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Everything posted by Warrior

  1. Warrior


    It's great to see these guys have carried on with this cause into the NFL!
  2. What was Old is NU again!
  3. If he doesn't come right away who does that leave on the recruiting trail. I'm assuming his staff will all come with, but they will need to stay and coach the bowl game. With the old staff already fired who is left?
  4. I agree, but I'm would guess that if any of us were fired by a guy we would had little respect for we might feel entitled to speak or mind. No matter how narrow it might be! Side note fire me and pay me 6 figures I'd be good with it I think...
  5. Staff changes happen all the time in the NFL if that is what some of these guys are talking about. Fox covering the Falcons game mentioned Matt Ryan playing for (I think) 5 different OC's. Change is the only constant.
  6. Remember a lot of Bo anger was geared at SE.. just saying.
  7. They don't have one after the bowl games so the AP is still the final poll, but prior to the playoffs the AP means less so I guess both carry significant weight.
  8. I think now it's the playoff rankings more so than the AP poll. I know I'm splitting hairs, but that's the most important measure now.
  9. If Mullen takes the TN job that will make almost 1/2 of the conference with changes or major hot seat issues.
  10. While I agree we want him to stay. He's not the ONLY one we need to keep. Don't trash the young men that are laying it out on the line.
  11. Who finishes in the interim? At least MR is a class act let him finish and have Moos do the post-game press conference announcing it on Black Friday.
  12. He's a quality guy that hasn't thrown his guys under the bus like many coaches have this season.
  13. NFHS is pushing all the heads up information along with implementation plans. It's starting at the lower levels and will work it's way to college. Bob better get on board with it. Wherever he's coaching next year. https://assets.usafootball.com/documents/HUF-HS-Implementation-3.pdf
  14. Forced Retirement. Don't say fire that way we weren't mean to the incredibly nice guy HCMR.
  15. Question do you think they ask kids that make these kind of commitments to sign in the DEC early signing period?
  16. You took the team don't make excuses and crap on the kids that have more time invested in the school than you. You have a buyout to protect you now go coach the ones you have while looking for the ones that fit.. PS.. Those guys didn't choose you either!
  17. What a D-bag move. I think Flecks a tool that will have it a come tumbling down on him soon.
  18. Moos is already way ahead of it. I willing to bet he was told that would be one of the expectations for him taking the job. Edit.. You also get Diaco as the interim if you do that I think... YIKES!!
  19. Firing him doesn't change anything on the field this season. Look how well Florida played today!
  20. Moos played OL I'm sure he noticed the lack of rushing yards.
  21. We've also had a few Red Zone attempts end up in points for the opponent.
  22. It's bad when this is the silver lining! haha
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