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Everything posted by ZRod

  1. Do you think that upgrading to a winning whinny douche would be better?
  2. Exactly. The fire Pelini crowd will only hurt the program if they get their way, because there is no better replacement available. I'll happily take 9-10 wins per season over another Callahan type coach. No this attitude will hurt the program. No championships means no butts in the seats, no butts in the seats you can kiss your sell out streak goodbye. There is a better replacement out there. It's a question of how much you're willing to pay the devil for that replacement, because if you higher a big name and shell out the big dough, they're going to be gone after a few successful years anyway.
  3. It was all a sham. I learned that I, as a reasonable man and fan, am done with this sh#t. Turned off a game for the first time in my life. Either heads are rolling or I'm getting out my pitch fork. Everyone but Fisher and Brown needs to go on offense. Els and Papuchis need to take a hike, we can keep Els in a recruiting format but he needs to stay the f#*k away from coaching, there's been no improvement except for natural talent at backers. And really what does Papuchis do other than take a salary and signal in plays?
  4. One or the other needs to happen. I'm guessing we won't get knew coordinators so...
  5. Let me know how the 4th quarter goes guys.

  6. Some one explain to me why our passing attack lacks any short routes in the middle of the field. Or why with a time out in our pocket we only test the middle deep once.

    1. corncraze


      I was wondering the same thing!

    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      I think it's b3 a use Tommy has to put lots of air under it to keep from throwing right into defenders hands. He can't throw a pass shorter than 25 yds.

    3. huskerfan99


      Your answer is Tim Beck


  7. Can we get a freaking holding call? Almost every long run by Wisconsin has had an obvious missed call.

  8. Red assless chaps, black thong. Pictures, or never happened... I didn't say that's what I was wearing. I meant it's the dress code for all Husker fans on Saturday. So you're not a Husker fan? I'm no mere fan. I'm Nancy Osborne. Then I'm Miles Davis!
  9. Red assless chaps, black thong. Pictures, or never happened... I didn't say that's what I was wearing. I meant it's the dress code for all Husker fans on Saturday. So you're not a Husker fan?
  10. Red assless chaps, black thong. Pictures, or never happened... You fist. you just explained so much about yourself on multiple levels... Can I blame this on my phone and not Freud?
  11. Red assless chaps, black thong. Pictures, or never happened... You fist.
  12. We need jerseys lime USC's. A little see through mesh throw back, but on the torso not the shoulders.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lilred


      I don't think we want their new, shiny helmets, however.

    3. ZRod


      I can't decide if I like them or not. I think I do...

    4. Hoosker


      USC is one of a very few number of schools that has never f'd up their look, not even once.

  13. Dolphins D/ST tonight or Lions on Sunday? Decision decisions...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ZRod


      Not like it matters, I'm a lock for the #1 seed in our league anyway.

    3. True2tRA


      I'm making a comeback after a weak start. Dolphins Defense has been stellar for me all year really.

    4. ZRod


      I just picked em up 3 weeks ago when buddy dropped them. Still have no idea why he did that. They saved my ass that first week too.

  14. Yeah, I think he posted a picture of Colombia, MO by accident. You can see all the smoke from the burning meth labs.
  15. It's like you're in my head... Nope. I just copy and pasted your post and then edited it a little. You have a college education don't you? Ya. Why? Because that's the old college try. Copy, paste, and edit so I don't get caught.
  16. It's like you're in my head... Nope. I just copy and pasted your post and then edited it a little. You have a college education don't you?
  17. What is this superfluous white fluffy stuff that has so besieged the ground?

    1. presidentjlh


      (inappropriate joke)


      ah it didn't even work

  18. How about not. The dude is as fragile as fine china. Seems like he sits out a few play every game, and has a serious injury every season that puts him out a few games. In this hypothetical situation, you are saying the risk isn't worth the reward? I highly doubt many schools would turn him away but I guess Nebraska is set at QB. I guess that's what I'm saying. I don't think he would last through the year so... And you'd be pissing off a guy who's got potential (Armstrong) by having him waste a year behind a transfer who more than likely is going to go down for at least a game. Honestly I think Tommy now is about where Braxton was at as a Sophomore. Maybe not all the moves in the running game, but he's effective.
  19. How about not. The dude is as fragile as fine china. Seems like he sits out a few play every game, and has a serious injury every season that puts him out a few games.
  20. Totally agree with you here. I was considering posting it somewhere, but the only difference between Nebraska and the level of football played by MSU and tOSU is the offensive line play. Those teams can consistently block and get a push against top defenses. I'm not sure what it is either, but I don't really think it's a lack of talent. I don't think you necessarily need to have high caliber recruits on the line, but you do need to develop those guys so that they are playing their best ball the last 2 years of their careers. Something that hasn't really been done here save one or two guys.
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