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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. Complete fraud his entire life. And, so many people have fallen for it.
  2. They look fun to have when you make pizza. But, how often to you make pizza? Or...how often do you think you would make pizza if you had one? To me, it seems like something that I'd use a few times a year and the rest of the time it would take up space in the garage. Then, when I want to use it, I'd have to clean it from all the dust and spiders. I make pizza just on my gas grill that I like just fine.
  3. Possibly, or if they are caught damaging property.
  4. OK....how do you pronounce his last name?
  5. The comment about "talent around him" is an important part.
  6. Both stats are usefull, you just need to know what they represent. So damn frustrating we can't win these games.
  7. Not sure how. With no chain of custody, nothing from the lap top should be allowed as evidence.
  8. This is why they need to arrest these people for something. They need to figure out who is actual students and who are the outside influencers and then figure out who is funding and motivating them.
  9. Which means, you can't trust anything they claim was on it originally. What's amazing about this is that lawyers did this. They know (or should know) the laws pertaining to chain of custody. So....I have to believe that they did this knowing they were going to lie about what was on the lap top originally....before they actually knew what was on it.
  10. Oh really!!!!! Something was fabricated that was reported to be on the lap top. Shocking.
  11. Let’s see. We have a major party candidate that is pretty much tied for the lead. He says there will be violence if he loses. The last time he lost….checks notes…..there was violence. He’s already promoting the myth the election is rigged. He refuses to tell his supporters to not be violent. Good times….right?
  12. Thank God……finally someone came to their senses.
  13. What….the ….actual f#&% did i just read?
  14. I guess they aren’t committed enough to go on a hunger strike.
  15. Ok, explain the reality to me about taxing unrealized gains. the concept is beyond idiotic.
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