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Nebraska repeals Death Penalty

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I can sum up the reason for in one image.




Or two.




or three




or four




Not arguing or stating the death penalty needs to be used often, or even should but at a certain point as a society we need to stand up to certain atrocities and send a message that this has crossed the line.


I understand the one innocent person argument which essientially boils down to the JC argument, that said I dont think JC was accused of blowing up a police station killing cops then a bunch of kids at camp, shooting a movie theatre bc college is hard, or shooting elementary school or bombing a marathon for a god, guess i missed that page in the Quran.


I understand the argument that killing is wrong, so we will kill you is a paradox.


That said, do our prison which are met in part to rehabilitate these offenders to re-enter society should they be populated with these hard core killers, for the other inmates safety, for the officer safety, for society?


If you want to boil this down, how long should we hold these monsters? Anders Breivik is in on 21 year term eligible for parole after 10 eligible for unsupervised weekend fourloughs after 7, he is currently writting and encouraging others to kill hundreds of letters a week.


For you anti death people how long should we have given this little trouble maker?




Before we hear the oh great the hitler argument, here is another genocide monster.




Who was paroled early by his followers and almost came to power again... 100k killed slaves is not the best track record... Not even his countless wars of aggression that killed hundreds of thousands of civilians and soldiers.




At a certain point society is better off. I know the meme, is conservatives are dumb, out dated and just dont get it... However that said, sometimes it is Justified.




If Osama Bin Laden turned himself in would we not shoot?


Personally with OBL I think we should of hauled him around the country for public floggings, and public humilations thats just my two cents. Remember executions used to be a public event - it was a tool for the society to heal and to stop revenge killings and tribalism.


The rule of law is breaking down in a lot of states.

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I'm with you. I have never really thought about taking a stance one way or the other till tonight. 2 reasons why I'm against the death penalty.


1. God said "Do not murder" he did not say "Do not murder, unless...."


2. As a taxpayer, it costs more to administer the death penalty than a lifetime of incarceration.


If it was mass genocide or treason on an extreme level then I would start to lean the other way in that situation.

If want to get techinical, God said in the 10 commandments to not murder which was a different word then kill, the old testimate is filled with justified killings. The new testimate is a different story however.

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KazLong, let me preface this by saying I too believe all the people you posted photos of deserve/deserved the death penalty. That's not the same thing as saying I want them dead, but, their acts were definitely deserving of relinquishing their right to life on this earth.


The problem is that the justice system does not work in a way that makes the death penalty viable. The men who have created some of the most vicious crimes of our time committed their acts of violence in places with the death penalty. The idea that it deters crime in any fashion has been shot down again, and again, and again. You brought up the theater shooting - did the fear of death penalty in Colorado send a message to him? Nope. He still murdered.


Arguably the biggest problem with the death penalty is application. Let's take a real world example - a Lincoln man, in 2014, shot and killed his wife, chopped her body up into pieces and hid her in a storage unit. You know what the county attorney said? He said this case didn't meet certain "aggravators" to apply the death penalty i.e. it didn't involve a law enforcement officer, wasn't more than one person, wasn't heinous, etc. A 'heinous' act is one of those aggravators they use to apply the death penalty and the law decided nope... this is not a death penalty case. How is what he did not heinous? That's a red flag right there.


And a common argument for supporters is the justice system is broken and needs to be fixed so these men get sentenced to death. How? They say it needs to happen, but how does that really happen? Are we supposed to not give men sentenced to death appeals? Whoops... our society has redacted death sentences after later evidence or testimony absolved these "criminals." So, right there is proof that we need to sometimes give these people chances because they could be innocent. How would you or anyone live with yourself if you know you sent an innocent person to their death?


It's no longer the Wild West - we don't act as judge and jury and hang someone the next day. Society has advanced. Now, to your point about Hitler and people like Tsarnaev. I'm somewhat supportive of the idea of retaining federal capital punishment for people who create gross atrocities like those two men. But, at the state level, it's a broken practice that is not cost efficient (as proven by numerous studies) and it's a wash for victims as to whether it helps them recover or not.


I hate the idea that these people who commit terrible crimes get to live their lives out in a cell. I've also never had someone close to me murdered. If that happened, it might completely change my view on the subject. It might not.

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