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Everything posted by SandhillshuskerW

  1. https://twitter.com/budlight/status/981273219750662145/photo/1
  2. The only reason that I voted for Trump was that he would fight dirty. Joe Biden would try to win a fair fight and it wouldn't happen. I'm assuming that we are talking about an actual fight and not a political one?
  3. Shawshank Redemption Caddyshack Groundhog Day The Internship Lord of the Rings Trilogy Tombstone Wreck It Ralph (This one would definitely be for my kids, I can honestly say that it's a good movie) I'm sure that there are more, I'm just drawing a blank right now.
  4. I just watched it finally last night and I agree. I really enjoyed this episode. It will be interesting to see where they go after the all out war with the Saviors. I'm not sure how many episodes are left before the season finale, but I really hope they wrap things up with Negan before the finale. It will be interesting to see what they do from there.
  5. I don't mind them on their cell phones once they are done with all of their work. I know that they are quiet if they are on their cell phones, but you can't just let them be on them non-stop. I make them put them away until they are done with their work. If I see them, I take them back to my desk. It's a pain, but it ensures that they learn the material that I need them to learn.
  6. Agree 100%. My wife still watches this and I just can't stand it when she does. I'm just glad we have more than one tv in the house.
  7. I've never read the comics and don't plan to. I liked the last episode. I think it's really building towards a huge battle. I think the saviors are starting to fall apart a little bit. I would have never known about any of the characters actual stories in the comics if it wasn't for coming here and reading everyones comments about them. I liked the last episode because of the buildup of where things are heading. I really hope they do justice to the war that is about to really get going. I have no idea where they will possibly go after they get rid of Negan and the Saviors, but we'll just have to wait and see.
  8. Only being down by 10 at half is amazing the way we played. We better wake up at half time and play like we know how.
  9. I might be interested in trying one of those. I think that the main reason I don't like them is because of the bitterness to the taste.
  10. That's ok. It's just a pet peeve of mine that students waste way too much time on their cell phones and I just pick on snapchat. Unfortunately, they learn it from seeing way too many adults wasting time on their cell phones too.
  11. Teachers aren't on Snapchat instead of teaching. That's not what we said at all. Teachers are on Snapchat during lunch, or their down time. Kids are on it all the time when they think they can get away with it. Parents need to be more active with their own kids and their technology or this will only get worse.
  12. Oh, I might have to strongly suggest that to our IT guys. The problem is, I'm one of the only teachers in the school that doesn't Snapchat. It would severely hamper their own Snapchatting.
  13. I wish they could block it on their phones, that's where it is a major problem.
  14. I was really enjoying this thread until this happened. I hate Snapchat. I am a teacher and it is one app that many of our students waste way too much time on. I have a lot of friends that have it and ask me to get it, but I just refuse.
  15. It looks like we should be in good shape as long as Miles gets at least one more recruit or another transfer that can make an immediate impact. We aren't losing as much production as quite a few teams that are towards the top.
  16. I just read this thread today and looked at the stats. Roby had 5 turnovers in 16 minutes? The team had 22 and Roby had 5 of them. Did he play that badly or just had a really good defender on him?
  17. My bad, it was right below what I said so I responded. It just seems to me that too many people are responding to this issue in an emotional way instead of thinking things through. It's happening from both sides obviously.
  18. I'll have some of what you're drinking! In all reality, I would love to see that all play out. Of course it won't go exactly this way, but I do think the staff is putting together a great class. It will just be interesting to see how the season plays out and if the staff is back next year. That will obviously shake things up a little bit.
  19. So you don't have answers to any of the questions that I asked? It seems like you were just attacking me and venting instead of giving me any constructive answers. I never said that I was in favor of fully automatic weapons or bump stocks. I was just throwing some questions to talk about. I tried to point out to my students that many people have different opinions and we need to have calm conversations about issues like this instead of letting our emotions speak for us. It's going to be a sensitive subject to discuss, but I would hope that people from both sides can actually have a calm, constructive discussion and actually get something worked out.
  20. I very rarely post things these days, but I read a lot of opinions on a lot of things. I'm a school teacher and I have talks with my students all the time about things that happen in our country. This is one of those things that we have discussed. I own shotguns and I'm an avid hunter. I don't own any other weapons and I have no need to. Gun control will always be a tricky conversation and yes I think it needs to be a conversation that we have. I do have some serious questions though and I can admit that I don't have the answers. I have talked about these with my students: 1) If we as a nation would ban all semi-automatic guns, would it really solve the problem? I'm not saying that I don't think it will help, It's just a question that I threw out to my students. It was interesting to see what some of them came up with. 2) If we did have stricter laws and citizens couldn't own certain firearms, what would we start to blame if these tragedies continued? I'm not saying that they would, but what would be the next step if stricter laws did nothing? 3) Here's a point that one of my students brought up and I really didn't have a great answer for it. There are a lot of things that are illegal in our country including drugs and there are millions of people that purchase and use drugs on a daily basis. Why do we think that people will not be able to access these weapons if they are illegal? I'm not listing these things and saying that I have all the answers and I'm not saying that I'm against stricter gun laws. I'm just pointing out some things that my students and I discussed.
  21. Really hoping for a sweep against Penn State and Minnesota dropping at least one.
  22. I was running the event and got to witness it. This kid is a very athletic young man. I think he needs to try to long jump in college. So it's YOUR fault for not having the wind gauge on it. I was running the event, not the meet!☺
  23. I was running the event and got to witness it. This kid is a very athletic young man. I think he needs to try to long jump in college.
  24. One Simple Trick to Stop Hair Loss Naturally? Where was this information 8 years ago?!

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