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Everything posted by deedsker

  1. At least he won’t win a Darwin Award…this time.
  2. That is all well and good, but good luck getting Trump out after that. Finding votes is what Merica does best in north and South American elections.
  3. That is a wild ride. I would venture to guess he is telling his truth and that is just crazy.
  4. Mizzou had quick success in the SEC. They fizzled after year three and took a decade to get back to being anywhere close to the fray again.
  5. Guess what? Republicans choose a dictatorial, authoritarian, lying, rapist, so now we have to keep the Democrats bumbling old man. Choices have consequences.
  6. Looks up infrastructure bills recently… Your on to something.
  7. Yeah, but that is schedule related. FPI has UCLA 40 and Nebraska 41. In the wins thread, Kelly Ford has UCLA 32 and Nebraska 42. Have the record at 5.5-6.5 for UCLA and Neb 6.5-5.5 just means Nebraska has an easier schedule, but not considered as good as UCLA.
  8. Which was also funny that, after Chip left, I just chalked it up as a W. Then FPI and what not comes out and there they sit at a spot or two above us. It will be interesting to see what changes in the overall style and team coordination from Kelly to Foster. I am guessing this may be more of a W in my general feel as you dig through the specifics again with personnel and coaching changes. I guess I am more confused on why they are still listed so high in preseason models.
  9. With Chip Kelly leaving, I didn't realize DeShaun Foster was their head coach. I didn't even know he was a coach. Dude was a beast back in the day. This is one where we need to grab a W once the back end of the schedule kicks off. This one sets the tone after tOSU if we are still just average or if we can get back to being a contender in the conference.
  10. They lost most of their offense with Tory Taylor being drafted.
  11. Another piece, how much of our limited passing game hurt our ability to get RB rushing yards? Having a competitive passing game means you can’t leave 10 defenders within 7 yards of the LOS. Also, we need to stay healthy in the backfield as well.
  12. Sounds fun. We don't need to be complicated for UTEP. If Raiola is the guy, give him full reigns and work out the bugs against a team that is completely rebuilt. If he has struggles, this is the game to work through them. Pull this out once we hit the tough sledding: Northern Iowa challenging us with a consistent team and philosophy, Colorado out gunning us early, Bielema weaseling out a early lead, Purdue making our first road game a mess, these are the times to "cheat" yourself into an advantage. Pull out the wrinkle you know is there and make the next team go, "hmmm, that is interesting."
  13. That is where the big money is. A bad playoff game has less volatility than a poor/marginal regular season game.
  14. Let’s not and say we did… The triangle backs had a good run there with Martinez and some other schools in the early 2010s.
  15. Trips wide and a Fidone to the boundary. Force nickle or dime out of the defense and then hit them with quick pass wide. Depending who is on Fidone and where coverage shades, you might be taking 1 on 1's all day with mismatches. Any time the box gets light, hit em in the gut. Best part, you still have 11 personal to do any of the other traditional packages you would have otherwise. Move fast and don't allow subs to really hit them where it hurts when you catch them in the wrong grouping.
  16. The funniest part is where $100 drones can completely destroy multimillion dollar “modern” military vehicles/tanks/artillery. Technology and communications have become even more important than ever.
  17. Crazy we could hit the under and still go bowling. That sounds like a sure bet if I ever have.
  18. I think the one that sticks out is the Wyoming game with Matt Turman coming in while down. This is a slip up that if they had won in 93, I don't think the overall buy in in the offseason happens to get over that hump. Wyoming wasn't great, but they found the right set of circumstances that sinks potential champions every year (injuries, turnovers, missed chances). It had to have took an extra level of team effort to back a third string QB and drag the team over the finish line. I think of 2013 Michigan State, 2012 Oregon, 2011 Oklahoma State, 2008 Texas/Oklahoma/Tech, 2006 Louisville, 2002 Georgia, 2000 Oregon/Oregon State/Washington. It only takes one game for an otherwise great team to be beaten and removed from the race based on what else happens in the country.
  19. Having grown up watching the VCR tape on loop of Unfinished Business of the 94 season, I have always agreed with this. I think the determination and work ethic from the offseason was from having the previous national title taken from their hands. Without it, I think 94 is just another really good team that may not have had the right juice to finish off someone here or there.
  20. I don’t think he ever had an answer for air raid. Air raid has become more meta and that is why Pelini is at home with a paid off mortgage. 09 TT stands out because despite the lack of production we couldn’t stop a backup qb from finding his groove. Looks like he didn’t even get to start the next week as Taylor Potts came back. 08 Missouri ran him out of the yard and when their OC left they didn’t promote well within. We held VT in check two years in a row only to lose to a playmaker at Qb who was fine with being “contained”. Despite getting past OSU in 10, it took a full offensive and special teams game to get past the Dana Holgorsen lead air raid. With hindsight, it appears he had answers for “spread” passing attacks, but not the air raid concepts that now attack teams with lots of motion and man breakers. Bo had good quarters defense, but that is a concept ripe for the picking by and good QB. We have progressed to split field defense that disguises well, but has run deficiencies. This is why we see Isaiah Pacheco get plenty of reps on the most efficient team in the world. The fullback disappeared so the H-back could thrive. Being able to exploit the weakness is the key and when you don’t want to pretend to change, you are already beat.
  21. The fun thing about that game is that it showed the future concerns Bo would have with his defense. It was really good and it put a lot on the offense to have the right plays/formations/packages to exploit it or a superior talented player/running QB that can't be schemed away. TT QB was a backup and "Sticks" made us look foolish. It was a symptom of a larger problem that would turn into a flood gate late into his tenure. Mike Leach doesn't care about how well you run fit and pass off coverage, if you are predictable in coverage he has you beat. Them came Gilbert Grape magically finding legs (starting the trend of less mobile QB's finding a running game when facing us) in '10, Wisky using motion to destroy our fits for almost a decade (408), and back at LSU, getting ripped up for gaudy numbers in an environment that has gone completely away from the pro-set NFL (where his system was made in the fire and was usually most successful) type league that he feasted on (QB graveyard) and everyone and their dog run RPO's and highly value flexibility in their play calling.
  22. They only got Capone on tax fraud. It’s not like Trump did anything like that………….oh. Oh. Well then.
  23. So the top earners pay closer to their fair share and we are supposed to be mad?
  24. But Nixon clearly said, “I am NOT a crook!”
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