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Mizzou Fans outshame CU fans


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One man in particular – who looked as if he had been eating Funyons and drinking Keystone Light since 8 a.m. – stood and heckled Callahan until his throat was sore, all while holding his smiling elementary school-aged son under his arm.


Eating Funyons!!!!!!!!!Funyons, did you here me!!!??? :blink:


ROBIN WASHUT: Missouri’s fans lack respect


October 24, 2005



COLUMBIA, Mo. — They hovered over the Nebraska post-game interviews from the overhead concourse ramps like drunken gold and black vultures.


They blurted out clever and demeaning insults to Cornhusker players and coaches such as, “You suck!” and “Go home, losers!”


By the end of Nebraska’s 41-24 loss to Missouri on Saturday, two things became blatantly clear: One, the Tigers’ senior quarterback Brad Smith is really, really good when MU Coach Gary Pinkel lets him be.


Two, Missouri fans are hands down the most classless, rude and loudmouth bunch in the Big 12 Conference.


Their goal, as a whole, is not to cheer on their Tigers to a victory, but to direct any and every insult containing the F-bomb or remark questioning sexual orientation at their opponents.


For example, after the game NU Coach Bill Callahan met with reporters for an interview.


Throughout the entire session, a handful of Missouri fans leaned over the above walk ramp and shouted the first thing that came to their minds at anybody that wanted to listen.


One man in particular – who looked as if he had been eating Funyons and drinking Keystone Light since 8 a.m. – stood and heckled Callahan until his throat was sore, all while holding his smiling elementary school-aged son under his arm.


Keep in mind the last time Nebraska traveled to Columbia in 2003, when a swarm of drunken Missouri students charged the field after the Tigers’ victory and rushed directly at the NU players and coaches.


One fan ran directly at then-senior Kellen Huston, and Huston – looking out for his own safety – clocked the kid in the face.


I was on the field that night, and seeing what it was like having thousands of crazed punks run directly at the players and call them every name in the book on the way by, Huston should have hit a few more of them.


This time around, the Faurot Field security did a good job of at least letting Nebraska off the field before they let fans storm the field and tear down the goalposts to celebrate beating an unranked team that won five games last season.


While the Huskers were able to make it out safely, it still felt like a House of Pain concert on the field after the game.


Not only did I have to sidestep a cop who was tackling a shirtless, overweight student for committing some sort of crime, I also had to walk by a line of about 20-25 people in handcuffs waiting to get their mandatory post-game citations and breathalyzer tests.


As the mob struggled to tear down the second goalpost, several Missouri fans jogged over to the Nebraska section of the stadium and made sure to let them know just how much they sucked.


They’re not just like that for football games either.


Back when the Tigers played their basketball games at the Hearns Center, there were countless stories of fans leaning over the rails of the player exits, getting inches away from passing players and coaches and screaming how much their opponents f-ing sucked.


And that was when they won by 15 points.


While there are definitely many other schools with obnoxious fans – i.e. Colorado and Texas Tech – they come off as somewhat hospitable compared to the folks in Columbia.


Maybe I’m just spoiled growing up around Nebraska fans learning about that whole “sportsmanship” concept.


It’s just a shame that a cool town like Columbia has to be plagued with a student body full of future dads who get in fights at their kids’ little league games.


Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like that’s going to change any time soon.


There are probably hundreds of little Tiger fans just like the one on the stadium walk ramp learning all about how to be a fan at the University of Missouri.

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Congrats MU, you guys made your way into USAToday.

Gleeful fans carried chunks of the goal posts into downtown Columbia, where they wielded hacksaws to cut off pieces for keepsakes.


Keystone light, funyons & hacksaws. :blink: Ingredients for success. :thumbs And future tornado eye witnesses.

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Come on, I heard one of our fans, who was sitting not too far from me, taunting TTU fans. You got bad fans at every game. Sure there may be a few more bad MU fans than NU's, but to say MU fans are all like that is not true. Are you saying true devoted MU fans who bring their wives, children, and their grandparents behave like that? I don't think so. You talking for the most part about younger fair weather fans who had a bit too much to drink. These are the same fans who thought Pinkle should had been fired, and now think he is the best thing since sliced bread. We got fans like that, too.

When you say we do you mean Mich St. or NU?

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Come on, I heard one of our fans, who was sitting not too far from me, taunting TTU fans. You got bad fans at every game. Sure there may be a few more bad MU fans than NU's, but to say MU fans are all like that is not true. Are you saying true devoted MU fans who bring their wives, children, and their grandparents behave like that? I don't think so. You talking for the most part about younger fair weather fans who had a bit too much to drink. These are the same fans who thought Pinkle should had been fired, and now think he is the best thing since sliced bread. We got fans like that, too.

Yea, but there is a difference between that and going as far as to taunt other fans as they leave. Throwing crap at them, etc.

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If you listen to the postgame audio, you can hear a Missouri fans yelling out "HAHAH you lost the game you losers" when Zac Taylor was commenting about the game.



After 3 decades of abuse, it feels sooooooooo good to punk Nebraska two consecutive years in CoMo.


I'm looking fwd to making it 2 years in a row in Lincoln next year.


Chase Daniel

Chase Coffman

Mike Rucker

Marcus Woods

William Franklin


It's gonna be fun.

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If you listen to the postgame audio, you can hear a Missouri fans yelling out "HAHAH you lost the game you losers" when Zac Taylor was commenting about the game.



After 3 decades of abuse, it feels sooooooooo good to punk Nebraska two consecutive years in CoMo.


I'm looking fwd to making it 2 years in a row in Lincoln next year.


Chase Daniel

Chase Coffman

Mike Rucker

Marcus Woods

William Franklin


It's gonna be fun.

You and you're hillbillie friends have a better chance of seeing GOD than having a "one man team" beat Nebraska in Lincoln, let alone any other Saturday for the next 20-some odd years.


Does your avatar reflect a "kitty" hopped up on Funyons and Keystone?

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Not trying to get into a debate. You honestly think its cool to dog the other team after a win?

It's sorta fun. At least from my perspective. I'm 35, and for as long as I can remember, save 2 years in Lincoln during 77 and 79 I believe, the Huskers not only defeated the Tigers, but HUMILIATED them every year.


As a fan, I dreamed of the day that NU's program would actually come back to earth. It's almost unbelievable that it has in fact done so.


Not only has it come down to earth, MY TEAM has spanked them 2 of the last 3 seasons. That is EXTREMELY satisfying.


Someone else turned me on to this board because of how much of a twist some of the Husker fans in attendance were treated during the game.


So, I thought I'd drop a line or two to see what's up.

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