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Everything posted by Michiganball

  1. I know, right... it doesn't make sense to abbreviate Northwestern University as NU. /sarcasm About as much sense as calling a place located in the middle of the country Northwestern. /s Since the the school's original purpose was to serve what was once known as the Northwest Territory, I think they named it correctly. Agreed and it will stay that way, NWU would sound like a ACC team. It's funny you say that. Until the Huskers joined the B1G, I always saw Northwestern abbreviated as NW. It's weird to me to call them NU, so I always use NW, and it will probably stay that way. For you guys in the B10 for years, I'm sure it's the reverse. Yea, old habits, I do use NW here though, when in Rome and all that.
  2. I know, right... it doesn't make sense to abbreviate Northwestern University as NU. /sarcasm About as much sense as calling a place located in the middle of the country Northwestern. /s Since the the school's original purpose was to serve what was once known as the Northwest Territory, I think they named it correctly. Agreed and it will stay that way, NWU would sound like a ACC team.
  3. Yea there were lot's of other calls, of course he will blame it all on the devil, the southerners will burn a witch in he's name and the land shall be cleansed.
  4. First we need to be consistent and beat the teams we are supposed to beat soundly. right now thats not really happening. Still it's better then what was happening right before Arena. Hoping we see more aggressive play in September daring the qualifiers.
  5. That's just getting buzzed or drunk, binging is when you go on for a day or more. Then again solo a pitcher of long Island ice tea in an hour and see what happens.
  6. There are good places but we cant likely talk about them here.
  7. Yes there is a way to get standalone BTN2GO, it's BTN International for those who travel to or live in other countries and dont want to miss a game, you have to use a VPN in the US however. VPN service will likely cost you around $5 a month, maybe even less for very basic features, it also protects you from being hacked or being spied on by your provider so nice bonuses. Yearly BTN cost is about $10 a month if pay for the full year, more information below. BTN international page, if you click on it with a US ip it will say it's not available in your country. https://international.btn2go.com Here is the FAQ from their page What programming is available on BTN2Go International? BTN2Go International features the same content and programming as BTN2Go. Subscribers to BTN2Go International have access to a 24/7 feed of the network, live streaming of all BTN games, on-demand access to archived games carried by partner networks (ABC, ESPN and CBS), hundreds of hours of original programming including The Journey, Big Ten Icons, Big Ten's Best and The Big Ten's Greatest Games, as well as game highlights and coaches' shows. How do I get BTN2Go International? BTN2Go International is available on a subscription-basis, with Annual ($119.95), Monthly ($19.95) or 24-Hour ($14.95) subscriptions from which to choose.
  8. Yea, but you still need a cable sub, unless you went the VPN route, it's not like Kodi, but cant talk about that here. For antennas try these guys here they were very communicative with quick answers, call or email https://www.antennasdirect.com Also try their antenna mapping tool shows you what stations you can get, not sure if they show the substations however as these days one channel can have 2-8 sub stations. 4.1, 4.2 4.3 etc.... Ended up with this outdoor one but placed it in the attic, it allows to reach far away signals in multiple directions, being North of Detroit it gave me 51 channels, some pointed towards Detroit/Canada and some in an opposite direction. https://www.antennasdirect.com/store/DB8e-Ultra-Long-Range-Outdoor-DTV-Antenna.html Might be a bit overkill for some, but the signal is always solid. I would also suggest a signal booster if you plan to split the signal to multiple tv's Also if you want to dvr there are multiple options. ChannelMaster is around 200 bucks, they charge 300 plus if you want a hard drive with it, dont get that one, buy your own, an external 1 terrabyte is only about 50 bucks. Nice thing about channel master is that it doesn't charge any monthly fees for the tv guide data. Tivo did this as well, but they are still more expensive.
  9. Or Roku or better yet Kodi(will never happen legally at least). Cable networks will keep their bat ready if they even consider any of those with threats of dumping them from basic. Now technically one can sub to their standalone service if you use a VPN, it's a loophole BTN seems to have left open.
  10. Yep Michigan had their estimated share leaked and it was 51.1 to be exact. Looking back at their estimates they are usually correct within 1 million. And yea Huskers got fully vested just in time for the money tree. Rutgers I believe is another 3 years away and Maryland will be paying some bills back for a bit as well.
  11. Might happen, OSU was not a very good team last year and unless they bring their refs with them. Huskers have a reasonable shot at that game.
  12. Costa Rica can be a challenge in the state that were in. Would like to see that aggressive team from 3-4 years back before they were culled for no reason, loosing most the experienced players. and a smart D line that doesn't let through the easy ones.
  13. Keep your eyes out on Netrflix, they are doing a show called Altered carbon, based on a series of Richard Morgan books, allegedly the budget per episode is 1.5 -2 times higher then GOT's budget. It's a hard syfy with people being able to change bodies and storing their memories in a special device in the neck. Enter the "hero" he was stored inside one of those items without a body as punishment, but he is needed to solve a murder....of a living man. Then there is the Wirtcher and if that one is not a cartoon, they may have their own GOT right there.
  14. So getting back to the toppic, how did Iowa claim one exactly? Seems to happen down south quite often of laate, Ok, Just read it, it has less credibility then something you hear from your tin hat wearing uncle, common, no one can take that seriously.
  15. Defense wins championships, They had the number one in the nation with an astounding average of giving up just 9.5 points a game. Hell Woodson was still a terror on defense till a couple years ago. So yes, he's wrong about that as well.....or is he? Having said all this, that is what you will hear going to any Michigan forum and you will not change their minds and they will not change your minds, ever, because you are fanboys . My take on this, is that this was just another farce that occurs every year and calls itself a championship.The two teams never played so the point is totally moot and speculation is worth as much as the dirt on the bottom of a shoe. Soap box time My view is that there has never been a championship and that the NCAA failures continue to this day, though to a lesser degree. One day we might get a real championship but first the bowls have to go the way of the dodo, then we can talk about fields neutral to both teams and enlarging the playoff to 8-10 teams. At the pace NCAA football moves however, give it 30-50 years.
  16. As long as Han is a black lesbian, I'm all in.
  17. Personally from the football perspective I've always preferred Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas vs "available" ACC teams, just never seen that certain spark and popularity in ACC that you see with those Big12 teams. Also have a soft spot for Oki lite because of the man in my gif, but thats a damn long shot. Of course Texas , Oklahoma and Kansas would be a huge score, not only by taking B1G from the Atlantic to the Gulf creating the largest continuous conference coverage in the country but of course with the major $$$ increase. I would not be surprise bar any general rights revenue collapse B1G payouts topping 65+ mill per team.
  18. I thought you were just kidding, expecting lot's of Pacino outbursts...
  19. You can have more then one rivalry, UM has MSU, OSU, ND and Rutgers thinks we have one with them as well But I digress.Nebraska and Oklahoma, definitely a Rivalry, one that is currently on hiatus, much like UM was on hiatus with ND for a while, Because come game day, all the excitement comes back flooding in, in fact a break brings more intensity. Now, if Oklahoma joined B1G you can be assured Huskers would play them every year and the little flame again would turn to a nice raging fire.
  20. It's June and getting real football withdrawals, watching CFL.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. huKSer


      Michiganball: "I can see Canada from my house" in a Sarah Palin voice

    3. HuskersNC949597


      So, eh then, eh?

    4. Michiganball


      Yea, five minutes down the road and I can see them across the lake, plotting.


      And HuskerNC, that is what it sounded like when there was a fumble.

  21. Similar to what Nixon did when he felt the heat, fired the chief watergate investigator. Now donnie molester must be feeling the heat after the latest set of subpoenas.Here is the kicker, late tonight by coincidence the white house setup a meeting for tomorrow between him and the Russian foreign minister. Time to work on some strategies with our "pals". Seriously this guy really thinks the country is filled with drooling idiots.
  22. Yea destruction of Net Neutrality is going to hit our pocketbooks no doubt, comcast and it's like are drooling right now, but where is the "Ma Freedumb!" conservative brigade as our internet privacy is about to get obliterated.....by conservatives.
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