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Everything posted by Cina

  1. Whether or not it happens elsewhere is not relevant, nor is the fact that there are some a-hole-ish Cornhusker fans. The point is (and I know this may sound shocking) shouting obscenities and being inhospitable isn't nice. It turns out when you are jerks to people, they don't like to hang around you. Hence why the majority of Husker fans who went up to Madison this season aren't planning on going back. It's why Ohio State fans who came to Lincoln last weekend are planning on coming back--with their friends and families, besides. [Edit: Okay, "majority" is purely speculation based on absolutely nothing but personal stories I've heard.]
  2. I feel I would be remiss in leaving out the comment that the statement /ENDRANT is redundant and doesn't really make sense. In programming code it basically means "end end rant". I think what you're looking for is </rant>.
  3. Sorry, but the issue won't go away until Wisconsin students get reined in. I'm sorry that it is hard to read about, being a Badger fan. I'm not that proud of it either. Oh and people need to frickin' travel. Go to SEC games, I've seen people carted away in ambulances and crowds berate families with small children using all kinds of obsceneties. Lets not get all hurt and pretend like this is so uniquely outrageous to a team that just beat the living crap out of you. Guys, the SEC does it too so obviously it's acceptable behavior.
  4. Seung Hoon Choi Russell [Edit: Old image link fail]
  5. It's nice to see a player that Husker fans can be proud of on all levels--not just the "Yeah, he murdered six babies but he's the #3 passer in the nation" that we're used to seeing lately. I bet he smells good too. What, too much?
  6. It should be noted that Nebraska is one of the few football programs that actually comes out ahead at the end of the day. And as Knapp and others have said, tuition doesn't filter down to athletics, especially not here. Student fandom is important to the college football experience, though, and I do think it should be something the athletic department values more than it does. Even basketball's (small) student section seems to be catered to more than Memorial's (though it's a lot easier to organize seats for 40-some students at the Devaney center than it is in Memorial). Heck, let's put them all in a blimp.
  7. I dunno, I mean there were a lot of outlying factors to the Ohio State game that make it difficult for me to label it a turning point game. Our team really started to gel in the last quarter and a half with that tremendous momentum shift, but I can't let myself forget the mistakes made during the first half, let alone at Wisconsin. Was that momentum shift enough to correct those flaws in our team? I sincerely hope so. But I've got very little confidence in that happening.
  8. Dang it Rex, stop personifying my dream husband.
  9. Cassidy is pretty good looking too. Until Saturday I was undecided on who won the "Mr. Cornhusker" award for me this year, but it can only be Burkhead. Bears, Beets, Burkhead.
  10. ..after last night, I find Rex Burkhead so dang attractive. (I know it wasn't the most insightful or deep thought of the day )
  11. You're right, I'll try to keep my stress eating to a minimum. *shamefaced*
  12. sounds like me last night. I broke a folding chair by throwing it at the ground and then punched my door, the door won. My thumb somehow hurts this morning. Also my cell phone took a beating last night. Yeah, I ate like six spoonfuls of peanut butter. Wait, is that not the same...?
  13. I don't really have anything to add to the conversation, I just wanted to applaud members of Huskerboard who are capable of having a good, levelheaded, articulated discussion about football without reverting to junior high. You guys restore my faith in humanity.
  14. "drama is a big undergraduate study at the University of Wisconsin" xD thanks radio announcers. I needed that.
  15. It seems to me as though maybe they're unwilling to recoach Taylor and work on his throwing motion at the risk of his throwing performance becoming worse in the process. Changing a throwing motion that's become second nature to him might make for some terrible throwing while he internalizes a new technique. If I were them, I'd be hesitant to work on anything during the season..then again, maybe I'm completely off base
  16. The bible says that God is love. This is kind of confusing but I think that love is an attribute of God that we share as humans that create the personal bonds such as family. I dunno, I'm kind of a hippie though and that is a very liberal idea about God that I'm not really sure is theologically sound. (apart from the statement that God is love, which is a biblical truth). Also, God doesn't need our love, you are correct. Neither do my parents need my love. The bible says a lot of things. Many of those things (such as cutting the hair along the sides of your head and wearing clothing with two different kinds of fibers) are found in the same part of the bible that talks of killing homosexuals. These are old testament beliefs that were around prior to Jesus changing everything. That's a theological debate I am not learned enough to explain, but I would encourage talking to a pastor or someone cooler than me about it. As for sin being harmful; most sinful things are not harmful to our physical beings. It's the idea that they are harmful to our souls and make it difficult to be close to God. That's what I meant when I said that we don't always see them as harmful. The greatest commandment is to love. It's not about obeying a list of rules, nor is it about making God happy so he an see if you "make the cut". It's about Christ being in love with us, and wanting the best for us. I don't think God put us on earth to "weed out the bad ones". I don't know for sure why He made us. I think it is the same reason that I have always wanted to be a mom. Satan came in though and messed it all up, and that's why people are separated from Him. It's about the choice. Obviously I'm no scholar and don't profess to know much, and we're getting totally off topic haha. But I'm open for continuing this conversation in private messages. With anyone.
  17. You are correct. I by no means meant Jesus wasn't in the presence of sinners. That's my favorite thing about him! Well, one of my favorite things..
  18. I think Landlord has the right thinking on it. I'm not good at this whole debate thing, but how I think of sin is that these are things that are damaging to us, much like a parent teaches their child not to smoke cigarettes or put a knife in the toaster. Sometimes we don't see these things as damaging, but God is omniscient and knows how damaging they are. As for whether or not God has the right to "judge" us..He created us. He created the laws that govern the universe and therefore exists outside of those laws. We can't really understand it fully because we're not God. But the point isn't that God is judging us, it's that these things we choose to do separate us from God, because sin is not of God and therefore He can't go near it. But that's where Jesus comes into play, and that's the most important part that I think deserves more attention than whether or not Gay people are evil (because obviously they're not.) It's the fact that none of us deserve God's love and yet He gives it anyway. That's the message I think Christians need to be sending-through our own actions. We've done the world a huge disservice by being judgmental and petty and angry. Don't judge Jesus by these flawed disciples.
  19. Homosexuality is not a choice...I wish more Christians would be open-minded to other people and not ridicule them for it. The homosexuality debate is not one I care to get into. But suffice it to say that not all Christians are into casting stones, as it were. Some of us remember that we're all sinners, that God sees all sin as equal, and that Jesus was nothing but loving and we have no right to be anything but loving to those around us. Unfortunately, quite a few loudmouthed idiots have given rise to the impression that Jesus hated gay people, which is so radically untrue that I feel compelled to mention it on a Husker message board..haha. Whether or not Ron Brown is one of those loudmouthed idiots..I'm compelled to think he generally is a pretty nice guy. But that one experience rubbed me the wrong way.
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