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Everything posted by TonyStalloni

  1. It looks like they are able to recruit Iowa quite well. Good luck to the WSU girls in the Elite 8 Tourney.
  2. I have Kentucky vs Missouri playing in one semi and Syracuse vs Kansas in the other. I tried my best to find a way to eliminate Kentucky, as I despise their coach and team, however I see no way they lose against their bracket. Missouri would need to have an exceptional game to beat them in the semi. Kansas beats Syracuse in the other semi, making it an all (old school Big 8 final). Kansas vs Missouri in the final. I haven't decided on the winner yet. If Harvard gets to the Sweet 16 or the Elite 8, Tom O needs to give Tommy Amaker a call to see if he wants to do a repeat in Lincoln.
  3. He does move well for a lineman. I saw on several plays he took out more than one defender. That being said, it looks like he plays in a lower class because most of the opposition lineman were much smaller. With his speed and the addition of 30 lbs he could make a fine interior lineman or center.
  4. At this point in the first season of the Erstads, I would hope for an 11-6 record. L - Ks St W - UNK WWLL- Cal W - SDS WWLL- LT WW - No Colo WWL - Illinois W - Ks St
  5. Thankfully I'm not seeing many people being all butt hurt about Corey R leaving. There are always a few who feel the need to slam a guy for improving his lot in life. If Scott Frost or any other ex Husker in the coaching profession came to Nebraska under similar circumstances, would we tell him not to come because of all the players he recruited to Oregon? I think we would welcome him home and be happy for him. Corey R just did the same thing. La is his home and LSU is his alma mater. I hate seeing it happen right now but I understand it and wish him well. Not too well....just well!
  6. I think we know why Watson and Gilmore left. Not much intrigue there. Carl P left because he wanted to try his hand at head coaching...something we all knew someday he would do. Sanders was asked to leave....and not because of his coaching....nothing more to say there. Corey R left to go back to his alma mater, LSU, which is understandable. I don't think there is much news here. It's the coaching merry go round. We just aren't used to coaches leaving.
  7. Just a thought. We don't know that Bo didn't tell CR to go ahead and accept the job at LSU. Every story has it's under the radar lines.
  8. Congrats to the Husker team and Doc for the big win. Whether we think so, they have worked hard in practice. I had high hopes they could play like this all year. Too many injuries to the bigs and a lack of depth has hurt them. I'm glad to see them get this kind of win!
  9. I'll be watching baseball season with more fervor this year. I'm excited for the program and feel they are in great hands with this group of coaches.
  10. Year in and year out , one if not more of those 3 teams will be tough and near the top 10. Every year will be a dog fight.
  11. I can see it now. Marvin cruising down the "5" with the top down and the radio blarin the Beach Boys. "I Wish They all Could be California Girls". Ole Marv will have his hand in the cookie jar before long.
  12. Although I understand it's a big break for Marvin S, it also is a bit hard to understand that after Carl P gave MS his break to get back into coaching, that he leaves after 2 months. Marvin won't have to worry about getting canned at USC for doing what got him canned here. He'll fit right in.
  13. That's a real fan for ya...wanting the season to go down in flames. You might want to open your eyes a little bit. Nebraska is 3-9 in conference. We just lost the most home games in one season in almost half a century. We had the worse first half at home in school history. The season is already in flames. I'm not saying I'm happy with the season or that it isn't already bad. I'm not saying Doc deserves another year. What I am saying is that a true fan doesn't ever cheer for his team to loose. I'm sure the fair weather fans will jump back on the bandwagon if/when Husker B Ball turns around.
  14. That's a real fan for ya...wanting the season to go down in flames. And talk about oblivious...calling out Tom O in a public place so your "friends" would think you had cajones the size of grapefruit. Sounds like a little kid who yells in the store for what he wants , when he wants it. Grow up just a little bit. It will happen but there is a process by which it happens. Holding your breath till you're blue in the face isn't it.
  15. I would rather shut the program down than sell our soul for a few appearances in the tourney. Nothing is worth going down that road. How would we ever get another coach in here if we did that? We'd be like Oklahoma after Barry Switzer with Gary Gibbs. Disgraced and pathetic. I'd rather just be pathetic. But Oklahoma is relevent now. In basketball so is Michigan, UNLV, Baylor. Seems like things worked out. So immediately afterwards there may be a lull of 5 years or so, how is that any different then right now. ANd by the way a lot of talk about Huggins being dirty, but KState is still humming along. Oklahoma was relevant in football for 40 years before Switzer finally let the roof cave in. It was the willingness to allow the "win at any cost" mentality and an unwillingness to monitor the actions of that teams players that drove them to the cellar of the Big 8 for 10 years. Michigan was relevant in basketball many years before they decided to quit monitoring the players actions. Same with K State. Once UNLV got rid of their towel sucking coach, Jerry K, they haven't done much in 20 years. Baylor is better now than they were with Dave Bliss but probably because they found a good coach who appears to want to do things right. Ask any man who was caught embezeling, or cheating on his wife or cutting corners on a job if it was worth it and I think very few would say yes. It always comes back to bite you in the ass. Either do it right or don't do it at all.
  16. I would rather shut the program down than sell our soul for a few appearances in the tourney. Nothing is worth going down that road. How would we ever get another coach in here if we did that? We'd be like Oklahoma after Barry Switzer with Gary Gibbs. Disgraced and pathetic. I'd rather just be pathetic.
  17. I almost wish we could lock the doors tomorrow....forfeit the rest of the games...revoke all scholarships and fire all coaches. It's time to start from scratch. There is one player on our team who deserves a Div 1 schollie....and it's not Bo Spencer.
  18. I like this helmet: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fourteen85/6824323831/in/set-72157629135283379 I would like to see one home game a year done in the alternate helmet and uniform.
  19. Initially, whoever we get as a coach has to be able to recruit well enough to win 9 or 10 games in the Big 10. PSU (2times), Iowa (2 times), Minn (2 times), NW (2 times), a split with Purdue, would be 9 wins plus 2 wins in the 8 games with Wisky, OSU, MSU and Mich to get a couple quality wins along with a couple big non conference games would get us to about 19-9 or 20-8 which should be good enough to get in the NCAA's. Do that a couple of years, build some excitement, increase the recruiting quality and start competing with OSU and MSU. I know it's easier said than done, but it's been done at lesser places than Lincoln. (Gonzaga ,Texas A & M and Baylor come to mind). Is there something magical at Creighton that Altman couldn't recruit the same quality or better teams to NU than he had there? Their kids always played hard and they occasionally went 2 or 3 rounds in the NCAA's. Granted the competition week in and week out would be harder in the Big 10. I look at Notre Dame and the decent season they are having. They have a few good players but no real stars that will play in the NBA. If we could play well enough that the crowds would enjoy coming out and bring the energy, game day in Lincoln might be fun.
  20. How fun it would be to see some deep south kids get to play in Memorial Stadium when the temp is 5 degrees and the grounds staff has removed 6" of snow off the field.
  21. Maybe Bo should do some recruiting in Australia and NZ next year. Bring a few of these projects to Lincoln and make them All Americans.
  22. I imagine Tom O will have a hard choice at the end of this season. Keep Doc for another year and risk losing the fans or do what he said he wouldn't and let Doc ride off into the sunset and start from scratch again. I just don't see this program doing anything and as much as I want them to do well, they don't have the players to even get into the NIT.
  23. I know Belichick does wonders working non star players into his system. I always look for Danny Woodhead. I'm not a huge pro football fan but I kinda root for the Patriots just because they play as a team and don't rely on a few stars to carry them. It just goes to show there is still room for a group of guys who want to play as a team.
  24. I can't wait to see this young man perform on saturdays in Lincoln. Whether he plays center or guard, he is a terrific blocker with a real penchant for knocking people down. He'll need to be bigger and stronger to stand up to the Big 10 D lines but give him a redshirt year and a year or 2 in the weight room and at the training table and I think he'll be hard to keep off the field.
  25. It would appear we are about to see if some of the "rumors" about Urban "Liar" are true. I'm not sold that his tenure at OSU will be as remarkable as many say. Not that he isn't a great coach on the field, but it would seem his tactics aren't going to be a good fit in the big 10. His teams have also been plagued by off the field issues. We may find out if the Big 10 comish has any teeth.
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