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Decked last won the day on December 10 2023

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About Decked

  • Birthday March 6

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  • Location
    Pittsburg, Kansas
  • Interests
    Fishing, hockey, and well..football

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Defensive Coordinator

Defensive Coordinator (16/21)



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  1. How is it possible that in 2020 you can still end up with a tie game...in football..

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    2. Enhance


      @ZRod Yep, but NFL fans/stakeholders seem to think the college variant it's too "gimmicky." My counter-argument to those folks is fine, so long as they don't complain about games ending in ties. Doing something out of the ordinary is the only option IMO given the overall concerns about player safety and extending the game any longer than the current OT period. I feel like if they want games to have clear winners, but they don't want to put players at any more risk than current, they gotta find some common area in the middle.

    3. ZRod


      Rock, Paper, scissors?

    4. funhusker


      Isn't the NFL pretty clear about their reasoning being TV contracts.  Maybe I dreamt it, but I could have sworn that their TV deals don't allow for broadcasts to go more than 3.5 hours or something.  I know I've been pissed in the past where they go to my team after another games ends, only to end the broadcast with 1 minute to go.



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