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Everything posted by commando

  1. i thought this thread was for the stupid stuff trump supporters say...not stupid stuff commies say. but.....putin loves trump so maybe it does fit here.
  2. scott isn't taking calls right now
  3. well...those of you hoping that nebraska would lose to make sure mike was gone can take a deep breath now.
  4. i understand some people want mike fired now....but can we not be cheering for the huskers to lose to expedite the process? cheer for the huskers or STFU
  5. hope that lights a fire under the team. seem very flat up to this point.
  6. wiki leaks is an alt right controlled site that russia helps. it would be good if there was an alt left wiki leaks to balance the revealed secrets out. or maybe it would be good if some state secrets were to remain secret.
  7. not sure where to post this....but check this out
  8. "the democrats hid how the germans bombed pearl harbor"
  9. the republican party seems to be working on a hostile takeover of america
  10. they should lock him up in a room with a tv that shows only fox news. 24 hours a day. no off button or mute.
  11. attack and change everything when 8 people are killed by a muslim...let some crazy white american loose in las vegas to kill hundreds and it's not the right time to talk about things....and it's still not talked about all this time later.
  12. don't worry.....that list will grow
  13. the fox is guarding another henhouse. https://www.buzzfeed.com/zahrahirji/epa-pruitt-new-science-advisors?utm_term=.ht505M4kA#.mdrQv0G5j A large coalition of science organizations, science advocates, environmentalists, and politicians lined up in fierce opposition to the policy changes, arguing the rules not only disqualify top environmental and health researchers from advising but also favor scientists paid for by EPA-regulated companies. They also have pointed out that EPA has strict rules in place for disclosing any conflicts of interest.
  14. i think it's called brainwashing.
  15. at first glance this 1 does appear to be terrorism....but that remains to be confirmed. at least they have the guy in custody.
  16. https://www.vox.com/world/2017/2/17/14649980/trump-clinton-russia-uranium But the claim that Clinton gave 20 percent of America’s uranium to Russia is incorrect and clearly misleading. Trump is referring to Russia’s nuclear power agency purchasing a majority stake in a Toronto-based energy company between 2009 and 2013. The company had mines and land in a number of US states with huge uranium production capacity — a move the US State Department signed off on. But PolitiFact did a thorough fact-check of the claim last year when Trump first made it on the campaign trail, and found the following faults with it: The mines, mills, and land the company holds in the US account for 20 percent of the US’s uranium production capacity, not actual produced uranium. The State Department was one of nine federal agencies and a number of additional independent federal and state regulators that signed off on the deal. President Obama, not Secretary Clinton, was the only person who could’ve vetoed the deal. Since Russia doesn’t have the legal right to export uranium out of the US, its main goal was likely to gain access to the company’s uranium assets in Kazakhstan. Crucially, the main national security concern was not about nuclear weapons proliferation, as Trump suggests, but actually ensuring the US doesn’t have to depend too much on uranium sources from abroad, as the US only makes about 20 percent of the uranium it needs. An advantage in making nuclear weapons wasn’t the main issue because, as PolitiFact notes, “the United States and Russia had for years cooperated on that front, with Russia sending enriched fuel from decommissioned warheads to be used in American nuclear power plants in return for raw uranium.”
  17. fox news is ready to impeach clinton and fire mueller.
  18. time to pray for Mueller and Papadopolous. Trump will be sending his goons after them now.
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