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Everything posted by Blackshirts007

  1. "can i have your attention please, can i have your attention please, do not kick at the screen"
  2. One hour left, i almost cried, LETS GOOOOO, caNU F'n FeEl It????

  3. Don't be surprised if we do win the trophy when Dan Beebe will get his top assistant, , to give the trophy presentation.
  4. silver pants and helments oregon? really?

    1. Husker Richard

      Husker Richard

      Seriously, silver isn't even one of their colors. I have no problem with them getting creative with green/yellow, but silver.....

    2. huKSer


      Nike stock is down - that's why its not 24K gold laminate

  5. This is a stupid thread but im just curious who is announcing the game and also if anyone knows anything the officiating crew tonight? where are they from?
  6. OU won 21-3 in my dream, don't know how exactly just had little sections where i would see the game, my dream prolly showed 5 total plays but somehow Ou was dominating, we couldn't do anything on Offense, when i woke up i was pissed off until i realized it was just dream thank God
  7. Can anyone tell me what im supposed to do for the next 8 hours???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tdawg


      ESPN all day. And CBS for Auburn/USCe.

    3. jbarnum


      Drink alcohol.

    4. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Drowning, great ideas, but where is the booze?

  8. Is it bad if i stare at the time until kickoff on the top right all day?

    1. jsneb83


      No, it means you're a committed fan.

    2. CornHOLIO


      Too bad it only works at CST

  9. I think we win if the white & black stripes keep their laudry to themselves (sorry but i feel their has been times all year we have gotten screwed) but frankly i don't see the refs being an issue. I think we win because we are an underdog. We obviously play the best when we are dogs and our defense is nasty when opposing teams think they will come in and roll, ie. Texas in last years game...it will be close early, but our defense is too much for one man show broyes, and i do not see Murry being a huge factor, i'd predict something along the lines of 20-10, that's how it's supposed to end, and because ESPN will need a picture of Beebe's face after the game for their title page "Thank you, Now Goodbye"
  10. confirmed: taylor martinzez had been paid off by Oklahoma representatives to throw the game on saturday

  11. All of this makes me super mad because Alex doesn't deserve no credit for everything he's done, but in the end the way i see it is HE will get drafted and be making more green than any other suposedly "better" kicker than him this year
  12. This will be a game where hopefully all us husker fans can a lot, the defense needs to put their together and destroy landry and company. When the final whistle is blown everyone will know that the huskers have ,we will get to witness Daniel Beebe with rage when he realizes he must present the trophy to his very fond huskers while we stand around and at him when we see his face shaking Bo's hand . We will have givin Beebe his biggest in the face, along with the biggest . After the ceremony some of the Sooners fans are looking at each other saying , some sooners will have to deal with for their actions after the game but once they cool down a bit we can all just say and . The husker fans and sooners fans will join together for one thing they have in common, the fact that , even if they are drinking the , Finally we will to the big 10, around like chickens with our heads cut off and cheer for our ole sooners to every year! Go Big Red!
  13. Anyone know where i can find tickets...i'm freaking out, on stub hub it's 85-100 for the highest sections possible and hundreds for lower sections....i just want a mid range section for about 100, PLEASE HELP!!
  14. I'm not sure what T.O and company were thinking?? we are going to get absolutely dominated in the MIGHTY BIG 10 in every sport, im not looking forward to being at the bottom of the list in every sport, the BIG 10 is way to prestigious for a little school like Nebraska, they should have went after Missouri, a team that would actually be able to compete unlike us, why didnt we just join the MAC
  15. How is insight more presigious than the holiday? i always thought the holiday was a good bowl game..anyways how many people thought colorado would be a potential loss the beginning of the year? no one, so why worry, we win on friday, then if we win the CCG we all know where we go, if we lose i think we go to the alamo vs oregon state
  16. Could you not have just said...."Because they suck"
  17. Can someone please enlighten me on this SAL issue? im obviously too young...
  18. This is time for everyone who wants to make some money to take the under for this game (50.5) no way CU scores over 14 and no way we will score over 30 with Chody
  19. Someone post this as a question for David Ubben on ESPN, i don't like him that well either but at least when he agrees others' will see that they missed a big one
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