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Abdullah the Butcher

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Everything posted by Abdullah the Butcher

  1. In the loud and busy world of sports radio, Sarah Spain and Prim Siripipat are hoping to bring a slightly different perspective: From women. The duo is teaming up to host ‘Spain and Prim’, a radio show that ESPN believes is one of the first national sports radio shows to be hosted and produced by women as part of the network’s new lineup this season.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedRedJarvisRedwine


      Who cares about what women think about sports?

    3. jimk


      Over/under on it lasting 1 month.

    4. ZRod


      Annnnd, it's gone!

  2. That's not what the Lesbians used to tell my wife when they tried to pick her up at college. Their typical retort to a refused offer was, "What's the matter? Afraid you might like it if you tried it?" I have no reason to believe those lesbians were lying, but if you don't agree with them that it is a choice, take it up with them. Anyhow, I'm guessing that if Penn State had a do over and could choose between our Christian ex-coach and their Homosexual ex-coach, they wouldn't hesitate a second to choose Ron Brown. I'm done here, don't bother replying to me, because I'm not checking back. In all of the internet, I don't think a half dozen opinions have ever been changed, so let's not even try. That's scientific. I won't even respond to the obvious trolling in the Penn St. comment. I just assumed all women were bisexual.
  3. Odds are really good he already has. He's also, quite recently, coached a Muslim kid. That seemed to turn out OK. To be fair, the Muslims hate the gays also.
  4. Well I'm not surprised Packer fans would be into that but I don't think you're going to gain much traction nationally.
  5. Gentlemen, deer or pot pie for dinner?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. It'sNotAFakeID
    3. Moiraine


      Oh I see my opinion doesn't matter.


      (Why don't you make deer pot pie?)


      Edit: dang I should read the other replies first.

    4. Abdullah the Butcher

      Abdullah the Butcher

      I have about a pound of deer left, might do a pot pie or stew with it.

  6. My name isn't Slick, it's Zoidberg. JOHN f'ing ZOIDBERG! - Zoidberg
  7. George Lucas, the creator of the sci-fi series explained that while he presented Disney with his ideas for what would happen next, "they came up to the decision that they didn’t really want to do those. So they made up their own.”

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. suh_fan93


      I don't see Disney and JJ Abrams doing much better but we'll see.

    3. ShawnWatson


      Lucas created JarJar Binks. I think his time has passed for ideas.

    4. Junior


      And the Ewoks


  8. OK. Best of luck, RB. So many years dedicated to Nebraska football. Are you being a dick or being sincere?
  9. The healthcare.gov commercial with singing pets, shorter versions play on radio and tv. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPkxjgFsMfc
  10. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/01/22/us/justice-department-ferguson-civil-rights-darren-wilson.html?_r=0&referrer=
  11. What's the Democratic equivalent of pretending like Keystone XL is a monumentally important "jobs bill"?I was speaking more to the premise of their main platforms not being founded in reality. Which they are not. Gratis post high school education, for example.I don't know . . . the whole two years paid tuition after high school seems a hell of a lot more reality based than acting like 35 permanent jobs would energize the American economy. Your opinion. Because I'm damn sure someone's going to be paying for that education. Fundamental economic lessons dictate nothing is free. I tried to carefully avoid calling it "free." Wonder how many kids we could put through school if we ended the F35 boondoggle? I'm sure you smart people will correct me but isn't Obama screwing over college savings plans in order to help the community college plan? http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/01/20/heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-obamas-new-plan-to-help-families-afford-college/
  12. A high school coach in suburban Atlanta is accused of biting another coach's face. An arrest warrant says South Cobb High School girls basketball coach Melonie Joyce Martin was standing about two inches from coach Tyrone Harris when authorities say she bit him in the eye and nose.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vizsla1


      Another proud product of the Mike Tyson school of coaching

    3. NUance


      Maybe she was undernourished as a child. /shrug

    4. ZRod


      @bean: Do realize how hard it is to talk about girls basketball with a women and not have them absolutely pissed at you?

  13. Even if they were ignorant of the law during the seizure the money would have to be returned . . . but this only changes the federal rule. http://www.fairfieldsuntimes.com/opinion/article_a01634e8-a0d7-11e4-9397-878e8419d604.html Idk Carl, seems pretty open now.
  14. But does Holder's proclamation supersede the Supreme Court's ruling that police don't need to know the law? If you assume something is a law then police are fine to enforce it.
  15. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TransCanada_Corporation So from that it sounds like they did take the land and started building.
  16. According to that Forbes article Transcanada has used eminent domain in 2% of land acquisition.
  17. You never read Rising Sun? Explain. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rising_Sun_%28novel%29
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