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Everything posted by commando

  1. i thought i was going to fool the eye roller...but noooo....you had to go and tell him/her/it that. lol
  2. hello....FBI? you might want to watch this guy
  3. i like them. the eye roller adds to my rep points whenever he doesn't agree with me. lol.
  4. trump brought a lot of swamp critters with him to fill that swamp
  5. can we count on cohen not voting for trump in 2020?
  6. the weedboro man?



    1. Undone


      Maybe a good time to buy some NYSE: 'PM' (Philip Morris)?

    2. ZRod


      They're learning from the oil companies

    3. Frostberg


      Hopefully they don't add tons of toxins like they do in their cigs

  7. fwiw...i don't think this is too crazy too consider. there are members of the cult who would jump right in if told to do so.
  8. wouldn't matter if he was guilty of crimes or not? https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/420918-trump-says-hes-not-concerned-about-being-impeached-the-people-would
  9. did ann coulter really make this post? but to answer her.... of course donnie thinks they are dumb. remember...he loves the uneducated. they cheered when he said mexico would pay for his wall. they believed him when he said he would "drain the swamp". they still believe him when he said he had no contact with russia. and they believe him when he says the wall is already under construction. they believed him when he said he would balance the budget. and they believe all the other thousands of lies he spouts.
  10. oh boy....i bet this gets me a few more eye rolls
  11. markets were heading upward this morning...then donnie had a temper tantrum and threatened to shut down the government. now down about 175 points for the day. let's see what the rest of the day brings.
  12. sorry...don't have facebook. but dang...what did that santa do to get that response? lol. she looks as afraid of santa as my oldest was of clowns.
  13. when you recall that trump habitually lies.....not really feeling any better about it.
  14. 2 years? in this administration? with this administration you measure time in scaramuchis
  15. yep....Reagan defeated the soviet union....now donnie is letting them rebuild.
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