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Everything posted by Nebfanatic

  1. Really hope he comes on down. Huge upgrade over Read
  2. Jim Tressell was never ever going to take the coaching job here. We could have tried Tom Herman but I still don't know if he comes here either. Maybe, but again he was just like Frost. No head coaching experience.
  3. This is awesome, love the hire. Is Tavita Thompson still becoming an assistant? whenever that 10th spot becomes available I'm guessing?
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2xv4fba65U What this argument sounds like. People who don't like the kneeling won't like any form of protest. Would much rather have African Americans sit down and shut up because apparently there is no oppression
  5. A pared down pro style playbook is not going to work over the course of the season. We will see better results with a full playbook and players that have more chemistry with OCDL. Not to mention offensive line play should improve. If the offense doesn't get better next year or somehow regresses though that is grounds for termination when it comes to Langs
  6. We will continue to run the ball more than we pass it about 55 to 45. That's what this staff wants to do and to say otherwise is a misguided opinion. It is what they have done in the past when they have had some semblance of running game to rely on and it's what they want to do. This staff knows it's important to run the ball and they believe in a balanced philosophy
  7. The play book has already been pared down for Tommy this year. Yiu want to pare it down more so he won't take deep shots? No that is asinine, also the deep throws especially against Iowa were open and Tommy missed them. That isn't bad play calling. Looking for every reason to blame Langs it's lame. You could argue it's on the player and the coach, but if Langs needs to coddle Tommy that much with playcalling, the player has a problem
  8. This thread was started with an irrational assumption POB should have started over Tommy so I don't think you want to tie yourself to OP
  9. right now it seems any big name DC would be downgrading to come here. I mean who is out there that would realistically want to come here right now? And with the salary Langs and Riley are paid right now we aren't going to spend a million dollars on a coordinator. If we do that we have to pay Riley more at least. Maybe in a few years we will have a more complete defensive roster and have made a decision to pay coaches more money. And either way promoting Bray would be easier than hiring someone now or later, which is the point I was trying to make. If we have a guy who will be a talented DC why don't we make him our DC instead of letting him leave to do that for someone else. Again this is assuming a slow promotion of Bray to DC would be an upgrade over Banker Well...I don't know the questions in your post because I'm not in the profession. However, if you are expecting to drag a proven DC away from a top 10 team...well....no...they aren't coming here.But, there seems to be always bright new coaches coaching at either Div 2 or non power 5 places that would jump at a promotion to a place like Nebraska. Again...I can't name them because I don't have a career in evaluating and paying attention to who is the up and coming bright coaches. fair enough, I'll take the L
  10. He does have that right to protest, just like everyone has the right to call him out on it if they don't like the way he is protesting. Sorry but his right to protest doesn't trump anyone's right of free speech.Wise men and fools have the right to free speech. Both should not be respected equally.I agree. His foolish disrespect of our national anthem is his right on his own time. But he should never had been allowed to embarrass and offend the university and state while wearing a Nebraska uniform. Good riddance. except the University wasn't embarrassed or offended, they supported him. Looks like you are the one offended.What does the left say, if one person is offended by what he did it IS offensive. Many were offended by the blatant disrespect he showed. see now yout are moving the goal posts. You probably don't even believe in that statement you want to just use it for your argument. You said he embarrassed and offended the University, which is a false statement. The University supported his actions as did his team and coach who OKed the action before it even happened. So to say he was being blatantly disrespectful is also false. He told his team about it told his coach about it and communicated what he was doing and why. He gave us that same communication in the press conference that followed. That is respect. Respect isn't doing things others want you to do, it is going about the things you want to do in a way that is thoughtful of others, which I belive he did.
  11. Nah, Riley is a better coach and almost certainly a better person. But the segment of fans blaming players are eerily similar. I think there is a difference between player blaming and seeing a players limitations
  12. Man Callahan just really left Bo alot to deal with didn't he?
  13. I get the feeling CM wants to tie Riley to Callahan because he thinks they are the same person
  14. right now it seems any big name DC would be downgrading to come here. I mean who is out there that would realistically want to come here right now? And with the salary Langs and Riley are paid right now we aren't going to spend a million dollars on a coordinator. If we do that we have to pay Riley more at least. Maybe in a few years we will have a more complete defensive roster and have made a decision to pay coaches more money. And either way promoting Bray would be easier than hiring someone now or later, which is the point I was trying to make. If we have a guy who will be a talented DC why don't we make him our DC instead of letting him leave to do that for someone else. Again this is assuming a slow promotion of Bray to DC would be an upgrade over Banker
  15. clock is ticking? Urgent desperate times? College football will be played for another 100 years, I think we have some time. And in that 100 years what if we don't win a single game? What will happen? What are you going to do about it? Fire another coach after a year or two and start over? Throw a check at the big name that will do it. Realistically, building a dominate program can take time. It took Tom Osborne 15 years. Maybe we should just be happy with where we are and support our team going forward and trust that maybe stability will get us somewhere worth going. Also, it's not that important to say we are in desperate times, come on man people are ok with this because A) there is nothing we can do about it and B) at the end of the day it's just a game and most of us spend 85% of our time on other things. I think what the OP meant is do we want settle and be the Chicago Cubs of NCAA football? I was in my 20s the last time we were relevant... I am now staring at 50. That's urgent... I'd like to see the Huskers return to national prominence before I die. Is that not a desperate situation? Well I don't know what kind of health you are in, but I would say no. In college football there is no such thing as the Chicago Cubs of the sport. Too many teams and the recruiting game make it absolutely impossible for some teams make it to the top. Others very difficult. I would put us slightly above that group but I can think of 20 schools minimum it would be way easier to win a title at. That's not saying we can't, we can but at some point we have to realize it may be awhile. Next year we will be 20 years removed from a title. In that time 10 teams have won titles. I could go back further and find that only a handful of schools actually win championships. In this era? It will be even less. Point being this is how the sport goes. It's important to enjoy your team for what they are doing. And honestly with everything considered we are doing pretty well. Go back and look at the 23 years between titles for NU last time. If you compare that to our current 19 year drought, they aren't all that different when you take into consideration playing in the Big 8 with no title game is a little easier than the Big 12 likely was and the Big 10 as well. Yes TOs run was better prior to winning titles than we have had since 97, but 3 coaching changes can do that to you. If we would have stuck with Solich it would be much easier to compare because it would have been nearly identical to the switch from Devaney to TO and I think that consistency in coaching really helped TO be good for such a long time then reach the pinnacle. He knew what almost worked for the Huskers. He saw what needed to be done to really win because he had not quite made it for so long. The failures created the success at the highest level. We need to let a coach fail without showing him the door so quickly because I believe that it is important to learn from those failures. In the end it isn't an desperate situation for multiple reason. 1 Unfortunately the landscape of college football makes it hard for us to be great. 2 We had a longer streak without a title than we are currently on. Please don't bring up conference titles, if we played in the Big 8 the last 19 years we probably would have won a few. 3 it's just a game and no matter what happens, if we return to relevance or not, im sure on your death bed it will not be important to you. I know it won't be for me. I get that we don't want to settle for mediocrity, I don't want to settle for mediocrity, but in all reality we aren't mediocre we are above average. There is a difference and being above average puts us close to that greatness. Close enough everyone is frustrated when we don't get there. It's understandable, but patience is needed. Some people don't have any left and for those people it may seem like dire times now. I can't imagine what they would be saying if we weren't going bowling for the second straight year like Texas. Now if that happened then I might agree with you
  16. I agree here. LSU may not light us up but they very well could. They may not win like Alabama but they have that kind of talent all over the place. Florida can't put enough points on the board to light us up.
  17. Fozzie bear might start day one. Can you imagine Gates and Sarell being our bookends? Yikes. if that were to happen I like this teams prospects on offense the next 2 years and even beyond. Have alot of young studs(hopefully) waiting in the wings it seems
  18. yep Tommy needs to execute but maybe give him plays he executes better? That can be really hard to do if you are accustomed to a certain way if doing things and it can definitely handcuff the offense the the rail of a sinking ship, as we saw athe times this year. This will be offensive, so im not gonna say "no offense", but it's the brutal honest truth. This is what the folks say who arent as football smart as others. And not necessarily pertaining to you. Just a generalization as we see this all the time. "Run tommy 30 times. Give him stuff he can handle". It's not as simple as "give him stuff he can execute better". This is the result of not being well rounded ENOUGH. When a defense can plan and play against you and know youre pretty much one dimensional, it's really hard. yeah, we could do things he's more comfortable with more often, but if those things are being keyed on to the point of very little success, whats the sweet spot that an OC can find? Do you keep ramming the square peg into the round hole? Or do you try the round peg that simply doesnt fit in the round hole? doesn't hurt my feelings, I agree with you. In fact that's exactly what I was saying. If your QB can't execute a bunch of plays in your playbook it is going to make you very uncomfortable as a play caller and also it makes what you do very basic and easy to stop. That's why the first sentence was a question followed by an explanation that what people want Langs to do not only is difficult for Langs but makes the offense anemic Jesus. I see it now. LOL. yea I kinda used poor wording the first time around, my bad lol
  19. on that we can agree! Honestly I think Michigan may be an even better representative than OSU even though OSU pulled it out Saturday. The BIG is sure making it hard on the committee this year. Every other conference made it easy for em! Edit: Excuse me, Michigan would not be a better representative. They looked better vs OSU if it weren't for some turnovers, but for a second that loss to Iowa slipped my mind
  20. No. His defensive scheme last year was an abomination. This year's is significantly better but still nothing great. We've benefited from playing a lot of terrible offenses. The only two good offenses we've played this year we had trouble stopping (Oregon, without their best offensive player for most of the game) or literally couldn't stop at all (Ohio St.). So I'm not a Banker fan. Although the reason I bring that up - and why it's in this thread - is because I think Bray is going to start getting calls and we may have to find a way to get him a promotion to keep him. Probably not this year but it's not going to be long. And I think losing him would be bad - worth shipping Banker out to keep him. ^ said this when we first hired him, Bray's a future DC and probably head coach. Not sure firing banker is the answer yet, but I am full for the idea of promoting Bray to co defensive coordinator and handing him more responsibility. you guys are being reasonable. We can't just fire Banker. But if we have a solid plan of upgrading at DC, we can fire Banker. Right now Bray seems like the only realistic solution to upgrading at DC. Obviously not right now but a transition of power over the next year or two if Bray is performing well would be awesome. And we don't even have to ship Banker out, we could just promote Tavita Thompson as a paid TE coach and move Banker to our sexy new open position, ST coordinator lol I think people are getting way ahead of themselves as crowning Bray as the next great DC. Just because you are coaching one position group well, doesn't mean you make a great coordinator. Is it possible he is great?? Sure.... But, IF we are going to fire Banker, wouldn't we want someone who has proven to be a good DC? Or, is the fan base going to be OK with letting someone learn on the job? I'm saying we can't upgrade our DC outside of the program this year really. It would be tough to get somebody over here. In a few years that might be different but if Bray is good and performs well in a scenario where he is given increased responsibility over the next few years(performing well being key there) that would be a much easier path to upgrading our DC than trying to hire someone from outside the program
  21. yep Tommy needs to execute but maybe give him plays he executes better? That can be really hard to do if you are accustomed to a certain way if doing things and it can definitely handcuff the offense the the rail of a sinking ship, as we saw athe times this year. This will be offensive, so im not gonna say "no offense", but it's the brutal honest truth. This is what the folks say who arent as football smart as others. And not necessarily pertaining to you. Just a generalization as we see this all the time. "Run tommy 30 times. Give him stuff he can handle". It's not as simple as "give him stuff he can execute better". This is the result of not being well rounded ENOUGH. When a defense can plan and play against you and know youre pretty much one dimensional, it's really hard. yeah, we could do things he's more comfortable with more often, but if those things are being keyed on to the point of very little success, whats the sweet spot that an OC can find? Do you keep ramming the square peg into the round hole? Or do you try the round peg that simply doesnt fit in the round hole? doesn't hurt my feelings, I agree with you. In fact that's exactly what I was saying. If your QB can't execute a bunch of plays in your playbook it is going to make you very uncomfortable as a play caller and also it makes what you do very basic and easy to stop. That's why the first sentence was a question followed by an explanation that what people want Langs to do not only is difficult for Langs but makes the offense anemic
  22. It's because their are none out there. I heard if you don't start as a freshman QB they put you on mascot duty. POB has been in the Herbie Husker costume all year
  23. No. His defensive scheme last year was an abomination. This year's is significantly better but still nothing great. We've benefited from playing a lot of terrible offenses. The only two good offenses we've played this year we had trouble stopping (Oregon, without their best offensive player for most of the game) or literally couldn't stop at all (Ohio St.). So I'm not a Banker fan. Although the reason I bring that up - and why it's in this thread - is because I think Bray is going to start getting calls and we may have to find a way to get him a promotion to keep him. Probably not this year but it's not going to be long. And I think losing him would be bad - worth shipping Banker out to keep him. ^ said this when we first hired him, Bray's a future DC and probably head coach. Not sure firing banker is the answer yet, but I am full for the idea of promoting Bray to co defensive coordinator and handing him more responsibility. you guys are being reasonable. We can't just fire Banker. But if we have a solid plan of upgrading at DC, we can fire Banker. Right now Bray seems like the only realistic solution to upgrading at DC. Obviously not right now but a transition of power over the next year or two if Bray is performing well would be awesome. And we don't even have to ship Banker out, we could just promote Tavita Thompson as a paid TE coach and move Banker to our sexy new open position, ST coordinator lol
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