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November 7 Daily Show

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What The Daily Show does is make fun of blatant stupidity, lies, and intentional misrepresentation. Fox News is easily the biggest and best target for that.


But here's the key point - The Daily Show is a comedy show intended to satirize other news programs. It has never claimed or appeared to be anything else. Fox News claims to be a news network, when in reality, they are nothing more than a fear mongering and misinformation network. They are not at all what they claim to be.


The biggest problem with Fox News is they are so out of touch with reality, but have such a huge influence on Republican views. They have done a great deal of harm to the Republican party by ignoring facts, spreading misinformation, and pushing an agenda that really had no hope of getting a Republican elected to President.


If the Republican Party doesn't wake up and see what kind of poison Fox News actually is, they are utterly f'd.

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This was penned almost 25 years ago, and it couldn't be more true now. If you need some douchebag on "comedy central", who couldn't be more out of touch with the common man, saving me from "fox news", then there are greater problems to be solved....

You probably don't watch a lot of the Daily Show, but Stewart never claims to be in touch with the common man. He routinely comments that he's in the "1%" and only represents himself as a guy from Jersey and a New Yorker. Really the only people he claims to be in touch with are pot heads. He knows who he is more than O'Reilly, Hannity, BIitzer, or any other major cable news personality.


If thats the guy saving us from the idiots at "Fox News", no thanks...

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There's a sucker born every minute.


That phrase was coined over 140 years ago. Is longevity a winner here? How far back should I go?


If you believe the derp on Fox News, you really do need saving. It's as simple as that.


How much do you need to be shown that Fox is wrong? Isn't the recent election a mandate by the American people showing that Fox is full of it? With their "skewed polls" that were never skewed in the first place, their rumors that are all bunk, their irresponsible or inaccurate reporting, their mountains of derp that has been shown to be not only wrong, but laughably wrong.... Fox failed you. Fox told you things, made you believe things, that weren't even remotely true.


And if there's a source, whether that be ABC, CBS, NBC or Comedy Central, that shows the wrongness of Fox News, that points out in no uncertain terms that the crap Fox says is stupidly biased and wrong, isn't that source inherently valid?


This is the genius of Fox News. They put pretty people on TV and fool the American public with their looks and lies. And when challenged, those who succumb to Fox's derp simply hide back under the cloak of Fox's insipidness.


For God's sake - be better than that. Stop believing their crap. Turn the freaking channel, for God's sake.


I trust Fox about as much as I trust Colbert and Stewart, about as much as I do Bill Callahan...

but you do not need to 'trust' stewart or colbert. they just point out the hypocrisy and absurdity of media coverage or party politics. they are not news journalists.

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but you do not need to 'trust' stewart or colbert. they just point out the hypocrisy and absurdity of media coverage or party politics. they are not news journalists.

Ah, so you fell for that too?

for what? if you hold your new journalists to the same standards as your comedians, you are either holding your comedians to a much too high standard or you have no standards whatsoever for your news journalists. people need to use their judgment when consuming information.

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but you do not need to 'trust' stewart or colbert. they just point out the hypocrisy and absurdity of media coverage or party politics. they are not news journalists.

Ah, so you fell for that too?

for what? if you hold your new journalists to the same standards as your comedians, you are either holding your comedians to a much too high standard or you have no standards whatsoever for your news journalists. people need to use their judgment when consuming information.

You fell for the "I'm not a journalist" line.


Ask yourself this. Have you ever watched the Daily Show and felt you were more informed about a news topic after watching a segment on that topic?


If the answer is yes, you just consumed news provided to you by a person (or group persons) who researched, collected and then reported to you information. (See Journalist)


I get it. John Stewart is a comedian too... and I'm certain he doesn't want to be labeled a journalist because if he's taken seriously, his comedy suffers (which I feel it has anyway). And maybe he's not the one researching and collecting information, he employs a staff that prepares his topics, check facts and collects info and wraps it into a nice little package with jokes and funny graphics.


There have been lots of polls released that young people admit to getting the bulk of their news through the Daily Show.


It might not be traditional Bob Woodward/Watergate/Deepthroat style journalism... but it's a modern news product nonetheless ctreated by performing the act of "journlism".


So, yeah...you do have to put some trust into John Stewart that he's not making up stories like The Onion.

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but you do not need to 'trust' stewart or colbert. they just point out the hypocrisy and absurdity of media coverage or party politics. they are not news journalists.

Ah, so you fell for that too?

for what? if you hold your new journalists to the same standards as your comedians, you are either holding your comedians to a much too high standard or you have no standards whatsoever for your news journalists. people need to use their judgment when consuming information.

You fell for the "I'm not a journalist" line.


Ask yourself this. Have you ever watched the Daily Show and felt you were more informed about a news topic after watching a segment on that topic?


If the answer is yes, you just consumed news provided to you by a person (or group persons) who researched, collected and then reported to you information. (See Journalist)


I get it. John Stewart is a comedian too... and I'm certain he doesn't want to be labeled a journalist because if he's taken seriously, his comedy suffers (which I feel it has anyway). And maybe he's not the one researching and collecting information, he employs a staff that prepares his topics, check facts and collects info and wraps it into a nice little package with jokes and funny graphics.


There have been lots of polls released that young people admit to getting the bulk of their news through the Daily Show.


It might not be traditional Bob Woodward/Watergate/Deepthroat style journalism... but it's a modern news product nonetheless ctreated by performing the act of "journlism".


So, yeah...you do have to put some trust into John Stewart that he's not making up stories like The Onion.

i will accept this premise as soon as stewart or colbert break a story or do anything more than mock party politics or america's news coverage. people learning about news stories from watching this is merely incidental. people also learn about news stories from leno and letterman, does that make them journalists?


also, your definition of 'jounalist' is from wikipedia. wikipedia is the john stewart of encyclopedias.

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John Stewart is trying to inform his viewers about news topics. In his view, he needs to counter Fox News... so his team monitors stories, investigates how it was reported "wrong" by Fox News, and prepares a counter-news piece wrapped in a bow of comedy, so the users are entertained while they consume the news he's reporting.


You can go on believing what you said :


...you do not need to 'trust' stewart or colbert.... they are not news journalists.


But you should know that they want you to consume their news and believe the slant they give it. Call them whatever, but they are producing a news product for you to consume. Buyer beware.

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John Stewart is trying to inform his viewers about news topics. In his view, he needs to counter Fox News... so his team monitors stories, investigates how it was reported "wrong" by Fox News, and prepares a counter-news piece wrapped in a bow of comedy, so the users are entertained while they consume the news he's reporting.


You can go on believing what you said :


...you do not need to 'trust' stewart or colbert.... they are not news journalists.


But you should know that they want you to consume their news and believe the slant they give it. Call them whatever, but they are producing a news product for you to consume. Buyer beware.

buyer beware? you are the one buying that he is a journalist. it is not 'buyer beware', it is 'know what you are buying'; what you are buying is an entertainer who mocks the news. it is funny that people insist on holding stewart and colbert to a higher standard than actual news sources. this is a pretty silly conversation. unfortunately, our comedians are taken seriously and our news media is a joke.

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I guess it is kind of news when Stewart and Colbert go back and point out the conflicting views/opinions/messages coming from Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and any White House over the the past decade. But who else is going to cover the idiotic idiosyncrasies of news organizations and political parties? Certainly not themselves, because if they did an opposing network/party would call them out as bias, fraudulent, or unpatriotic and that would be the death knell for them.

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