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Creighton Duke

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Everything posted by Creighton Duke

  1. One thing I hope becomes more clear is that BLM isn't anti-law enforcement. The problem is with us, all of us, not a scant minority of racist cops. We bear responsibility as a nation for this situation, and we can go back to the "drug" war used to incarcerate blacks and hippies, and the whole broken windows, superpredators stuff that any reasonable politician has seen the error of their ways with. snip I want to make a few points here. First, when we refer to a recognized population, we should use the proper capitalized title i.e. Blacks. Second, the responsibility begins LONG before the "drug war" and the precipitous decline of the standard of living of the Black population can directly be traced back to the Great Society initiatives. If you look at unemployment rates, divorce rates, general standard of living indicators, etc. this is the time period that saw all progress being made by Blacks in America begin to be snuffed out due to irresponsible and possibly intentional activities by elected federal officials. While this may be true, is it any reason to ignore the fact that the war on drugs had a very negative, disproportionate effect on the Black community? I also don't understand how taking a president that is openly siding with one side very clearly over the other is going to make the situation improve. Trump has said nothing of trying to improve on what the Black community views as an institutional problem. He just says "The Democrats don't support the police; I'm the law and order candidate, I support them." While I agree strongly that we need to revere and appreciate our police for their service, he doesn't even offer lip service to the other side. Look, police are not infallible. Neither are the citizens they patrol and keep secure. Both sides have flaws that become apparent at times. Our goal should be to bring both sides together and work on a collaborative solution such that both sides feel supported and respected. I don't believe he will do that. I think he will support the police, because that's the natural thing for a Republican to do and an easy voting bloc for him. I know people say Obama or Clinton hate the police. I strongly feel that's not true. I think either of them stand a much better chance of trying to bring both sides together to work together to improve things for all instead of just choosing sides. And lastly, I don't believe listening to one side means your disrespecting the other. I think one's actions and ideas should bear out who they are truly supporting. I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers with this post. I fully understand + respect how BRI or any other LEO could support someone like Trump who's been much more vocally supportive of them. Of course he has. One of the biggest problems facing the Black population in America is a lack of opportunity. Many of these opportunities have been flooded by the presence of undocumented workers who are taking positions, and oftentimes at lower pay, that many native Blacks would be in the running for. By emphasizing and prioritizing American and legal immigrant workers, Trump will help create more opportunities for the Black population which will strengthen both the specific population as well as the nation as a whole!
  2. I've been on a version of keto a few times over the last year. I have found that cycles work best since, for me at least, going very low carb for extended periods of time ends up halting some progress (which is to be expected when you are doing workouts in a carb deficient state), but mainly because my old man joints don't respond well to low carb for extended periods of time. Props to you for being on it for so long! I think that you could benefit from adding some tasty seafood to your diet while also adding some low carb vegetable options (use this chart to get an idea of good veggies....you already know that most fruits aren't great for keto!), whether in solid form (eh) or juice form (eh!) I always found my best results came from doing moderate carbs one day a week and "heavy" carbs another day. My DEXA came back at just over 12% (do the math on what calipers would tell you ), but to be fair, I was also IM fasting. I felt like the heavy carbs carried over a day or two into beginning of the week workouts (of course the heavy carb day was reserved for Husker game days!) which obviously helped. I'm interested in hearing more of your experiences!
  3. What exactly would you like to do with Bitcoin? Are you looking to invest in cryptos in an attempt to hedge against traditional currencies and equities or are you looking to use it to actually purchase things? Regardless, I assume that you probably want to start small and see how you feel about it. As such, I would suggest setting up an account with Circle.com or Coinbase. Coinbase allows for greater amounts to be transferred at once (as in cash to your Coinbase account and then to BTC), but for someone just getting into it Circle is probably better due to the fact that transactions are free (Coinbase charges a nominal fee) and after 3-6 months, the amount that you are allowed to transfer is raised SIGNIFICANTLY. With either you are able to create a unique wallet identifier in order to conduct transactions in BTC. Please feel free to respond or send me a PM if you have more specific questions.
  4. I have been involved with fitness my entire life and have worked in fitness-related ventures in a few different capacities. I never really thought about going further with it other than getting some certs to help me maximize individual performance and to teach friends, but as I've gotten older, I've thought about how rewarding a career in fitness could be. I have a friend who has similar passion and we have talked about a unique idea to open a facility that is primarily strength and conditioning based, but is also heavily focused on promoting public health and general wellness practices to a wide population. We will see if things ever progress from fun conversations Also, as ironic as it sounds, looking back, I wish I would have pursued a career with the U.S. State Department out of college. I would have loved to have worked in a number of different embassy locations and capacities around the world. Those gigs are TOUGH to get though.
  5. One thing I hope becomes more clear is that BLM isn't anti-law enforcement. The problem is with us, all of us, not a scant minority of racist cops. We bear responsibility as a nation for this situation, and we can go back to the "drug" war used to incarcerate blacks and hippies, and the whole broken windows, superpredators stuff that any reasonable politician has seen the error of their ways with. snip I want to make a few points here. First, when we refer to a recognized population, we should use the proper capitalized title i.e. Blacks. Second, the responsibility begins LONG before the "drug war" and the precipitous decline of the standard of living of the Black population can directly be traced back to the Great Society initiatives. If you look at unemployment rates, divorce rates, general standard of living indicators, etc. this is the time period that saw all progress being made by Blacks in America begin to be snuffed out due to irresponsible and possibly intentional activities by elected federal officials.
  6. The "Fightin' Frosties" are up 16-7 at the half on ECU. SF is definitely doing a job down at UCF! Hopefully they can hold on today.

    1. teachercd


      He is doing a great job at UCF.

  7. I'm sure loads of people were excited about Hitler and the Nazi movement too. Something not happening for 200 years doesn't make it a good thing. I think the two of us can agree that this system is effed up (it's controlled by self-serving corporations and the politicians who take their bribes) but Trump isn't the right person to fix it. Regarding the first bolded point, maybe it does, maybe it doesn't, however the Hitler/National Socialist comparisons, particularly in regard to this conversation are interesting. Many laugh when people talk about the importance of the 2nd Amendment and then make the Hitler comparison...completely missing the irony. That being said, a President Trump administration couldn't ever spiral out of control into a reich. If it attempted such a thing...well...people have guns...and would stop it. And yes, I think that both of us can agree on everything that you have stated other than the parts that I have bolded above.
  8. 1. I couldn't name anyone because I would not listen to anyone who is an "established" authority on the matter. This is the whole point of Trump. This movement is unlike anything that has happened in America in close to 200 years and we are rejecting those in establishment positions. It is possible that someone from the shadows who isn't propped up or who is saying or doing something against Trump to serve some established interest could have something of interest to say, but if they haven't identified themselves by this point, I doubt they will ever surface. 2. Anything is possible, but extremely doubtful. All in for Trump!
  9. There are so many stupid things about this one tweet. a) that's not why he was cradling the football. He was about to cross the goal line. Pretty normal. b) he was on his way to his first NFL TD and wanted to make sure. c) let's assume it had ANYTHING to do with that: well, Janovich is in his first NFL game and he's a f*ing fullback and has already run 22 yards. NFL running backs RARELY have runs that long and fullbacks almost never do, so of course he was expecting someone to catch up and for it not to really happen. (Except, again, that was not why he was cradling the football). Yeah, that is pretty silly. Should people criticize an MLB outfielder who catches a fly ball with both hands?
  10. that was a trap play. 1st one was power Well, yes and no. Yes, the 2nd TD by Schlesinger was a trap, but the first one was on an option. I should have clarified better, but I meant that the Jano TD was not a trap.
  11. Nice work Pliskova!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ZRod


      It was a joke on Friday. I know the internet sucks for understanding the tone of a post, so I'll forgive the insult.

    3. Cdog923


      Know your audience, ZRod.

    4. ZRod
  12. That run reminded be of Schlesinger against Miami in the '95 Orange Bowl. No trap blocking, but the way that everyone on defense swarmed upfield and were just dumbfounded as Jano ran right past them was akin to how Sapp looked on that second touchdown.
  13. ^^^^ "I want people to know that I don't support a lot of what is going on in the country right now, but I will continue to stand for the U.S. National Anthem as a show of respect" goes over a million times better though, doesn't it? If its all about what "goes over" better, I think the whole point is being missed. On a somewhat related note, I don't understand the relationship between protesting the perceived injustices towards Black Americans by law enforcement and wearing a shirt depicting a world leader (Castro) who has been one of the biggest violators of human rights in the Western Hemisphere over the last century. Why is Kaepernick making these associations?
  14. Woah. avoid the Noid.

  15. I would suggest that everyone should download this onto their PC https://justgetflux.com/ It blocks out the blue light based on time of day. Definitely helps to wind down in the evenings (as opposed to staring into the constant glow of the screen). That being said, if Nebraska needs these to beat Wyoming...they might have bigger problems than blue light!
  16. As much as I agree with many of HuskerShark's points, I would like to refrain from name calling and otherwise negative personal implications. I provide my observations and media content, others provide their own. No reason for people to get so worked up and to attack others. Edit: I will say, though, one of the funniest quotes I've ever read on Huskerboard a few posts up is by knapp Do I have to pay you royalties if I make it my signature?
  17. ^^^ I was referring to Hillary's health problems, but feel free to discuss what you'd like to.
  18. ^^ I'm glad that people are discussing this important matter.
  19. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3777942/Wikileaks-boss-says-Hillary-Clinton-documents-way-including-teasers-soon-week.html Should be interesting. I wonder what will be dropped this time.
  20. cool but I linked to a CNN article. Pathetic that MSM is making a big deal out of a "cough"? Both. And.....the CNN article isn't being alarmist like the Repubs are trying to be about it. It's a dumb article about the different causes of coughs. Questioning and being curious about the health of the potential leader of the Free World is pathetic. Interesting. I think the fire may need some more books.WTF man, book burning, really? This stuff is stupid to begin with. Obama's team ripped McCain for being old, and he's still kicking. Nobody really cared about Bernie's old butt. Do you honestly care about friggin a cough? My mom has had a cronich cough for years and is just fine. One of my coworkers has one from allergies too and she's fine. Who gives two sh#t! I and many other people who are concerned with the health of candidates who are expected to lead the country are concerned with the cough as it relates to what appear to be a number of different health ailments. I'm sorry that your mother has suffered from her chronic cough, but it is a bit more of a pressing issue when the person in question is running for POTUS.
  21. cool but I linked to a CNN article. Pathetic that MSM is making a big deal out of a "cough"? Both. And.....the CNN article isn't being alarmist like the Repubs are trying to be about it. It's a dumb article about the different causes of coughs. Questioning and being curious about the health of the potential leader of the Free World is pathetic. Interesting. I think the fire may need some more books.
  22. cool but I linked to a CNN article. Pathetic that MSM is making a big deal out of a "cough"?
  23. #coughinghillary http://edition.cnn.com/2016/09/06/health/cough-cold-explainer/
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