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Everything posted by BlackHand

  1. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/35107378/sources-nebraska-working-hire-matt-rhule-coach
  2. Alright, I'm on board now. I'm about as confident in Riley as I would have been in anyone else provided he puts a quality staff together.
  3. I can't keep up with this thread today. It's possible that it has something to do with a half-hearted attempt to do actual work but I have my doubts.
  4. Idk if it's in Youngstown, but he just tweeted this not 15 minutes ago. I would embed the tweet but idk how. Yep, on his Twitter. Buzzkill...
  5. Brother in law woke me up with a txt. Best wake-up call of the year...
  6. Why this thread makes me think of Carrot Top is beyond me. Something is wrong with this collective.
  7. I "expect" improvement in all of these areas except Bo's relationships and temper. If he wins the relationship with the fans will be fine and I'm less of a fan of the attempted politically correct version of Bo than the spitting while he screams on national television Bo.
  8. 2014: Florida Atlantic and McNeese State. This is good. Fresno State (away) and MiamiFL. This is bad. Or vice-versa. Only thing, Michigan State, Northwestern, Iowa and Wisconsin all away.....no home cooking. Illinois, Rutgers, Purdue and Minnesota will play at Memorial stadium. No tOSU, Michigan and Penn St. Well that certainly is the cherry on top of my crappy evening.
  9. I'll stay with my belief all along. Taylor was the best option at quarterback and we really could have used him.
  10. Oh man, big addition. Let's see some aggressive defensive play next year.
  11. TOMMY, has never shown to be even close to the runner that Taylor was. Agreed. Tommy showed next to nothing running outside of an occasional fake pitch.
  12. Blowout losses and poor fundamentals are completely manufactured. I created the UCLA collapse in my basement but only tinkered with last years B1G championship game.
  13. Don't be surprised when you hear a lot of boo's... Have you guys ever attended a game in Memorial? Are you even husker fans? Come on now. I'd really like you to entertain me with your rational as to why this is even possible. Have you ever had a real-life, in-person conversation with a Husker fan? The amount of hate people heap upon that young man is atrocious. This is so true. It's disgusting.
  14. I read every post and I'm convinced I got high and fell asleep and this is one of those weird dreams that I will try to decipher when I wake up in a puddle of drool.
  15. I'm out of Super Mario Bros. 1ups but I agree. A lot of people can relate to this even if they refuse to admit it. The media knows when Bo feels like he's backed into a corner. I'm not a Bo supporter but I've felt sorry for him a few time recently. I'm not in the "Bo must go" camp either so... yea.
  16. exactly my sentiments now The ONLY way I can see Bo having any chance to keep his job is to get rid of some his coaching staff and bringing in coaches with experience. Outside of that, I don't have a good feeling about his future I think this is what should be done. He needs to bring in some good assistants or leave with the current ones. Starting Monday.
  17. The sideline reporter asked Bo what his reaction to the two interceptions was. Something like that.
  18. Bo's response gives me hope. He's a better coach when his hair is on fire. I'm not a fan of his last two years at all but if you ask a stupid question you should be prepared for such a response.
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