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Everything posted by PasstheDamnBallGuy

  1. I too reminisce about the times when we could pay people less than they were worth. What a sham that players get their stake in a billion dollar industry where they are the product.
  2. Assuming that means to say Cibolo instead of Cibalo, he is from the same HS as Tommy Armstrong.
  3. Yeah I was wondering that too if the chance for big tips would draw some in. If you worked Friday night and got out at 2 or 3am though it would be hard regardless to make it the next day at 6am possibly still drunk from the night before.
  4. Having worked in the industry for a long time, good luck finding a bartender that is gonna wake up at that time. Even before 10am is a stretch.
  5. Yeah I believe you. I just couldn't pass up a Decked is always wrong joke.
  6. Oh nice he will be a great pickup for Nebraska.
  7. Ok that region would be perfect and also hilarious how close it would be to us just being back in the big 12.
  8. So that INT would have been from Kaelin and the 3rd down completion would have likely been for Raiola.
  9. I don't think they changed completely obviously but the pres hire seems like one Trev would have been good with. Maybe not though.
  10. So it sounds like they weren't doing it before that. I wouldn't trust them to all of the sudden change out of desperation. Luckily for us it sounds like they did.
  11. The conservatives in Texas aren't trying to take control of the Universities. Think about for a second that these people are dumber than Texas politicians and that should tell you all you need to know.
  12. I mean he probably isn't as hands on in the universities but going to Texas isn't and upgrade in governor. Texas governor is one of the worst people imaginable.
  13. Yeah I even questioned it a little myself but I distinctly remember his rushing from outside the tackle at some points last season.
  14. I wonder how close Lendhart is to being on this list.
  15. Lions just finally stopped screwing around and made good hires. Their GM has been making great picks, Dan Campbell created a great culture, and their OC is so damn good.
  16. Offensive rank was not great but better than we were this year. He had to split the year with 2 QBs each playing about half the games and both had better years with him than without. They set a school record that year for completion percentage. Their RB had 1192 yards 16 TDs and 5.5 ypc. Nothing mind blowing but it was one year and who knows what kind of talent they had. I do remember watching some ASU games from that year when Thomas was rumored to be the OC hire and they ran some interesting routes that looked effective.
  17. Yeah I heard he was telling them if they were his son he would tell them to go to Oklahoma.
  18. Yeah seems like a strange one to me but if I was a school looking right now he would have to be near or at the top of my list.
  19. The odds on Deboer seemed to jump pretty high after Lanning said he was staying. I dont really see him as an Alabama guy but that would be a good get for them.
  20. Oh man getting Banks is huge. Neyor is a risk with a very high ceiling but its nice to have someone who is more likely to pan out. If they both work out and Dylan is as good with the deep ball as everyone thinks, its gonna get real exciting here.
  21. Wait so players do read message boards and take our suggestions!!
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