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A new Political party

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The irony though, and the problem, is both sides think that the other"whitewashes extremism". I am a diehard conservative. Make no issues about it. I feel that the dems are doing the exact same thing that you same the Reps are doing. That is a problem. We are two guys on an internet board who both, based upon life experiences, jobs, culture, whatever that have the exact same idea. Extremism is wrong, yet you say it is the R's and I say it is the D's.


I am not saying this to get into some discussion about point counter point, but just a common sense observation. Our country is divided on views and opinions. Look at the demographics for who voted for who in the previous election and you can see this divide. It is scary. Our country is being divided by both parties.


Something needs to change. I hear you. Approximately 50% think that Dems are correct and the rest sided with the Reps. Their is slowly an eroding of a centerist party. Both sides are going farther left and farther right and those in the middle are forced to choose the lesser of two evils and not the best candidate.


I can't remember when the last presidential election was that I voted for candidate X instead of against candidate Y. Sad.


Some say the Reps need to change. I agree. BUt so do the Dems. Compromise. Both sides. Not just one.

What do you see as extreme within the mainstream Democratic Party? I sure haven't seen much extremism from the POTUS (much to true believer liberals chagrin . . . but to my satisfaction.)



Totally agree about compromise. Spending cuts AND the expiration of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. Let's do it.

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Yes, Obama won, BUT if the Republicans were so evil, and completely at fault then they would have not kept the House.

Good or evil had nothing to do with it. What allowed Republicans to keep the House? That's easy: gerrymandering.



I am sick and tired of people thinking that the Dems have all the answers and that the Republicans have none.

Does anyone here think that?


Just as some of you are supportive of excluding Christian values, I am just as adamant about keeping them. Your right to abolish them, now interferes in my ability to have them. Not fair regardless of what side you are on.

What? Who is trying to abolish Christian values? If anything, a certain faction is trying to force their values onto others. I'm for personal freedom of choice.


Unsure how people on this board will do come January 1, but for me and my family if the Bush tax cuts expire and credits are done away with, I will see a significant increase in my taxes. (I am not wealthy, I am middle class) If my taxes are jacked. Guess what.......both side screwed me because they couldn't reach a compromise.

My family's taxes will go up as well. Significantly.

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Yes, Obama won, BUT if the Republicans were so evil, and completely at fault then they would have not kept the House.

Good or evil had nothing to do with it. What allowed Republicans to keep the House? That's easy: gerrymandering.



I am sick and tired of people thinking that the Dems have all the answers and that the Republicans have none.

Does anyone here think that?


Just as some of you are supportive of excluding Christian values, I am just as adamant about keeping them. Your right to abolish them, now interferes in my ability to have them. Not fair regardless of what side you are on.

What? Who is trying to abolish Christian values? If anything, a certain faction is trying to force their values onto others. I'm for personal freedom of choice.


Unsure how people on this board will do come January 1, but for me and my family if the Bush tax cuts expire and credits are done away with, I will see a significant increase in my taxes. (I am not wealthy, I am middle class) If my taxes are jacked. Guess what.......both side screwed me because they couldn't reach a compromise.

My family's taxes will go up as well. Significantly.


You guys must both make more than 250,000. Congrats!

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You said yours is going up January one.


Your words...not mine.


I'll slow it down for you.



Unsure how people on this board will do come January 1, but for me and my family if the Bush tax cuts expire and credits are done away with, I will see a significant increase in my taxes. (I am not wealthy, I am middle class) If my taxes are jacked. Guess what.......both side screwed me because they couldn't reach a compromise.

My family's taxes will go up as well. Significantly.


AND . . .


If we go over the cliff tax rates go up for everyone.


Do you know the only reason why the Bush tax cuts would expire for everyone? Going over the fiscal cliff.


I'll keep explaining if you're still not up to speed.

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In answer to the question about a third party, my answer is no. We need five or more viable parties. If that sounds ridiculous, I'll simply counter with what we currently have in place. Having three firmly entrenched parties would eventually get stuck in the same mire of regurgitating the same scripted party line over and over and over again. We need fresh blood, and a lot of it. The old system is stagnant and contaminated with old moldy corpses who are still somehow managing to reach their skeletal fingers into our pockets. We need massive diversity to truly infuse a fresh sense of ideological resurgence in this country.


Repubs have a serious, serious problem. They have far less flexibility in terms of their philosophical approach because they have hung their hat on religiously guided moral grounds in numerous instances. This is now killing them. An example is a guy like Dick Cheney, who is not in a frame on my desk. But I do believe he loves his daughter...I've seen him talk about her, and in that isolated instance he came across like a pretty decent guy. But he could never advocate a pro-homosexuality stance while sitting in an active political role. What do Republicans even stand for? I honestly don't know anymore. One of the fundamental defining aspects used to be limited government, but that sure as hell isn't the case anymore. So, are they hamstrung to basically taking a Jonathan Edwards position? I think people are awfully sick and tired of R politicians imperiously declaring themselves the proper judges of morality.


They need a brand new approach, and they need to distance themselves from the Evangelical crowd and Tea Party rallies, because that group got hijacked by morons. They actually started out as pretty damn reasonable, really. But...(and this is so typical) they were infiltrated and overrun by the hyperbolic self-aggrandizing type of people who also flooded into Occupy. Somehow the loud idiots in our country consistent;y manage to effectively drown out the reasonable voices. And then all of a sudden Glenn Beck is talking, and you're like, why haven't I killed myself yet?


So, yeah, R's need a full on re-branding. WE need a fluctuating base of parties that gain affiliation and support not based off of habit, but rather of ideologies expressed. I am ardently, equally critical of both the Democratic and Republican party. They're BOTH an embarrassment.

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