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Why would Israel attack Iran?

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I love when people use Wikipedia to quote stuff. Come on, I could've written that article...



Which part from wiki do you have issue w/? We can look at the source it came from w/in the Wiki entry. You do realize those little numbers at the end of sentences in a wiki entry link to sources, right?

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I love when people use Wikipedia to quote stuff. Come on, I could've written that article...



Which part from wiki do you have issue w/? We can look at the source it came from w/in the Wiki entry. You do realize those little numbers at the end of sentences in a wiki entry link to sources, right?


wikipedia isn't the best choice for fact finding, considering that any random moe can post something in a story, and unless you're an expert in the particular area, then you maybe getting the okie doke pulled on you....

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I love when people use Wikipedia to quote stuff. Come on, I could've written that article...

Wikipedia itself isn't an all together useless source...it can actually be a great jumping off point to get a general idea of a subject and like cactus said, its only as good as its sources, which can be quite reputable so don't altogether discount it.


On this subject I'll say I think that Israel has very little legal ground to stand on if it were to stage an overt attack on Iran.


I also think Iran has some perfectly legitimate reasons for wanting to obtain nuclear weapons. Ignoring Ahmadinejad's occasional loony statements about Israel we're talking about a nation that desperately needs the security and stability that such weapons would guarantee. Let's look at their more recent history;


1. Numerous attempts at colonial conquest by the Russians and British as part of their "Great Game" in the 19th Century to which she eventually succumbed to in the early 20th Century at the hands of the Brits leading to occupation.

2. Joint invasion by the Russians and Brits in 1941.

3. Overthrow of a democratically elected government by the CIA in 1953 replacing it with a repressive autocratic regime headed by the Shah who's secret police was trained and supported by agents of both Israel and the United States.

4. A US backed war that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Iranians in the 1980's.

5. American led encirclement and sanctions today.


So their position is completely understandable.


Too often, when we don't understand another group's perspective, we come up with questions like "why do they hate us?" Well the Iranians don't hate us or the Israelis because we have more "freedom", because we aren't Twelver Shias or because we let our women read. They hate us because we've royally butt f'd them over the past century or so. The things we read coming from their leadership are just simple soundbites designed to rile up their dumb masses just like we do here. The truth is the Iranians have an advanced society, with legitimate national interests and a political elite that acts rationally given its position. They're people just like us.


So does Israel have a reason to attack Iran's nuclear capabilities? Maybe, but they'd have to be sure that Iran would use such weapons against them, well actually for the Israelis the standard is much lower. For them, any neighbor with these weapons is an immediate thread, even if the chances of them actually using them against the Jewish state is quite low like I think it is with Iran. With the Likud in power I wouldn't rule an Israeli attack out, its probably quite likely. The questions then become; What will Iran do? & What will we do? Both of those are much more unclear.

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I love when people use Wikipedia to quote stuff. Come on, I could've written that article...

Wikipedia itself isn't an all together useless source...it can actually be a great jumping off point to get a general idea of a subject and like cactus said, its only as good as its sources, which can be quite reputable so don't altogether discount it.


On this subject I'll say I think that Israel has very little legal ground to stand on if it were to stage an overt attack on Iran.


I also think Iran has some perfectly legitimate reasons for wanting to obtain nuclear weapons. Ignoring Ahmadinejad's occasional loony statements about Israel we're talking about a nation that desperately needs the security and stability that such weapons would guarantee. Let's look at their more recent history;


1. Numerous attempts at colonial conquest by the Russians and British as part of their "Great Game" in the 19th Century to which she eventually succumbed to in the early 20th Century at the hands of the Brits leading to occupation.

2. Joint invasion by the Russians and Brits in 1941.

3. Overthrow of a democratically elected government by the CIA in 1953 replacing it with a repressive autocratic regime headed by the Shah who's secret police was trained and supported by agents of both Israel and the United States.

4. A US backed war that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Iranians in the 1980's.

5. American led encirclement and sanctions today.


So their position is completely understandable.


Too often, when we don't understand another group's perspective, we come up with questions like "why do they hate us?" Well the Iranians don't hate us or the Israelis because we have more "freedom", because we aren't Twelver Shias or because we let our women read. They hate us because we've royally butt f'd them over the past century or so. The things we read coming from their leadership are just simple soundbites designed to rile up their dumb masses just like we do here. The truth is the Iranians have an advanced society, with legitimate national interests and a political elite that acts rationally given its position. They're people just like us.


So does Israel have a reason to attack Iran's nuclear capabilities? Maybe, but they'd have to be sure that Iran would use such weapons against them, well actually for the Israelis the standard is much lower. For them, any neighbor with these weapons is an immediate thread, even if the chances of them actually using them against the Jewish state is quite low like I think it is with Iran. With the Likud in power I wouldn't rule an Israeli attack out, its probably quite likely. The questions then become; What will Iran do? & What will we do? Both of those are much more unclear.



Nice to have another person on board the objective truth and common sense train.

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I thought we left Iraq??? Did I miss something?


If we completely left Iraq, then I missed something.




the reason for all those black dots....


thats kinda where most of your terrorists come from


and oil


I also heard we're gonna invade North Dakota's Bakken Basin, bunch of unruly wannabe Canadians, and a bunch of oil....

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