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Massachusetts Gov Vetos Bill Banning use of EBT for Porn and Tattoos

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His veto rejected bans on the use of EBT cards for tattoos, guns, porn, body piercings, jewelry, fines and bail. However, he left standing bans of the use of EBT cards in tattoo parlors, gun shops, casinos, cruise ships, strip clubs and adult entertainment centers, saying the independent EBT Card Commission had ruled out the idea of banning specific products “for reasons of feasibility, enforceability (and) cost.”

Personally, I think that we need more restrictions on EBT and welfare payments. SNAP benefits too.


I'd like to see more specifics about these feasibility problems.

  • Fire 1
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You seem to be pathologically averse to consistency. I guess that makes you a Romney supporter. :P


Man, inconsistentcy is right up there with profiling in the left-wing's list of serious crimes. So, the natural question is this - why are you voting for Barack Obama?


Not necessarily. I'd vote for Peewee Herman before I'd vote for our truth-averse President.

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So, the natural question is this - why are you voting for Barack Obama?

Because I'm afraid of Romney's Ginsburg replacement.


There are more reasons than that . . . but that's the biggest.


But hey . . . I do appreciate your personal attack free question. One hypocrisy-free post and look! . . . we're conversing! :lol:

  • Fire 1
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Eh...too much bickering to filter through to see if anyone posted this but...


To fix it...just make it clear when people apply for assistance that if you are found to purchase x, x or x things on the list of forbidden uses for tax dollars...then you lose those benefits for oh I don't know...forever (they would probably make it 1 month...)

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Not necessarily. I'd vote for Peewee Herman before I'd vote for our truth-averse President.

But you won't. You'll be voting for Romney just like the GOP elites said that you would.


The elites? He won primaries last time I looked. I might just vote for him in the spirit of affirmative action - the magic underwear minority. Besides, it just occurred to me that Barack Obama might just have the Peewee Herman vote locked up...and his name is Biden.

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Eh...too much bickering to filter through to see if anyone posted this but...


To fix it...just make it clear when people apply for assistance that if you are found to purchase x, x or x things on the list of forbidden uses for tax dollars...then you lose those benefits for oh I don't know...forever (they would probably make it 1 month...)


No one posted that. Everyone was too busy explaining how my outrage was phony.

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What the heck has happened to our country? The Government now takes money from one sector of society and gives it to people to buy things that many of us consider non-essential to survival. The topper is people using welfare money to post bail to get their butt out of jail. According to Boston Herald, "Patrick slammed his reform-intent rivals for 'political grandstanding' with their efforts to ban Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) buys of tattoos, guns, porn, body piercings, jewelry, fines and bail."



EBTs are the vehicle used by Massachusetts to give cash to people truly in need as well as welfare queens.


I don't get it. Would one of you leftists explain to me why anyone's hard earned money should pay for someone else's porn, tatoos, guns, jewelry, fines, and bail?





Because dammit, that's the "American" way today. This country is absolutely and utterly f***ed because too many people think that the government, or someone else, owes them a living, healthcare, and who knows what else.

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Because dammit, that's the "American" way today. This country is absolutely and utterly f***ed because too many people think that the government, or someone else, owes them a living, healthcare, and who knows what else.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or some garbage like that probably.

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Easy with the name-calling, friend.


For someone who doesn't want to waste the calories it takes to type responses to these discourses, you do go on, and on, and on. Don't you have better things to do late at night? Your calory-burning response above comes off as some sort of unhinged ranting, misinformation, putting words in others mouths and ad hominem attack. I mean, really...calling me a troll?


And it makes you sick that someone wolud point out the waste of welfare money - but not the waste itself? That, in itself, is sickening to me.

Calling a duck a duck isn't name calling, "friend." On two different occasions in this thread, you've mischaracterized my position to imply that I'm not bothered by waste or fraud (the bolded portion of quote above, and with a similar comment in your previous post). I can only conclude that you're either genuinely too dim to actually understand the words that you're reading or that you're being deliberately obtuse for trollish effect. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that it's not an issue of mental acuity. In this case, I'll take the bait to defend myself and to make sure my position isn't misrepresented. This is not for your benefit so much as for other readers and participants in this thread. Pointing out that there is a fraud or waste issue isn't the problem, it's the hyperbolic "oh no, our country is screwed because the leftist Governor of Massachusetts Deval Patrick wants aid recipients in Massachusetts to use the ~500 bucks they get from the state on porn, tattoos and lotto tickets" tenor of your original post that's the problem.


Also, at the risk of being a bit pedantic, when someone says they're sick of something, it means they're tired of it, not that they're actually sickened by it. While I never said that anything in this discussion makes me sick or is sickening, I'll say that yes, I do fully agree that abuse of a welfare program is sickening since it needs to be spelled out for you.



In this post I am accused of either being dim (stupid) or pretending to be obtuse (stupid).


I'm expecting an apology.

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Actually, if you'll take a moment to comprehend the words written, I said that there are 2 possibilities: either you actually are dim, or you're feigning it for trollish effect. I went on to say that I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt with regards to your smarts, meaning you must be feigning it. In other words, I actually stated that I don't think you're dim, dumb, stupid or however else you'd prefer to phrase it. Now if the implication that you're a troll offends you, the best I can do is to say I'm sorry you're offended. I'm also sorry to the sky for being offended that I said it was blue, to water for taking offense to my claims that it's wet and to bacon for the shocking allegation that it's delicious.

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Whew, let's just calm down here guys. If I remember what bham disliked about this article and what he generally advocated was a higher level of discourse, one devoid of partisan hackery - which incomplete, headline-seeking articles are often full of. I find that perspective very admirable, so let's not ruin it by turning this thread into a lot of acerbic back and forth.

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