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Everything posted by TGHusker

  1. Washington Posts writer, in 2 separate articles, notes Trump's 10 major achievements and 10 major fails during his first year. Achievements https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-10-best-things-trump-has-done-in-his-first-year-in-office/2017/12/27/c79ce93c-ea7e-11e7-9f92-10a2203f6c8d_story.html?tid=a_inl&utm_term=.1256a67fbb68 10 top failures https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-10-worst-things-trump-has-done-in-his-first-year-in-office/2017/12/29/2446d9f6-eca8-11e7-b698-91d4e35920a3_story.html?utm_term=.0bcf6d698e5c
  2. I saw a picture on someone's phone that said: Devaney Osborne 4 other guys (I might prefer stating Solich after Osborne and say 3 other guys as Solich was a part of the Devaney family coaching tree along wt Osborne and Frost - even if he didn't win NC) Frost
  3. Knapp to your point I add this tidbit: Trump isn't wired to be President. This will be his downfall. As you note it takes a certain set of skills, personality, character to pull off the toughest job in the world. Either he will 'crack up' as the article below notes or he will make such a bad or series of bad decisions due to pressure that it will be obvious to all that he isn't fit - mental health wise to be in the office. I believe that if the Dems gained control of the House and/or Senate they will push for Amendment 25 Article 4 removal immediately. By that time, there may be a significant # of Repubs who may support their effort - esp with the growing public bent against Trump (as evidence by a Democratic surge in Congress). While Mueller may be building a detailed case against Trump, proving Trump's involvement and removing him will be a long, difficult strain on the country. If the Dems and others can create an argument about Trump's fitness that is clear, it may prove to be the easier, less stressful way of moving Trump out of the office. Ironically, it could also provide an 'out' for Trump himself - if he is ready to go back to being king of his empire after giving himself the Yuge tax cut, he might see 'health' issues as a saving face way of leaving. However, his Ynormous pride may very well get in the way of taking advantage of this exit opportunity. He may just decided not to run in 2020 - regardless of his statements to run again. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/03/trump-25th-amendment-mental-health-322625 I find this quote to be amazing: Kristol trying to get the VP's ear via a tweet and a former GWB official saying the NK nuke tweet that Trump made was grounds alone for removal. For 'balance' the article throws in this quote and it is important to consider - we can't remove someone for political reason under the guise of mental health. Otherwise this could become a trend fit for 3rd world countries. ” Summary article from Newsmax https://www.newsmax.com/politics/professor-mental-health-fit-to-be-president-congress/2018/01/03/id/835024/
  4. Eric Trump - Ellen Degeneres - a part of the deep state. Ok now that we got that cleared up, lets worry about the price of eggs in China or maybe BANNON'S STATEMENT OF TREASON GOING ON IN TRUMP TOWER. https://www.newsmax.com/us/eric-trump-ellen-degeneres-deep-state/2018/01/03/id/834901/
  5. If Gates is staying - I hope Frost can help him regain the potential we saw early on. He really declined under the previous staff
  6. Yes, in the several UCF games I watched this year, I saw enthusiasm on the side lines and with the coaches. Yes, winning does that, but it all starts wt a 'can do' attitude. That cultural shift of attitude will make the difference in several games. Instead of a an 'awe shucks' I thought we'd win that game attitude afterwards by the coach, we'll have a fired up coach who expects to win every game. On the sideline I saw Scott Frost as controlled passion - he wasn't red faced scary like Bo or comma induced calm like MR - but controlled, involved and like Tom he appears to be thinking 3-4 plays forward. When the team scored he didn't get overly excited like the Minnesota coach seemed to be against us but demonstrated controlled passion. Under Bo - it was an emotional roller coaster, under MR - it was flat line. Attitude adjustment + improved coaching + player development + best player plays + harder practices and conditioning = Success
  7. This is totally childish. What a small brain we have in the WH.
  8. ^^^^ Trump's response to the above "Bannon has lost his mind". https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-03/trump-says-bannon-lost-his-mind-after-leaving-white-house
  9. As Sgt Shultz would say, "This is very interesting." Bannon taking aim at his former boss and the campaign leadership and admin as a whole. If Bannon is saying the below, who knows what all Mueller has in his files. Doesn't look good for Don Jr or for Trump in the long run. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/03/donald-trump-russia-steve-bannon-michael-wolff
  10. Brother, we have been walking the same path. The sarcastic, cynical part of me believes that all of these companies giving immediate raises and bonus to their employees after the tax cut were set up by Trump/Congress to do so (or Koch Brothers) and will be getting some Christmas candy behind the scene in regulatory benefits, govt contracts, etc. While the tax cut may benefit me short term - I'm looking retirement in the face in a few years and I cringe in how they may ''pay" for this later. As a conservative, I realized the Repubs have given up any pretense of being a conservative party or have any goal of balancing the budget. The one of the biggest losers in this are the Tea Party voters who thought they were voting for limited gov't back in 2010, 14, 16 - they instead get a govt intent on spending like a drunken sailor (I was going to say democrat but I think the Dems would be more fiscally wise than this group) while selling off parts of the boat to its corp friends thinking that will pay for their spending. At this point no Tea Party voter has the right to be critical of deficits created by the past administration. They should only grieve how the republicans have deceived them into thinking that things would be different. The CBO projected higher deficits even prior to the passage of this bill - back in June https://www.cbo.gov/publication/52801 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/12/20/deficit-could-hit-1-trillion-2018-and-thats-before-full-impact-tax-cuts/969347001/ NYT addresses the deficit issue. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/11/28/us/politics/tax-bill-deficits.html
  11. Here is a good list or summary of Trump's tweets for the year - let the memories pour in: https://www.wabe.org/a-year-of-the-trump-presidency-in-tweets/
  12. @Comfortably Numb You are correct. As a Reagan supporter, I find the Iran arms deal a very discomforting episode in Reagan's term - whether it was done with his knowledge or not. The history books are filled with episodes of choosing an unsavory 'means' to accomplish a needed good. In the end, the rule of law must still abide - one has to decide if laws were broken because we don't want to live by the principle of the 'ends justifying the means' - as that can lead us into Nixon era issues (wt Trump not being far away - time will tell). Presidents are given wide ranging powers and latitude in how they conduct foreign affairs - we only ask that they abide by national and international law and represent the true interest of our country. Sometimes that means getting into bed wt some ugly bedfellows.
  13. Answer to the thread title is : NO. If you did, you'd have to go after each President for some sort of decision he has made. Often times Presidents have to make decisions that have a mix of the unsavory in the equation to accomplish what they perceived to be a 'greater good'. Nothing is ever clearly black and white. For an example, FDR forming an alliance wt Stalin who in many ways one could argue was worse than Hitler when it was all said and done. Yet FDR & Churchill needed a 'eastern front' in order to defeat Hitler. Unforeseen consequence, Stalin 'keeps' eastern Europe and murders untold millions across the Soviet Union. Saddam was a friend before he was a foe.
  14. Good headlines BRB 1. USA sends commando group into NK to destroy Nukes and take out Fat Boy. Fat Boy is found in a Dunkin Donuts shop and the Seal 6 team takes him out wt a Missile - kind of how he killed some of his relatives. For good measure, and as a person of no restraint, Trump nukes the Dunkin Donut shop afterwards. Seriously: I think we will have bombing runs over the nuke/missile sites and would not be surprised if tactical nukes are used to insure NK missile program is neutered. Also, expect Trump to go after Fat Boy and take him out. 2. Stock Market Correction just prior to the election causes a Yuge reversal in Congress. Dem's take over House and Senate and begin planning impeachment proceedings for 2019 3. UN Ambassador Hailey resigns - could not take Trump's rudeness towards women any longer, nor his incoherent foreign policy statements which under cut her at the UN. Her leaving the UN occurs under 60 days after T-Rex resigned as SOS. Trump treets that they both were losers and that he will handle foreign policy himself - appoints Ivanka as new UN Ambassador, joining Jared as SOS. 4. Seniors now join others in the cultural war. Having medicare and ss benefits slashed, Seniors march against the admin and hold a Yuge rally in DC. 5. McMullen announces he will oppose Trump in the 2020 primaries. Trump immediately calls him a loser. 6. Scott Frost leads Husker to the playoffs. Bonus: 7. Trump finds a 'reason' to fire Mueller. His 'trumped up' charges against Mueller will set off a fire storm in DC. Repubs in Congress, no longer ''needing' him for their agenda and fearing for their own reelection stand up to en-mass to voice their displeasure of Trump and vote to censor him. 8. Trump rallies his supporters to march in cities across the nation in support of his actions. Alt Right symbols show up throughout these marches and civil unrest increases 10 fold.
  15. You are beyond shameful in your blind support for Trump. Sounds like a good candidate for the brown shirts gang. I just found this discussion going on and was going to just do a as I had nothing more to add until I saw the above.
  16. First off - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I wanted to see how prophetic we all can be: What do you predict will be the 6 major headlines of 2018 (outside of natural disasters which are a bit to complex to predict)? Things to consider - Nov Elections, Trump and Mueller, Economy Up or Down, Hot topics of Immigration & Health Care, NK and other saber rattling, New inventions, technology, etc, Ongoing Sexual Harassment Headlines. Cultural challenges, Husker Sport headlines, Pro Sports etc , Entertainers and News maker headlines I'll be away from the keyboard for a while, so looking forward to seeing the ideas.
  17. Listening to Frost - He says he will play the best players regardless of age (class) or location. QB Martinez & other recruits will have the opportunity to play --- if he earns it. He says he wants to give freshman every opportunity to play. He also wants to get back to developing those walk ons as we did in the 90s. He sees the walk ons as opportunities to mine potential and develop a strong team. Both of these statements are refreshing to hear. JUCO RB Bell sounds like the real deal (and looks it after watching the video) and we may get a 2 fer - as there is a WR on that JUCO team that is also highly coveted.
  18. I am Red (GBR) wt Envy - to live so far away I can only make it to a game every now and then - think years apart. But I got good seats at the OKLA Husker Club & the temp is always fine But speaking of seats, I haven't had to buy single game tickets via finding them on line or going to the stadium to look for a 'deal' - normally just through the club. However, wt that said, I expect tickets to be scarce this year wt the Frost Warning coming, so what do you guys think is the best way to buy single game tickets without getting 'ripped off'?
  19. You are as young as you think. My wife thinks I'm still in the teenage years!
  20. Michael Gungor - we watched him 'grow up ' here in Tulsa. His early days as a musician in his dad's church and launching out on his own. Here is a good article that links Gungor to the issues we are talking about - The Essentials. https://relevantmagazine.com/current/why-are-people-so-upset-about-what-gungor-said I like this ending to the article. In the Essentials, Unity. In Non-Essentials, Liberty. And in All Things, Charity. Too often, many Christians have a tendency to vehemently attack anything that might challenge their thinking at all. I spend a lot of time teaching my freshmen students about the “essentials” and “non-essentials” of the Christian faith. What is essential? Those things directly related to our relationship with our Creator, the one in whom we “live, move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Simply put, the beliefs and understandings that directly affect our salvation are the essentials (Jesus, His divinity, His death and Resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins, our ability to be in relationship with God through His Son and Spirit and how our life should be lived as taught by the Bible etc.). The non-essentials, well, they are everything else. They are the things not directly related to our salvation (and, no, literal young earth Creationism and the flood account do not affect our salvation). I use this analogy often, as Christians we tend to act like we have a belief system that is like a bubble: It is fragile and easily popped if anything even touches any part of it. We think we have to protect our bubble. But when did the Christian faith become so fragile? It is OK to ask the tough questions, to question our beliefs to find them to be true (and if not true to find the truth God is revealing to us). Instead of a bubble, our beliefs should be like a Jenga tower that is built on a solid foundation (that of Jesus Christ and the “essentials” of the Christian faith). It should be malleable, able to be corrected, able to be taught, able to be taken apart, examined and built once more back on that foundation. Therefore we should strive for unity in the essential parts of faith, give some wiggle room in the non-essentials, and most of all, be willing to give a lot of grace for those we disagree with.
  21. BRB - agreed. She has cut across the grain. The biggest eye opening thing for me of the 2016 election and the consequential issues that followed (including the Alabama Senate race), is how religious leaders have adulterated their Christianity with republican values and dogma and loyalties. The evangelical right has sold its soul for political power - they have left the Gospel of the Cross for the gospel of political expediency, power, and influence. They have exchange Christ like values and wells that never run dry, for dry wells of political dogma (Isaiah 58:11, John 7:37-39). While the political right and the religions followers have rightfully said that the left has made 'gov't' its 'god', the right has done exactly the same thing. The evangelical church in doing so has cut the cord to historic Christianity - it has accepted Cesar and rejected the way of the Roman Colosseum, they have chosen life in the hear and now instead of eternal values regardless of the consequences in the hear and now. While the people of faith have a right and responsibility to influence & engage the public square, the public square should not be 'the winner' in which base secular values (winning!, Trumpism, moral relativism) replace Biblical values of virtue. One may debate her acceptance of Same Sex Marriage but there is no debate on loving those who participate in Same Sex Marriage. For any so call "christian"(small"c" - don't believe they were truly Christian (Christ Followers) in heart) to send her death threats because of her SSM stance, is not a judgement on her but rather the person who sent the threat. She is fulfilling the 'royal law' of love (James ch 2- good discourse on it starting wt James 1:20 - loving the widow, the orphan, works of faith, etc). One does not need to agree with someone's political views - whether it be SSM or prolife/prochoice to fulfill the law of love. It is our Christian duty to do so first and foremost. This is why I say the evangelical right in many ways has lost its soul - it has exchanged the soul of love and compassion for a soul of 'manna that does not satisfy' - political power and influence. I fear we have become the Laodicea church of Revelation ch 3 - neither hot or cold - luke warm. We have lost our first love. Revelations ch 3:14 -16 To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Originator of God’s creation. 15I know your deeds; you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were one or the other. 16So because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of My mouth!… Time for the evengelical church to return to God. This is the way: Micah 6:8 : He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?
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