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Everything posted by Husker03

  1. I hope above hope that was his issue this year and he comes back as the all-star QB we thought it would be this season. Absolutely nothing bad that could come from high level of play from the QB spot next season.
  2. I sure wouldn't think so. They shut them down as quickly as they possibly could have based on the Aug 25th allegation. No way they knew about the 2018 stuff and just turned backs. If they did, then they deserve all of the ugly that comes forth.
  3. If it's a third player Scott better triple down on the education and culture associated with this kind of thing. Not saying this is his fault at all, but if its permeated to the degree that several players are involved in this kind of thing then it is time to do hard core character/respect introspection.
  4. The Brawley accused committed suicide before he was accused, so it had nothing to do that that. I'd welcome ANY case citation of a falsely accused over the past 10 years that ended up in jail. I am not saying it has never happened, I am just saying it has to be so very rare it is negligible.
  5. Tawana Brawley's accused were never locked up at all and did end up getting defamation settlements so, while the entire thing was a horrible mess, it ended as it should, with false accusers getting punished with ruined lives. Very few wrongly accused get convicted, let alone murdered in prison so that is a significant overreach. Again, 100% of the sexually assaulted are ruined for life to varying degrees. Very few false accusations happen, and of those, a scant few are convicted and of those, a scant scant few end up dead. If we are going to use stats and numbers to keep people protected, we need to error on the side of believing victims.
  6. Sounds like you should think about just blocking yourself from the entire forum as that list pretty much sums up this board in its entirety.
  7. Whether or not the Hodge decommit is going to destroy the program or not, obviously.
  8. That is the exact problem with these situations though, facts are difficult to corroborate due to the private nature of this particular type of crime. Hell, you can have 2 bikers ride up and see a man raping an unconscious girl in a gutter it is STILL hell for the victim to prove she was raped. In your world, 90% of the victims of a he said/she said issue are not victims at all because they were not on film the entire time and a rape kit wasn't done the instant the guy rolled off. Your friend may have been wrongly accused, but if so the worst thing that happens to him is that he is sad and resentful. For the 2% of the time that happens, it is truly unfortunate, but for the 98% of the victims that are truly raped, it ruins their entire lives, trust in relationships, feeling safe in the world, etc. Devastating. So if we choose to error one direction or the other on what to take seriously in these cases, I would tend to think hard before believing 2 men, who's stories themselves differ, that took turns with a woman who expressly told them prior to arrival that she was not interested in that and also immediately afterward reported to the police, that the University itself spent 4 months investigating and ruled on as well. his isn't a Sunday morning regret scenario at all. This is ugly.
  9. I wonder if some of the fear here is based on previous staff recruiting where they would come in and commit right away and then decommit later in the process. If there is one trend I do see going well with Frosts recruiting is that he does not push for lip service commits. Seems like prior staffs would have 50% commit rate followed by a 50% decommit rate where as Frosts trends towards 25% commit rate followed by a 5% decommit rate. Neither approach is perfect but at least once the commit comes it sticks for the most part these days and we have had a bit better luck on hat day/signing day as well with this approach. I don't know, I'm just digging for sunshine wherever I can.
  10. Probably questioning why you are placing blame on the victim by saying her intentions where sketchy.
  11. I'm throwing up just reading this argument.
  12. Right.. I am just saying if we are in the 2021 season and trying to justify a 4-8 season based on a "tough schedule," then we will have officially not made even close to the progress we need to have made. At some point we need to close the gap and escalate enough and be able to have good seasons no matter the schedule if we want to be justified in considering ourselves a solid program again. If we can't get there, then I guess we continue to wallow in sadness or jump into dredges, but "tough schedule," arguments won't make it any better.
  13. I get it but at some point we are going to need to be reliant on actually improving and being a good team more than being hopeful that our schedule is easy. I understand we are a long way from being a good team, but by year 4 if we are still pinning our hopes for success on an "easy schedule," and writing off hope because we do not have such a schedule, then the reality is we will still just be stuck as fans of a bad team.
  14. Good luck to them both. No school is going to touch that mess.
  15. Also, so many are so quick to absolve some stupid decisions players make using the idea that they are 18-21 and lack solid adult judgement at that age but want to act like women of the same age demographic are sage and should have all of life's experiences and wisdom tucked under their hats. Women at 18 are just as inexperienced at adult life as men. It's actually surprising any of us make it out alive.
  16. There is no rationale that justifies any "donation," cost and there hasn't been for years. The donation has to at least partially be based in the altruistic concept of donating to help the University and the students. If that is the motivation behind the donation, then you are still just eating the face value of tickets when you don't go.
  17. Love me some JD. Kid is a warrior and if the rest of our team played with his heart we'd be competing for B10 West already. That said, the staff didn't waste him this year. He ran routes on the majority of the snaps we had, he just isn't a stand alone threat. He's a great possession receiver but he can't get his own reliably enough w/o somebody else to take the heat off of him. There's a reason we were even able to "forget" about him and "focus" on Wandale and it's mostly because Wandale is able to reliably get open. JD needs to do what is best for him but I really think what is best for him is a couple of other WR to step up next year and better QB play, stick around and star in the role he had when SM was here to draw defenders. Grass isn't always greener, don't go chasing waterfalls, and all that jazz.
  18. Tommie couldn't hack it as a coach at Doane so not sure his opinion on it all carries much more weight than mine.
  19. People keep saying things like this and it just is really far from actuality. First of all, the tickets are sold 5 months before the season opens. I can tell you as one of the poorest/newest season ticket holders around, when I get my chance to select tickets at the very end of the window, there are scant few available still. This has not changed a bit over the past 3 years. It is the same in basketball, btw. Nebraskan's buy these damn tickets still. Now, they may have to reduce the donations at some point, and even that is a HUGE maybe, but as sure as I sit here today, we could lose every game for the next 5 years and the U would find a way to move all the tickets with ease. Secondly. There were NOT a bunch of empty seats yesterday. Attendance was again 89.6K which is a full stadium. Were some people hanging out in warmer areas and were some students missing? Yep.. But saying that fans didn't show up to the tune of almost 90k is wrong, and that is for a 5-6 team in a sleet fest on a holiday weekend.
  20. Hopefully he's a Randy Gregory that finally found football last year.
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