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Elizabeth Warren's 11 Commandments for Progressives

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In both cases, those groups are seeking to prevent government interference with those rights, rather than seeking government protection against other groups.



Somewhat arguing semantics here. OK.....both groups are seeking to get more people in government to protect them from these outside groups that want government to take their rights away.

If that isn't the case, then why do conservative and liberal candidates campaign pandering to both groups?


When Warren says something about equal pay for equal work and she will keep fighting for it. She is saying that as it pertains to politics and government. How is that not seeking more government protection against sex discrimination in pay at work?

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Er....the NRA isn't seeking government protection for gun rights and NOW isn't seeking government protection for abortion rights. Right or wrong, modern society considers both to be rights, that is things people are entitled to do, should they want to. In both cases, those groups are seeking to prevent government interference with those rights, rather than seeking government protection against other groups.


I know this is anecdotal, but I know zero women (and for some reason most of my friends are women, and I spend 95% of my day around women) who in any way ever, ever, ever refer to NOW or their programs or activities. Literally, this has happened zero times in my life.


To continue down the anecdotal trail, anyone commenting in this thread: carlfense, tschu, BRB, Luke, C-Duke - do you know any women who follow NOW or their agenda? Or ever refer to them, ever?

Yes - I had the misfortune of participating in collegiate speech for a couple of years. Our coach and a handful of the female team members were proud card-carrying NOW members and I endured many a lecture on why everything from organized sports to Miss, Ms. and Mrs. are tools of oppression for the patriarchy.


From whence does the NRA believe it gets the right to keep and bear arms?




And, among the thousands and thousands of women you've known (& BRB), you can cite a handful from college who pushed the feminist agenda. We're proving the point that "women" don't act as if they need governmental protection, a fringe group acts this way. It is not a societal issue as cited in the piece BRB quoted, it's highly select group of women behaving this way.

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And, the group quoted in the piece I linked are claiming they don't need that fringe group to protect them.


I still fail to see where the issue is with this group. From your posts, it sounds like most women would fall into the group in the piece I linked and NOT in the "contemporary feminism" that the group claims they don't need.


Just like I really don't need the NRA because I don't believe anyone is trying to take my guns away.

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When Warren says something about equal pay for equal work and she will keep fighting for it.

How can this be construed as a bad thing? If you do the same work I do, and all other factors are equal, why shouldn't you be paid the same as me?


It can't.


You are right. It can't. I don't believe anyone in this thread is claiming they do not support equal pay for equal work. However, I believe it was Duke who posted two articles on studies that possibly show this isn't as big of an issue as what one side makes it out to be. It's a political talking point that one side uses to solidify the women voters.


When was the last time you worked at a place where if you were doing the exact same job with the exact same experience men got paid more than women? AND, if that did happen, what would happen to that company if it got reported?


I honestly can not think of a job I have had where women got paid less than men doing the exact same job with the exact same experience.

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You're right about equal pay not being much of an issue anymore, BRB. Employers pretty much have this concept nailed, and according to the EEOC, only 3.9% of all discrimination claims in Nebraska contained an equal pay component. Most of those are found to be unsubstantiated, mostly based on the fact that people don't know what their coworkers make, and they guess they're getting the shaft. But that stat includes both genders filing on that basis, and while the vast majority of those filing are women, men file equal pay claims, too.




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It really comes from the same dumbass throught process that went into Paul Ryan's 100% fictional (as in, he literally plagiarized this anecdote straight from an actual fiction novel, so it's hilarious in multiple ways) comment about a young kid he knew one time who didn't want the government-funded free school lunch. He wanted his school food to come from his parents in a brown paper bag because he wanted to know that someone loved him or something and BOOTSTRAPS.

what was so bizarre about that story is that the kid wanted his parents to love him, or whatever, but paul ryan did not see the beauty in a whole society loving the little boy enough to feed him when his parents could not? i mean, does it not work both ways?

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To continue down the anecdotal trail, anyone commenting in this thread: carlfense, tschu, BRB, Luke, C-Duke - do you know any women who follow NOW or their agenda? Or ever refer to them, ever?

Only one. But she is straight up crazy and I haven't seen or talked to her in years. Raised in Boulder. Legitimately pro-abortion . . . not pro-choice . . . but actually pro-abortion. Scarily enough . . . she's probably doing that for a living by now. Or at least in her residency.


Those political discussions at the Mill got pretty heated. Not to mention that I was in the midst of my Ayn Rand phase. Ugh.


"Raised in Boulder" that explains a lot. I do not know of anyone who brings up or follows NOW. They probably get more press than they deserve as representing all women.


Carl, I'd like to hear about your Ayn Rand phase. It may be a good discussion on a new thread. (hint)

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Carl, I'd like to hear about your Ayn Rand phase. It may be a good discussion on a new thread. (hint)

Not much to report. I, like many staunchly Republican midwestern 20 somethings, went through a phase where I read and talked about Ayn Rand constantly. I've probably read the Fountainhead 5 times and Atlas Shrugged at least twice. I wrote papers about them. I loaned copies to friends. I jotted extensive notes in margins about symbolism (look at the pencils! Roark's and Cameron's are worn down nubs and Keating's and Francon's are brand new! It's the life un-lived, un-experienced!). I practically forced at least two girlfriends to read them because they're "life-changing!"


Now with a little more perspective and time (and maybe even wisdom) I can say that they're mostly bunk. Pure fantasy.

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Carl, I'd like to hear about your Ayn Rand phase. It may be a good discussion on a new thread. (hint)

Not much to report. I, like many staunchly Republican midwestern 20 somethings, went through a phase where I read and talked about Ayn Rand constantly. I've probably read the Fountainhead 5 times and Atlas Shrugged at least twice. I wrote papers about them. I loaned copies to friends. I jotted extensive notes in margins about symbolism (look at the pencils! Roark's and Cameron's are worn down nubs and Keating's and Francon's are brand new! It's the life un-lived, un-experienced!). I practically forced at least two girlfriends to read them because they're "life-changing!"


Now with a little more perspective and time (and maybe even wisdom) I can say that they're mostly bunk. Pure fantasy.




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Carl, I'd like to hear about your Ayn Rand phase. It may be a good discussion on a new thread. (hint)

Not much to report. I, like many staunchly Republican midwestern 20 somethings, went through a phase where I read and talked about Ayn Rand constantly. I've probably read the Fountainhead 5 times and Atlas Shrugged at least twice. I wrote papers about them. I loaned copies to friends. I jotted extensive notes in margins about symbolism (look at the pencils! Roark's and Cameron's are worn down nubs and Keating's and Francon's are brand new! It's the life un-lived, un-experienced!). I practically forced at least two girlfriends to read them because they're "life-changing!"


Now with a little more perspective and time (and maybe even wisdom) I can say that they're mostly bunk. Pure fantasy.



It's okay man. I went through my Ron Paul libertarian phase early in college, then actually learned a little bit about the world

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It really comes from the same dumbass throught process that went into Paul Ryan's 100% fictional (as in, he literally plagiarized this anecdote straight from an actual fiction novel, so it's hilarious in multiple ways) comment about a young kid he knew one time who didn't want the government-funded free school lunch. He wanted his school food to come from his parents in a brown paper bag because he wanted to know that someone loved him or something and BOOTSTRAPS.

what was so bizarre about that story is that the kid wanted his parents to love him, or whatever, but paul ryan did not see the beauty in a whole society loving the little boy enough to feed him when his parents could not? i mean, does it not work both ways?



Nah dude, you're either a maker or a taker, a 47%er or a 53%er, bootstraps or handouts.

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