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Everything posted by BaytownHusker

  2. I can agree the QR rushing numbers wont be there,. but i find it hard pressed to say our un game wont be as good if not improved by a potentially explosive passing attack. But now if the passing is terrible then yeah run game probably takes a hit. But i for one am kind of excited to see DR running a offense the whole game with our #1s. I think game 2-3 him and the wr's go off. Ok I'm out of Kool aide.
  3. Still do not think he is better then what we have now.
  4. And word on the Wr that went down on the Sideline? And If i never See IGC on the field i am fine with it. Bullock would be nice but i don't think he is going to have the juice to get a lot of time unless the others are making mistakes.
  5. Agreed, Also the 2 point conversion play. I think DR will make alot of things look easy but will also make some of those head scratching mistake that freshman make. The INT he through was 10% his fault. Hit the wr in his hands and went right through them. Yeah he was a little behind but Could have easily ben caught.
  6. Some one ban this guy lol. I think HH and DK see the bigger picture. DR was the starter all along. If he has a Good fresh year and a Great Soph year he is gone. HH at the 2 and DK redshirting is what we need. Heres to hoping we bring in some more Ballers at Qb as well though.
  7. He may Still need to learn the defense but if he can Cover and tackle better then the others the Learning defense calls will come. Give me a 6'3 Corner who can cover all day long.
  8. She fits in well with this generation. Everyone may hate her but she is a hell of a baller. If she was playing for NU it would be ok lol.
  9. No way i play for OT with the Way Iowa was closing it out. The play or what ever that was drawn up to finish the 4th was terrible.
  10. Softball is gonna have the Jordy Bahl buzz going. Baseball could be big. Trev should make it to where the Spring game attendee's can get into baseball and softball games free lol.
  11. Its all setting up perfectly. Thomas's led White offense vs Sats red led offense in the spring game. Best performance takes lead lol. Lets go!!!
  12. Welp.... Washington will be the old Washington next year. If DR can just complete some deep balls it will open the offense up some. We are going to run the ball regardless but i think we have added more then enough to be able to stretch the field.
  13. I know its the koolaid but damn does anyone else think this defense year 2 is going to be Nasty!!!!
  14. Yess Fields. I can see him being a year 3 kid. If he can grasp it and build some strength and keep his speed dude would be a beast in this defense.
  15. As much as i would love this. It aint happening. Can Promise you that. lol
  16. What happen to the kid from Oklahoma in the 23 class? I for sure thought he would be fun flying around at LB in this defense.
  17. He still can! Until these kids are signed and on campus i believe nothing!!!! Blame the calabass crew for that!!!
  18. Im not disagreeing with you at all. s#!t we prob win 9 games with Card or Mordecai at Qb. Both were way more serviceable passing then what we had.
  19. I mean to be fair had we had a Good to elite QB on roster this year we would possibly been a 9-10 win team. lol But yes I get what your says. I wish it worked that way.
  20. Disagree. The only team that has handled us was Michigan. Colorado was doing nothing until our offense decided to keep giving the ball right back. This defense has been the life of this team and has only really been suspect when they have been throw back on the field the whole second half. Imagine a this defense if our offense dominated TOP week in and week out.
  21. S Carolina fans say otherwise too lol
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