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Everything posted by Nebfanatic

  1. Thats your opinion on that matter, but I personally have experimented with prayer and found very intriuging results that a milk jug could not produce. Also the spectrum of answers is far far far beyond that. If you are asking 'in which direction should I go, Lord?' That is not a yes or no question.
  2. Staff did ask Bell to try and outrun guys rather than cut them up so maybe they aren't as concerned about it in this system as others may be.
  3. Prayer is essential to getting things done. I would say any worthwhile accomplishment is achieved in part through prayer whether that is concious or not. I truly believe all great discoveries come from a direct line of communication between God and man. If you ask, God reveals what you ask for in time every time.
  4. Seems pretty obvious. Don't think McCaffery is our top QB on the board. Playing it like we did with Tago except this time he should end up with us.
  5. I think you misunderstand what he means by that. I don't take it as "your newspaper knows whats right" about an issue more as your newspaper won't try and influence you one way or another.
  6. We cannot stray from the document. Stop border control now! Because immigration was wide open and legal until the 20th century. Conservatives confuse me sometimes. Isn't the whole idea to preserve the ideals of the constitution?
  7. I doubt 'most' of the psycological community is in agreement with you. Anyone even making conclusions on this subject can't be too sure given the research available. That said I would defer to the people going through these experience their whole over your biased 5 minute research project.
  8. Wow....I'd like to know how much knowledge you really have on the subject because you are coming off as ignorant
  9. The kids are the future. All of the babyboomers and older generation can fight tooth and nail for gun rights bit the truth is in 50 years the laws surrounding guns will chamge because the younger generation wants it. When you look around the world at other first world countries that don't have to deal with a gun culture problem its easy to see why the public majority wants some form of gun control and specifically the kids are fighting so hard for it. Gun control can make a difference.
  10. And if we are gonna talk hypocricy, how about those republicans and their Christian moral high ground they live on!
  11. I wouldn't say RD is a liberal. Liberals aren't tolerant to hate or people who aren't tolerant or are problematic. How can someone be tolerant of the LGBTQAI community and also be tolerant of Westboro baptist church? How can someone be tolerant of a racist yet claim they support the minority communities. Those are direct contradictions, so your idea of tolerance is a bit funny. Someone can't be tolerant of literally everything or they wouldn't have a view to begin with
  12. Again, blame Regan and Mass incarceration for that, not the liberals. Black fathers weren't walking out, they were taken away forcefully after the government flooded the streets with crack, but facts are often inconvinient for conservatives. Isn't it fun how 2 can play this game?
  13. The war on drugs really did destabilize minority communities. Mission accomplished right? https://www.vox.com/2016/3/22/11278760/war-on-drugs-racism-nixon
  14. Cryptocurrencies are not a joke and they are the future to some extent so its likely people will have to get comfortable with it. There are many reasons to spend anonymously, the main being to keep your spending habits out of the hands of corperations who are looking for more and more ways to target you specifically with advertising. Some people don't really like that at all.
  15. Ultimately I do understand law enforcement have a tough job on a daily basis and most in law enforcement are trying to do the right things. That said, fatal shootings by police is a problem in my view. With other first world countries fatal interactions with law enforcement usually happen at a rate of less than 50 a year. We have thousands of deaths a year. I don't necissarily blame the police, but there has to be a way we can kill less people and get them in to go through the process. If the process from there is fair or not is another discussion, but lets at least do everything we can to give people a chance to be judged by a jury of their peers and sentenced accordingly. Stories like the one you linked are tough to read.
  16. Like I said, the hype around bitcoin being an exciting investment opportunity is too late. If you were getting in it last year, yea its not really worth it. But for people who invested say $10,000 before bitcoin hit a dollar, those people are doing just fine.
  17. The draw is the money can be anonomys and can be transferred anywhere around the world for a fraction of the cost of any other method. Its very useful in alot of applications and made many a people millions of dollars for those who got in at the ground floor mining bitcoin or investing when prices were a dollar per bitcoin. Edit: the recent intrigue really involves the volitile prices and people viewing bitcoin as an exciting investment opportunity, though that time has really long passed.
  18. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/nyregion/police-shooting-brooklyn-crown-heights.html Not sure where this goes but I am so tired of seeing this. It just stems from americas gun culture. People like to blame mental health as the issue yet this is how people with mental illness are treated. An eyewitness says the police fired shots without any verbal warning and 4 of 5 officers fired 10 rounds. Is this really neccessary?? Doesn't so many bullets put civilians at risk? Why are police dealing with things in this manner? Gun control needs to happen, but what we need is to control the gun culture. This shoot now ask questions later approach by the police is getting very frustrating. Edit: to be fair the victim of this shooting was acting in an eratic manner, but I still strongly disagree that he deserved a death sentence with police acting as judge and jury.
  19. Michigan will be very tough imo. Year 4 Stanford exploded, if Michigan can get it together on offense they could do the same.
  20. Yep I think Frost has other QBs higher on the board
  21. Great clip of Williams. He is lightning off the LOS!
  22. He'd have to grab some 2 pointers
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