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Everything posted by Husker03

  1. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/more-sports/six-kentucky-football-players-charged-with-burglary-one-with-wanton-endangerment/ar-AANvXKK?li=BBnb7Kz It sure can’t help their chances at success this year.
  2. Especially since Scott is our guy.. Even all of his blemishes and mistakes, they are all so Nebraska. He may be an arrogant prick, but the things people get upset with him over are all based in the culture of the area. Basically, he acts like any of us small town lifelong Nebraskans would if we were suddenly thrust under a microscope. He has gotten MUCH better over the past 3 years in the way he carries himself publicly. When the wins start coming, we can quit with all of this nitpicking about being too confident here or moving a practice to Pius there. Jesus, the guy wants to work hard and win games, fine by me if that is what drives him.
  3. They sold half of that to the guy in front of me.
  4. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast for sure. Just saying if that was going to be the norm at football games, no way I would want to partake in that 8 times/year, I'd be much more apt to just watch at home. I've had season tickets for 8 years now since I grew up enough to be able to afford them and don't plan to let them go. I know it was a concert and so the atmosphere different, and I didn't hate it for what it was at all. Again, had a blast, borderline life changing for me in our current Covid world. I've been to NFL games as well which end up similarly. I have no problem taking the kids to an NFL game every now and again, but for sure, much prefer the 'family' atmosphere in Memorial. I know there are people in all phases of life, but for me, beer sales would likely end my desire to go very often at all.
  5. I was at the Garth concert and it made me go from very pro beer-sales-at-Memorial to very much the opposite. It was a much "drunker" experience than games. People were far more rude and loud and silly and, truly, there is no space for all of the cans in the isles, you end up standing on trash by the end no matter where you stand. After spending the better part of 20 years hoping that we change to beer sales, I am off the wagon like an old geezer. Get drunk before you come like the good old days and sober up by the 4th, keep the smell and the beer and the stumbling out imo.
  6. How does Heisman finalist strike you?
  7. Won't be an issue thanks to the sellout streak.. But for serious.. People want to pretend that things like that don't matter and are silly, but its the fanbase and the high level of program support across the country that keeps NU in the conversation. The brand still generates plenty of money for the major "leagues" to want a bite.
  8. Fine imo. From where the program stands right now, I don't think you take any chances. Critical to get some game experience where you can, critical to get bowl practices where you can, critical to get revenue back into Lincoln. Pride is no reason to not take opportunities when they present themselves imo. We've spent the last 20 years swallowing ours, I can't believe there would be much left that could get in the way of trying to move forward.
  9. Again, I am not sure. I am just saying that you can't look at some empty seats and say that is indicative that it is propped up. The vast majority of the tickets are still being purchased by mom and pop fans. The attendance numbers in the stadium are a still north of 80K even at Fordham games. No, the program is not at the shining star standing-room-only level it was in 1997, but, the people of this state are legitimately still paying to support it with their hard earned Nebraska dollars, and I guess I don't see the point in trying to nitpick that.
  10. Not necessarily true at all.. Yes, there have been games with poor attendance for sure but up until this year the U only sold entire season or bust.. I've had tickets to a few games that I haven't made it to here and there, so while our seats will show up as empty for that game, those tickets were in fact sold and legitimately count into that total. Now, you bet if I could buy only the games I wanted I would do so in a heartbeat, but the same is true at every venue in America for NCAA sports.
  11. Make fun of me any more and I'll show you!
  12. Cam winning the Remington as a Jr would be about the sweetest damn thing to happen to NU football since 1995.
  13. If Frost and Adrian are truly who we thought they were back in 2018, we will be fine. 8 wins out there for the taking for a good, not great team with upperclassman leadership on both sides of the ball. If not, doesn't much matter anyway.. Either the light is at the end of the tunnel this year or we find out we are truly in the dredge.
  14. Tell you what, I think that more and more moving forward this is all moot. People are being conditioned to not want to go out and do things as much anyway. Door dash, Amazon, remote work on the increase, etc, we are becoming a society of homebodies. I think all events are going to struggle more and more moving forward as more people who have gotten used to rarely having to go out to get things they want/need become a larger and larger portion of the population in general.
  15. The excuses we hear about difficultly recruiting 85 of the most talented players in the nation to the middle of the country USA are legitimate for sure. Fred only has to convince 1/5 of those numbers and, if he's bringing in the right ones, they are only planning on being here for a year or two anyway before they cash into the NBA, so its not as big of a deterrent as it is for football where 3-5 is the norm for most. That said, if Frost starts churning out 1st second round pics right and left, all of the sudden those cornfields don't look so lame to the hot shots. So.. In general, same rules apply. It's just that Frost appears to be a snake oil salesman to the kids at this point. Billy C, with his NFL hype, was able to pull good classes as well, just didn't know how to turn them into wins. Frost is doing it the best way he can and he will get there, but we have to wait for him to earn his shine, brutally enough. Fred earned his everywhere else he coached. Saban comes here tomorrow and I promise we are not limited by 500 mile radius bs nor "nothing to do there," conversations. The 5stars would come in droves.. Frost is no Saban.
  16. Great season takes a small shot and makes it a slightly less small shot as well..
  17. Jesus Frost hands down. Really, need to still consider when we win a Natty even if it takes 10 years.
  18. I'll tell you what I do know. If Trev, Bolt, Hoiberg and Frost end up being the right guys for the job, we are set up well for a long, long time. It's a big if, but F'n A, it would be so nice..
  19. Fact of the matter is, it's do or die for the program right now. No other coach on earth could have this team weather the downward trajectory of the past 15 years and still have a sell out streak outside of Frost. Hell, I think the only reason I still follow like I do is because of Frost. So, I've said it 100 times. I HOPE LIKE HELL he is the answer because if not and if not soon.. Eternal toilet.
  20. Well, Hoiberg farther ahead for sure, but much easier turning a ship of 12 players around as opposed to one of 145. Also, much easier for younger players to contribute in basketball. This entire thread will be moot 5 months. We are going to win a lot more than people think this season. Adrian is the horse we thought he was, he just needs to quit having to run in sand.
  21. The Big10 is not stacked against Nebraska.. It is a pretty good fit on many levels. We haven't been meeting anybody's expectations on the football field for years. That's on us. A poor football program is a poor football program no matter what conference it is in.
  22. It's obviously full of dumbasses.
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