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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. So at one point in time were Chilies and TGIFridays like, cool bars?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NM11046


      No.  Never cool.

    3. Hingle McCringleberry

      Hingle McCringleberry

      The original Fridays was a swingers bar in NYC.

    4. ColoradoHusk


      I prefer TGI McScratchy's.

  2. I agree...I think everyone can patronize.
  3. And women...womensplain, right?
  4. So you can be an a-hole and kind?!?! What? Who knew that was possible! He is like a Sour-Patch Kid
  5. First off...I am 6'3 and 210 and I am scared of walking alone at night. Aren't most people?
  6. Agreed, again! Like you keep saying, the name is fake...there is already a name for it.
  7. It is...and now you are doing it. we all do it! like you said, its not really a gender thing.
  8. I think Zona pulls a bit of an upset tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. teachercd


      I almost always do 5 or 10.  And my "big bets"...wait for it...30!

    3. Redux


      My wife gets pissy when I put in $25

    4. teachercd
  9. I agree! The idea that we need a term for this is silly! The idea that people patronize each other holds merit!
  10. Sure they do! And it is called patronizing...not mansplainging! We did it and before page 7!
  11. That is my point! We agree! It isn't a gender thing...It is just a thing!
  12. It is, but I am not going to explain it because I don't want to mansplain.
  13. I am explaining what is actually going on...not the made up word. It would be like if I said..."Man, I hate Jiggowerts so much" and you said "What are Jiggowerts?" and I said "Oh, it is when a woman talks down to me because she assumes since I am a man I don't know how to __________________ and so when she was Jiggowerting it to me she made sure to talk really slow and point out where the _______________ was at and how to use the _____________ and she even asked if I know what a _____________ and of course she laughed"
  14. This has become legendary! We are discussing something that literally everyone does to everyone else (even in this thread, over and over) but for some reason landlord seems to want to make sure that it is the evil-man that is doing it. Let us do a quick poll: Have you ever talked "down" to someone: Yes or Yes Congrats...you are a human being, have a sense of humor, can dish out a joke and can take a joke.
  15. I like to think 7 pages it the magic number... 5 seems, lite. Ha
  16. I agree with you 100% This is literally nothing about nothing for the most part. It is almost like there is a competition to see who can be the most sensitive person. Great clip when the guy uses a wish to become the most sensitive man in the word
  17. So that would be, Nerd-splain and Jock-splain? Right? I guess since you splained it to me...its poster-splain?
  18. Hmmm, So that sort of makes it about how the other person infers things...which could very well be a "them" problem.
  19. That is not true. Think high school. Dumb Jock vs the Nerd. So the male-nerd (me) talks down to the dumb jock. #Mansplaining The Male-Nerd assumes the dumb jock is a dumb jock...Just like the dumb jock assumes the male-nerd is good at math.
  20. Well...do you mensplain? If you do, then I guess it means something to you. I am an equal opportunity sarcastic patronizer. Not gender specific.
  21. I work with 95% women...so I am guessing I would get womensplained more often then I mansplain just because of the %.
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