worked at a gum school and there really are not all that many issues with it.
  3. Yep, you take it away, there are no more issues (in theory). I am not into guns, so it doesn't matter to me what happens to them. Now, I assume you agree that people that kill other people are "nuts" right?
  4. More of something = more of the negative of that something. More cars = More deaths by car. But why are the 10% of those gun murders in India happening? Is it because a lot of dudes that have guns in India are nuts? I think everyone is in agreement that more guns equals more shooting deaths. I think we all agree that people that kill people are nuts. Also, I think India has the lowest reported amount of rapes in the world, even though it is clearly very high in that country and women are treated really really poorly. I would not put a ton of stock into results from India on most topics. Not that the information you found is not accurate but they do enjoy some number manipulation.
  5. First, people need to stop using Norway as an example...that place has like 5 million people...not 315 million people. I am going out on a limb here and I am going to guess that while Norway has less shooting than the USA...that the USA has more doctors, nurses, lawyers, PhD's, people with graduate degrees, more engineers, more teachers (Just tossed that in for me) more of everything that is also "good". You know why? Because America has more people. To help out on what @JJ Husker said and to help beat down some of the "where are the facts" crowd...well PTSD was not "a thing" until 1980...until that became a thing you were just not "tough enough" or you had "shell shock" or you were "going through some things" Now, we realize that it is a real thing. If you use a gun, knife, bat or anything to kill someone...you have an issue. Ted Bundy refused to ever admit he was "nuts" he even went as far as to say he was insulted by his outside council when they said he should try using that as his defense. I don't think it was until 86 where a doctor finally said Ted was bipolar. We all know Ted was nuts. Crazy doesn't need to fit into an already determined box, just like it didn't for people with PTSD until 1980. The "facts" crowd in 1979 "Oh that vet just needs to get their act together, nothing is wrong with them" the "facts crowd" in 1980 "Oh, that vet needs mental help, he has PTSD" The greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was convincing people he didn't exist. Evil to that magnitude is a result of mental illness in one way, shape or form. It doesn't mean it should not be punished. It should. But some people are born bad and others become bad.
  6. Next time I will ask you about this stuff Sunni rather than later.
  7. This might be the most 80's sounding band name I have ever heard!
  8. And look...he surrounded himself with the best people!
  9. Why would Iraq "vote" to get rid of US troops when they know what the result will be? It will be the 80's all over again...minus the awesome clothes, music and hair styles.
  10. It is mental illness...it is just not an illness that Dr. Laura has created a name for as of yet.
  11. Exactly...just because there is not some box that can be checked for people that use guns to kill others, it is so clearly a mental illness. It doesn't mean "crazy" or sociopath or any other neatly placed term but if you use a gun or knife or bat to kill people, you are not mentally stable. It is amazing that a 14 year old kid can try cutting themselves once and we immediately have 1,000 medical terms from MD's and shrinks as to why that 14 year old is not mentally well but a person can buy a gun, load that gun, tweet out creepy s#!t about hurting people, create a plan to carry out their killing, go carry about that plan and kill people...but we pretend like like they are not f#&%ed in the head. And even thought they are mentally ill, they still need to be punished.
  12. 13th hole at 5pm? No way he gets that round completed. 16th hole is more likely.
  13. There is zero % chance of that ever happening.
  14. Agree with that! I am all for us leaving that area alone and letting them just fight and kill each other like they have for 6,000 years. They don't want help from us and we don't need to be there.
  15. Cheese fries...yes or no?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Toe


      Cheese on the side, please. I hate it when they just dump cheese straight onto the fries or tortilla chips or whatever, it just ends up all soggy and nasty.

    3. CheeseHusker
    4. Savage Husker

      Savage Husker

      2 hours ago when watching The Odd Couple, the fiancé pipes up, “I could go for some cheese fries.” Lol!

  16. Ha...Yeah some really did freak out about that. It still shocks me that vaping has caught on like it has.
  17. Well...I did it better than you, so I thought I would help But what you are saying is that what we just did is going to escalate into essentially what WWII was.
  18. You mean...one of the worst surprise attacks ever from a country that has a military code to not attack soft targets and therefor did way less damage than they had hoped? But yes. that was their goal, well, they also said something along the lines of "The Americans will not have the stomach to fight"...of course, right after the failed attack their admiral (I think), who had studied at Stanford said something like "This was a failure, I have seen what the country can do and we failed"
  19. Don't you stop potential war by weakening your opponent?
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